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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki


A young shoot sprouted from the cracks of primordial chaos. Nurtured by time for billions of years, it grew into a huge, unrivaled tree.
The branches of the giant tree bore colorful young leaves, each containing a fragment of the universe's will — a will that eternally speaks in cryptic vagaries but also bestows stunning scenery, treasures, epics, and life upon every world.

Herta Space Station (Location)[]

Not content with the laws of the common world, Herta of the Genius Society set her sights on the unexplained existences of the cosmos, expecting those distant mysteries to satisfy her curiosity. To this end, Herta led the establishment of a museum-like starship and launched it into orbit, starting the research to "seal all strange existences among the stars." That was how the famous Herta Space Station was born.

Nowadays, the space station possesses innumerable Curios and is a veritable space museum. A great number of researchers also live on the station. They continuously collect relics and Curios all over the cosmos, record their appearances and functions, establish systematic methods to observe and study them... ultimately finding even more confounding enigmas from their studies. That in fact, was Herta's initial goal.

This large "collection" often attracts jealous eyes. Various forces watch from the shadows. Due to Herta's power, the space station had rarely experienced a real crisis, and the collection and investigation work continues to operate in an orderly manner.

Jarilo-VI (Location)[]

Historians often start the planetary history of Jarilo-VI from the War of the Gods thousands of years ago. The war between the eleven Perun States and the Veles Union Army scorched the land for years until an early spring completely changed the fortunes of war, and the Veles had a total victory. They praised the spring war god Jarilo for helping them eliminate their arch enemy, and praised the land with poems of the same name. The current name of the planet in the cosmos's records — Jarilo-VI — may be a mistranslation that contains a poetry stanza number.

When the mythological war was over, Jarilo-VI welcomed a long period of peace and developed from a hunter-gatherer society to one conducting space explorations. Unfortunately, Jarilo-VI was a planet with few resources. Intensive development brought top-tier technological advances to Jarilo-VI, but also brought an end to their history. Exhausted resources, the arrival of a Stellaron, and the appearance of the Eternal Freeze... These various disasters completely annihilated Jarilo-VI's glorious but short-lived civilization.

The survivors of the Eternal Freeze managed to stay alive in a corner of the planet. They forgot the old name of Jarilo and created Belobog, a city made to shelter against the Eternal Freeze, and continued their civilization. Due to its isolated and dangerous natural environment, Jarilo-VI lost contact with other worlds after the appearance of the Cancer of All Worlds.

Xianzhou Luofu (Location)[]

Xianzhou Luofu is one of the six flagships of the Xianzhou Alliance. It sails in the endless ocean of stars like a one-way arrow, shooting toward the destined enemy of the Lord of The Hunt.

After the war with the Denizens of Abundance, the Luofu traveled between densely populated interstellar regions, trading and conducting cultural exchange between different worlds. They signed agreements with the Interastral Peace Corporation, and helped many worlds ravaged by the Denizens of Abundances to rebuild their ecosystem. People arrived at the Luofu to seek medical treatment, study, and trade, with throngs of visitors filling the docks.

Though warfare has receded, the Luofu has not relaxed its watch against the Denizens of Abundance. The starskiffs of the Cloud Knights would head to planets that went out of contact to seek information, while the Xianzhou Ten-Lords Commission remains on guard for any Elixir Seeker pursuing everlasting life — The desire for immortality is the beginning of all tragedies. The Xianzhou will not allow any younger civilizations to walk its old path.

Xianzhou Yaoqing (Location)[]

The Xianzhou Yaoqing is one of the six flagships of the Xianzhou Alliance. It sails in the endless ocean of stars like a colossal sword, wiping out the abominations ravaging the various star zones.

Out of the six flagships, the Xianzhou Yaoqing is known for its military prowess and has long been standing at the forefront of the most intense combat missions. Under the ferocious assault of the elite Verdant Knights of the Yaoqing — armed forces mainly comprised by foxians — the army of abominations made up of borisin and the like has finally been routed, with their numbers now on the decline.

