Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Dazzling Rainbowite is a Mission Item. It can be obtained by opening the correct chest after talking with the Treasure Chest Magician, who appears as a Mysterious Woman prior to any interaction with her. The latter can be found close by the back of the Goethe Grand Hotel in Boulder Town.

How to Obtain[]

Play a game with the Treasure Chest Magician. As both chests may be opened, all rewards they contain can be claimed.

  • After opening the small chest during either rounds, the player will receive Dazzling Rainbowite Dazzling Rainbowite ×1.
  • After opening the large chest during either rounds, a fight will be triggered.


After opening both chests, players can talk to Balaway the Miner's Lamp in Boulder Town and select the dialogue option "I'm holding a fistful of crystals...", allowing them to exchange the Dazzling Rainbowite for Credit Credit ×10,000 and Praise of High Morals Praise of High Morals ×1.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDazzling Rainbowite
Korean아름다운 오색 결정석
SpanishArcoirita resplandeciente
FrenchArc-en-cielite éblouissant
RussianОслепительный радужный камень
VietnameseĐá Kết Tinh Ngũ Sắc Tuyệt Đẹp
GermanSchillernder Regenbogenkristall
IndonesianKristal Lima Warna
PortugueseArcoirita Ofuscante

Change History[]
