Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The Leviathan's heart has stopped beating, but its mind lives on despite being trapped in a case. As long as the lid is closed, its mind is simultaneously both alive and dead, driving the engine of destruction.

"Doomsday Beast, a blight made in the Warforge using what's left of a Leviathan and the weeping bones of thousands of the dead. It longs for the destruction of the universe and itself."

Destroyer's Final Road is a 4-star Trace Material.

Trace Usage[]

14 Characters use Destroyer's Final Road for their Traces:

LightningArlan Arlan
FireAsta Asta
WindDan Heng Dan Heng
IceHerta Herta
FireHimeko Himeko
LightningJing Yuan Jing Yuan
IceMarch 7th (Preservation) March 7th (Preservation)
ImaginaryMarch 7th (The Hunt) March 7th (The Hunt)
QuantumSilver Wolf Silver Wolf
LightningTingyun Tingyun
Trailblazer Trailblazer
Trailblazer Trailblazer
ImaginaryWelt Welt
ImaginaryYukong Yukong

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDestroyer's Final Road
Korean파멸자의 말로
SpanishSenda final del destructor
FrenchRoute finale du destructeur
RussianПоследний путь разрушителя
ThaiDestroyer's Final Road
VietnameseSự Kết Thúc Của Kẻ Hủy Diệt
GermanEnde des Zerstörers
IndonesianDestroyer's Final Road
PortugueseRota Final do Destruidor

Change History[]

