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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The chosen who have received the Abundance's blessings. They revel in the joy brought about by their undying bodies and praise Yaoshi for their kindness and grace.

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The Denizens of Abundance, also known as the Abominations of Abundance, is a major faction consisting of several long-life species following the Aeon Yaoshi, having been blessed with immortality through the path of Abundance.


"One flower blooms, while thousands more wrinkle. Bones tell no tales, to Abundance most fickle."

— Worlds History as a Mirror, Xianzhou

The Denizens of Abundance create poetry and art in the name of their beloved god, spreading the love and kindness of Yaoshi throughout the universe. In the worlds blessed by Yaoshi, the water never runs dry and creatures are free from the cruel binds of time. Life is free to bloom as it sees fit. In the worlds blessed by Yaoshi, age is but a number, and mortals are not afraid of aging and death. They enjoy their lives to the fullest.

Though its denizens come from different worlds, they all tell the same story: Thousands of years ago, war ravaged their lands. The short lives of mortals bred greed and fear, which gave rise to plunder and tyranny. As demons and plagues ran rampant, the very fate of this world and its denizens were at stake in the flames of war... until a kind god descended and planted a flower seed as warm as the sunshine. The moment the seed touched the earth, the whole world was transformed. Parched soil began to heal and muddy waters became clear. Mortals tortured by wounds and disease were no longer in pain. People's hearts were no longer filled by sorrow. Humankind discarded their blood-stained weapons and began spontaneously praising the blessings from the god of Abundance...

Yaoshi ended the suffering of these worlds and bestowed upon mortals body and soul that could withstand the corrosion of time. In return, the Denizens of Abundance made Yaoshi's name known to the universe to show their gratitude. Rumors started to spread that certain hunters who roam between worlds regard Yaoshi as evil and THEIR creation defiled creatures. The Denizens will not tolerate such blatant blasphemy. The heathens must pay.

Long Life

The Denizens of Abundance is the general term for the various races and peoples granted immortality by Yaoshi the Abundance. The Denizens seem to lack any kind of unified structure besides temporary military coalitions against the Xianzhou Alliance, and even come into conflict at times. Only worship of Yaoshi binds the disparate races together. Some, such as the Borisin and Wingweavers, have created powerful interstellar empires, which others, like the Heliobi, lack significant amounts of influence across the cosmos.

According to Todd Riordan, the life-extension protocols of the Denizens of Abundance such as cannibalism, interspecies blood transfusions, a hive mentality, rejuvenation via hibernation or molting are intrinsically tied to their genetic make-up. The Denizens lose their minds as they warp into twisted beasts despite easy access to longevity. As a result, the secrets of the Denizens are useless for commercial purposes.[1]

Riordan claims that there is a subtle but huge biological difference between the inhabitants of the Xianzhou and the Denizens. When the Intelligentsia Guild removed the livers of some borisin, they turned into an aggressive mass within a few hours. Despite a phylogenetic relationship between the Foxians and the borisin, the Foxians regrew their liver when it was completely removed and did not turn into cancerous masses.[2]

The Denizens of Abundance are the sworn enemies of the Xianzhou Alliance, and both sides have vowed to eradicate the other. Over 4000 years of war, both sides have suffered massive losses, though the Xianzhou have slowly gained the upper hand, leading to the current state of chaos and desperation among surviving Abundance races.

Known Members



  • Angqin (potentially)
  • Leesa (potentially)
  • Hoolay (former)
  • Duran (former)







  • Xili
  • Mingxiao

Faction Mentions

Character Stories


Character Voice-Overs

  • Knowledge The Ambrosial Arbor was severed long ago, but it is not dead. If there is any activity from the Denizens of Abundance, it will be connected to the Arbor.
  • Annoyances There will come a day when the abominations are completely eliminated — that's a given. But will we live to see that day? I feel more regret than worry at that prospect.
  • Something to Share The Yaoqing and the IPC collaborate on many things — there's no denying it. This also means when we fight the abominations, the IPC support us unreservedly. Abominations don't care about who owns this planet and will happily wreck a multi-trillion-credit industry, and our friends at the IPC are not the charitable type.


Light Cones


HoYoLAB Articles

Other Languages

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDenizens of Abundance
Korean풍요의 백성
SpanishMoradores de la Abundancia
FrenchPeuples de l'Abondance
RussianОбитатели Изобилия
VietnameseDân Trù Phú
GermanWesen des Überflusses
IndonesianDenizens of Abundance
PortugueseCidadãos da Abundância

Change History

Version 0.70

  • Denizens of Fertility was renamed to Denizens of Abundance.

Version 0.60

  • Denizens of Fertility was released.


  1. Readable: Travelogue on Xianzhou, Long-life Species I
  2. Readable: Travelogue on Xianzhou, Long-Life Species, Part 2
  3. Readable: Heliobus Purging Manual