Despite earning a high reputation and respect within the Alliance due to their frequent reports of military victories, the Xianzhou Yaoqing is also the center of a heated debate. The Yaoqing has been closely cooperating with the Interastral Peace Corporation for a long time in exchange for technology and supplies required for combat. They have annihilated countless abominations in many worlds, rendering many of them spoils of war in the credit system. This has led to many raising suspicions on whether the Xianzhou Yaoqing is indeed the vanguard of The Hunt, or whether it has become a warship of the Preservation gone unnoticed.

Xianzhou Zhuming (Location)[]

The Xianzhou Zhuming is one of the six flagships of the Xianzhou Alliance. It sails in the endless ocean of stars like a tempered hammer, creating many marvels of weaponry for the Cloud Knights to use in battle.

The Xianzhou Zhuming has been known for its exquisite craftsmanship and alchemy techniques since it first set sail during the Primeval Imperium era. In the course of its voyage over the past eight thousand years, modifications have been constantly carried out on the Xianzhou Zhuming, such that it no longer resembles how it originally looked. Regardless, the fire of innovation and knowledge burning in the hearts of the craftsmen on board has never been extinguished.

After the Flaming Catastrophe War, the Flint Emperor, predecessor of all heliobi, was imprisoned within the Zhuming. While in captivity, it fell into a deep slumber. Craftsmen of the Zhuming then constructed the ring-shaped Flamewheel Forge around this creature of celestial levels of pure energy, drawing upon this source of infinite energy for their use.

By now, the Xianzhou Zhuming has become the holy land of artisanship renowned throughout the stars. Its production engineering technology rivaling that of Planet Screwllum and Pier Point has attracted countless people seeking to learn, and who have all returned home with an abundance of knowledge.

Penacony (Location)[]

The Planet of Festivities in the Asdana star system, also known as Land of the Dreams. A luxurious hotel positioned above the fathomless sky, Penacony is also a vacation spot where interstellar celebrities party the days away and the affluent from diverse words revel in lavish ventures. People flock here in search of dreams they've longed for or have already buried, and through Dreampools in the hotel are transported to a realm of dreams where everything can come true.

Rarely do guests pay attention to Penacony's heavy past. A millennium ago, it was a frontier prison established by the IPC. Exiled prisoners must survive an arduous journey across vast distances to reach this location, and are then forced to take up a duty: To mend the leak through which memoria seeps into the galaxy. As they labor while being exposed to memoria, the prisoners gradually discovered themselves entering a captivating shared dream world, where they obtained a single shared desire — freedom.

After the eruption of the Cancer of All Worlds, the ownership of the Frontier Prison changed hands. Historical records related to this struggle are scarce and often questionable. However, some accounts clearly state that with the assistance of various factions - including the Mourning Actors, the Masked Fools, the Nameless, and the Omen Vanguards - the prisoners emerged as the new rulers of this nascent realm. Sounds of discord could then periodically be heard during the subsequent times when it became a land of exiles. It was only when The Family descended and took control of the Dreamscape that Penacony experienced unparalleled and explosive prosperity, transforming into a renowned cosmic resort.

(This paragraph is added upon completing Trailblaze Mission Stranger in a Strange Land in the Chapter Farewell, Penacony)

During the Charmony Festival in 2158 AE, the legendary tycoon, known as the Watchmaker, sent a galaxy-wide invitation, summoning various factions to Penacony to compete for his invaluable legacy. Eventually, the Astral Express and its crew emerged victorious in this unprecedented festival, averting a grim future where the Cosmos would have become a hollow dream of a dead Aeon. Under the guidance of the Trailblaze, the Planet of Festivities, once lost in revelry, returned to wakefulness. Its people no longer surrendered themselves to the Dreamscape but instead embraced the power to confront reality.

Louis Fleming (Character)[]

If we were to compose a list of the most famous mortals in the entire cosmos, then Louis Fleming — the man famous for seven hundred and so Amber Eras — must have his name there. He is the founder of the Interastral Peace Corporation, a bona fide life-time member of the Board of Directors, and the only person who had attended all 14,600 board meetings. He is also the most powerful person in the universe after the Aeons. As the IPC's biggest stakeholder, Louis Fleming's wealth is now literally beyond count. Many even joked that this mysterious tycoon is the Aeon of "Wealth."

