Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Salt crystals unearthed from the depths of the rift valley, revered by the farmers who toil on the land. Many keep one of these crystals in their homes, treasuring it as the "bared spine marrow of Georios," a generous gift to the farmers. When reclaiming barren land, just a small sprinkling of this rock salt is enough to transform the barren soil into fertile ground, breathing life back into the earth.

"Non-organic, non-organic, non-organic, non-organic, non-organic fertilizer is the best!"

Deep Marrow Rock Salt is a Tier-2 Synthesis Material.

Dropped By[]

No enemies drop Deep Marrow Rock Salt.


There are 2 items that can be crafted using Deep Marrow Rock Salt:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Dried Sagelore Fruit Dried Sagelore FruitSynthesisDeep Marrow Rock Salt Deep Marrow Rock Salt ×2
Seed Seed ×2
Golden Honeycake Golden HoneycakeSynthesisDeep Marrow Rock Salt Deep Marrow Rock Salt ×2
Basic Ingredients Basic Ingredients ×2

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDeep Marrow Rock Salt
Korean심수 암염
SpanishSal de rocas profundas
FrenchMoelle de sel gemme des profondeurs
RussianГлубинная каменная соль
ThaiDeep Marrow Rock Salt
VietnameseMuối Đá Tủy Sâu
GermanTiefes Steinsalz
IndonesianDeep Marrow Rock Salt
PortugueseSal Grosso de Medulas Profundas

Change History[]

