Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

It traversed the widning paths amidst legions of soldiers, pierced through the weakest point of the stoutest helmets, and finally came to rest at the center of the skull of the invincible tyrant, emitting a whisper-like sigh. Its arrival came like a fatal coincidence. Its arrival was akin to an endpoint that all were fated to meet.

"Sometimes, the bullet hole precedes the trajectory."[1]

Destined Expiration is a 3-star Trace Material and Light Cone Ascension Material.

Sold By[]

Embers ExchangeUndying Embers×1830MonthlyUnlocks at Trailblaze Level 30

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Destined Expiration for ascension.

3 Light Cones use Destined Expiration for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

4 Characters use Destined Expiration for their Traces:

PhysicalBoothill Boothill
WindFeixiao Feixiao
ImaginaryMarch 7th (The Hunt) March 7th (The Hunt)
LightningMoze Moze

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDestined Expiration
Korean숙명적인 사인
SpanishDeceso predestinado
FrenchExtinction destinée
RussianСудьбоносная смерть
ThaiDestined Expiration
VietnameseChết Do Số Trời
GermanSchicksalhafte Todesursache
IndonesianDestined Expiration
PortugueseExpiração do Destino

Change History[]


  1. Honkai: Star Rail (April 26, 2024). Version 2.2 "Then Wake to Weep" Special Program. YouTube. Retrieved April 26, 2024.