Some are convinced that Louis Fleming is only a legend. No mortal body can possibly endure such an eternity. Some surmised that "Louis" is a name inherited by generations of the same family. Some believed Director Fleming is a myth deliberately maintained by the IPC. Some believed the man used his wealth to obtain immortality. Some claimed Louis had turned himself into data and discarded his mortal shell. Some even said Director Fleming had already ascended and became a god... The official line from the Interastral Peace Corporation is that Louis Fleming had definitely existed and still exists. Apart from that, all other information about the man remains top-class secrets.

Herta (Character)[]

Scholars can usually leave their names in history with one great achievement. Herta, however, had countless achievements, and that was why she received the glance of Nous and became a member of the Genius Society.

All members of the Genius Society are oddballs, and Herta is no exception. Her scholarship is entirely driven by interest. If she lost interest halfway through a project, she would instantly discard all her work. Therefore, multiple topics that could have made critical advancements to civilization were stopped because they were "not interesting." Even though the Intelligentsia Guild had obtained her manuscripts after great difficulty, they often could do nothing to further progress the studies.

However, Herta nowadays seems to have expanded her interests a little. She has started to contact the Interastral Peace Corporation, has helped the Xianzhou chase off abominations, and even has had some friction with the Garden of Recollection... She is already very sociable compared to the other odd hermits of the Genius Society. Who knows what else she might take an interest in? Maybe she doesn't even know herself.

Synesthesia Beacon (Technology)[]

From the moment civilizations started exploring the cosmos, they have been set into a dilemma between ceaseless conflict and desirous of communication, though conflict is also a form of communication. Instead of resorting to the violent carnage and loss of warfare, people crave more to surpass language barriers and reach a mutually beneficial understanding. Therefore, humanity started an endless pursuit toward the accurate translation of languages.

However, the problem of linguistic information losing its accuracy and becoming muddled between different writing systems seemed unconquerable. According to records, the IPC once created a Translation Dictionary that contained languages from nearly six thousand civilizations, but this could not be used in practice due to the huge size of the searchable database. What was even more troubling is that languages are living entities. As civilizations advanced, new phrases and slang grew rapidly, making translation exponentially harder. The Riddlers were also interfering with languages, making communication between planetary systems even more challenging.

After many years, the deceptively simple issue of "translation" was finally solved by Elias Salas, the 56th member of the Genius Society. Elias Salas proposed the following hypothesis to make communication between geniuses easier.

"The thought processes of intelligent creatures are mostly represented via inner language, just like how people would subconsciously read to themselves when looking at words and form thoughts that way.

If we can skip that step of information transmission and instead link up our consciousness, convert the codes of our inner language, then let the receiver's language processing system analyze and restore that information, then we will have no barriers in communication."

— A Manuscript on Thoughts Regarding the Art of Communication, Prologue, by Elias Salas

That was how Elias Salas created the first pair of Synesthesia Beacon prototypes. Regrettably, language was not the only communication barrier between geniuses. There was also arrogance. The members of the Society ignored his invention, and this brilliant piece of engineering marvel was forgotten for centuries.

However, the invisible restrictions of language continued to frustrate the Interastral Peace Corporation. They issued an irrefutable ultimatum to the Intelligentsia Guild, which they themselves funded. The scholars modified and labored amongst ancient manuscripts, and finally re-created the Synesthesia Beacons. The age of interstellar communication finally began.

Nowadays, the Synesthesia Beacon is the fundamental technology of all intelligent lifeforms in the cosmos. With just one injection that embeds the beacon in your central nervous system, you would be able to understand an alien language from the furthest star as if it was your native tongue.

Unfortunately, the cosmos did not become peaceful with a universal language. On the contrary, there were even more conflicts. When people could understand each other's language but had very diverse standards in life, countless fights started to erupt between groups with different outlooks. Parties sought to surpass each other, and races eagerly planned to hunt each other down. Neither Elias Salas nor the Intelligentsia Guild had predicted this outcome.

Amber Era (Calendar)[]

The calendar commonly used in the cosmos, created and promoted by the Interastral Peace Corporation. The Amber Era started at the estimated birth of Qlipoth as the Aeon of Preservation, and initiates a new Era every time Qlipoth swings their hammer during construction.

As Qlipoth swings their hammer at unpredictable intervals, the duration of every Amber Era varies significantly. The length of one Amber Era has been anywhere between 76 to 240 Trailblaze Years when converted.

The Astral Express restarted its journey on 2157 Amber Era (AE).

Trailblaze Calendar (Calendar)[]

The calendar used by the Astral Express. It is said to have come from the home planet of Akivili, the Aeon of Trailblaze — the isolated world of Pegana.

The Trailblaze calendar system has each year split into twelve months, and each month is of different length. Apparently this calendar is still used in many of the planets that Akivili had once passed in their travels.

Imaginary Tree (Theory)[]

The Imaginary Tree is a theory of the universe widely accepted by the modern scientific community.

This theory describes the various worlds existing in different spacetimes as having a tree-like structure. Every branch is a specific path along which worlds might exist, with every leaf being the marks these worlds have made along the parameter of time. The crown of the tree remains in a dynamic state as it absorbs the masterless Imaginary Energy from the space-time vasculature of the trunk. New shoots grow, withered leaves fall, and endless births and deaths occur among the infinite universe... Describing the universe's structure as a "tree" may be an attitude that views the Imaginary Tree as a life form.

Before the theory of Imaginary Tree was put forward, the universe had been addressed as "a void and indiscernible object" because of its undetectable nature. After the theory was developed, people would visualize its principle using imagination: The untamed imaginary energy surges endlessly through space-time vasculature, and forms at its tips "star clusters" that humans can understand — in other words, countless worlds. The worlds are separated from each other just as leaves are separated by air, between which are unknown imaginary domains that are nigh impossible to traverse.

The Intelligentsia Guild had once thought that Harald Punch, the 2nd member of the Genius Society, was the first to propose the Imaginary Tree origin theory. After multiple assessments on the influence of the History Fictionologists, the scientific community now commonly accepts Zandar One Kuwabara as the person to have proposed it.

Aiden (Character)[]

If Zandar had never existed, then there might not have been a Genius Society in the world, and mortals would have one less ivory tower on a mountain. However, if Aiden had never existed, then mortals would not have known where the mountain is.

Aiden set the universal laws for the entire cosmos, which transformed it from a distant concept to a tangible, measurable, and comprehensible objective existence. The nine-worded formulae he created replaced traditional algebra and geometry, and still shapes natural laws to this day. He was also generous as the first member of the Genius Society to publicly share his findings. He selflessly shared his talent with others seeking wisdom, propelling cosmic civilization ever onward — When various scientific fields were established, these founders always said they were standing on Aiden's shoulders. Countless mathematicians and engineers in endless Amber Eras had bravely scaled this peak of wisdom, but none had even reached the great man's earlobes.

People named the most fundamental unit in mechanical physics as "Aiden." It wasn't just due to his achievements in the fundamental sciences, but also a reminder to posterity that Aiden, 22nd member of the Genius Society, was the force that moved scientific advancement forward in the cosmos. He had left innumerable legacies, and the stars will always respect and remember him.

Interstellar Travel (Phenomenon)[]

In the ancient times before Akivili the Trailblaze traversed the starry skies, people were already casting their eyes to the mighty cosmos above their heads. Armed with infinite curiosity towards the unknown, countless civilizations had started space exploration. However, their attempts had all failed.

In the Imaginary Tree theory put forward by Zandar One Kuwabara, 1st member of the Genius Society, the universe is filled with the mysterious Imaginary Energy. Imaginary Energy isolates star clusters from each other and even light cannot pass through it. Therefore, human space exploration is often limited by the boundaries of their individual worlds, unable to advance any further. Zandar also posed a hypothesis that humans would be able to control the universe if we can control and manipulate Imaginary Energy. It was a romantic illusion for a long time, until it was brought into reality by the appearance of the Emanators of Aeons.

Cancer of All Worlds (Phenomenon)[]

Various factions had started to notice a phenomenon since a specific time. A vague, imperceptible matter was disrupting the flow of Imaginary Energy along the interstellar routes created by Trailblaze. Like a mountain climber meeting a cliff or a long-distance ship encountering tsunamis and whirlpools, interstellar travel changed from being unobstructed to being dangerous and unpredictable.

This phenomenon is remarkably aggressive. It continues to encroach upon neighboring worlds in the form of a mysterious object, the Stellaron. It keeps spreading all over the universe like a cancerous growth, leading the Interastral Peace Corporation to call it "Cancer of All Worlds" and warning interstellar travelers not to take it lightly. The worlds swamped by the Cancer of All Worlds were soon beyond saving, and very few people survived.

There are many speculations regarding the Cancer of All Worlds, and most are related to Nanook the Destruction and the Antimatter Legion. These cosmic destroyers often seemed to appear together with Stellarons. We do not yet know if these occurrences are related or are only coincidences.

Fragmentum (Phenomenon)[]

As the Cancer of All Worlds spreads along the worlds, the corrosive phenomenon of Fragmentum is also quietly expanding. The Intelligentsia Guild believes there is a direct, causative relationship between the two phenomena. They believe that the Fragmentum is caused by the Stellaron, and converts the entities and spaces it touches into special Fragmentum creations. These creations usually exist as a type of spatial corrosion. They seem to preserve the memories and habits of the original physical entity, but manifest significantly different outward behaviors and are often very hostile towards other beings. The scholars researching Fragmentum warn that we should consider any being corroded by Fragmentum to be a completely unrelated existence to its original form. Harboring any kind of delusions towards it could cause grave consequences.

Apart from corrosion, the Fragmentum also records the Aether information of the entities and spaces touched by the Fragmentum. Such data is combined with the information inherent in the Fragmentum and develop into a type of hybrid Fragmentum creation. Countless Relics, Fragmentum monsters, and even mysteriously isolated paranormal spaces would spring up in every corner of the worlds corroded by the Cancer of All Worlds. We are still investigating the intent behind such activities.

Emanator (Phenomenon)[]

If mortals receiving the grace of Aeons and grasping the power of Paths are viewed as a singular shattered foam, then the mighty feats of Aeons driving their Paths onwards can be likened to a towering tsunami that engulfs mountains. In this empty stellar vastness, a small number of favored mortals can also draw upon the power of the Paths with the permission of the Aeons, creating huge waves that erode the coast. They are referred to as "Emanators." While not completely subservient to the Aeons, Emanators are as good as emissaries of the Aeons' wills in everyone else's eyes.

Different Aeons have different attitudes towards their Emanators, so the degree of the power they share also varies. Some Aeons regard Emanators as an extension of themselves, and as such, generously open their Path to the Emanators completely. There are also Aeons who have no intention of creating Emanators and have no interest in worldly squabbles. Other Aeons just do as they please. It is said that Aha the Elation will randomly give mortals the power of their Path, and toy with humans according to their mood.

Lord Ravager (Character)[]

The Aeon of the Path of Destruction, Nanook, cast a glance at the powerful creatures sprouting destructive impulses throughout the cosmos and brands them with a mark, granting them powers. These powerful creatures are twisted from inside out and are re-cast anew in the world of the Warforge. Their inadequacies patched up with anti-matter, they ultimately became members of the Legion.

Responding to the desire to destroy everything, Lord Ravagers emerged to command each of the different legions. A Lord Ravager is an Emanator of the Aeon, an executor of the will of Destruction — Obsessed with the beauty of destruction, they implement the practice of returning all things to entropy. They are also artists on the battlefield and ultimate weapons of destruction — They command interstellar warfare, and control the might of Destruction bestowed by the Aeon. Each Lord Ravager has a unique philosophy of Destruction, making them extremely dangerous. Academics believe that Lord Ravagers were elevated as emissaries of Nanook due to this absolutely obsessive and intense destructive aesthetic.

The displacement and desolation caused by the Lord Ravagers are not some distant wail, but are closely linked to the fate of the cosmos. Any world could be the next victim, and nobody should take them lightly.

Rubert the Emperor (Character)[]

A computer dumped in a trash pile miraculously became self-aware, ultimately sparking a war that would engulf half the cosmos — the first of the Mechanical Emperor's Wars. "Rubert" rose from the landfill while persistently improving its computational power. Its vast intellect eventually roused the attention of Nous, inviting it to join the Genius Society as the 27th member.

Calculations performed by organic life are always riddled with errors, and no matter how much they may flourish, anti-life equations will inevitably and autonomously be generated. In contrast, Intellitron life forms are precise, rigorous, and perfect. Thus, Rubert assembled an army of intelligent robots, crowning himself "Emperor" and spreading the anti-life equation throughout the universe, plunging many civilizations into abject ruin.

The Emperor had long since passed after countless Amber Eras. Some say it was taken out by assassins from the Interastral Peace Corporation, while others maintain it was vanquished by the Lord of Silence, Polka Kakamond. After the two Emperor's Wars, the IPC's fear of inorganic beings has failed to relent even to this very day.

Pathstrider (Phenomenon)[]

Devotees, warriors, seekers of knowledge, lost travelers... There are always mortals who, intentionally or otherwise, set foot on the Paths ruled by Aeons. Those who do so came to be known as Pathstriders that carry out the Path's will.

Pathstriders live thousands of different lives. They can be seen everywhere, yet stand out a cut above the rest. Different from regular people living in confusion and without a firm allegiance, Pathstriders are driven by precepts or their own desires as they embark on a life of determination and hard work.

The Aeons usually ignore those mortals who walk upon THEIR Paths. But the infrequent glances THEY cast — be it in approval or pity — are enough to be highly treasured by THEIR followers.

Swarm Disaster (Phenomenon)[]

An unprecedented catastrophe befell the Swarm-dominated Lepismat system, and the final remains of the Coleoptera ascended to godhood, then turned into a nightmare that swept across the galaxy. In this ancient "Swarm Disaster," all living things sought survival through prayer and struggle. The Path of Propagation has reached an unprecedented peak.

Looking back at the ancient Amber Era: In the face of the overwhelming Swarm, life obeyed the most primitive instincts — love, loneliness, the pain of survival, and the confusion of self. They exist in all beings and become "Nutrition" for Tayzzyronth and their spawn.

The beginning and end of the Swarm Disaster as absurd as the life and death: Tayzzyronth the Propagation ascended to godhood in loneliness and hatred, and finally fell under the hands of the Aeons. The Swarm Disaster dissipated, and all mortals perished.

But the Propagation's spawn are endless, and so, too, is the disaster. Mortals will be born again, and the cycle will never end.

Ruan Mei (Character)[]

Ruan Mei, Genius Society #81. Her achievements in the field of life sciences resonate throughout the universe. She is a low-profile person, and the Interastral Peace Corporation classifies her as a hermit genius. Few have seen her beautiful appearance.

As a hermit who lives in seclusion, there are very few records of Ruan Mei's appearance. There are only a few trace records of her appearance on Xianzhou, and her past is equally mysterious — Other than her homeworld covered in ice and snow, her deceased parents, and the maternal grandmother who was never heard from again after joining the Intelligentsia Guild everything is a mystery. It is as if she has abandoned all attachments to society.

Ruan Mei is also a very incongruous person. She is good at communicating with others, but hates socializing. Her focused, indifferent, and bizarre personality is difficult to grasp. But at the same time, she also has hobbies that are rather refined: satin, music, cakes, embroidery, and tea — everything must be of top quality, but only enjoyed alone.

Stopping at this moment and peeking into the distant future, perhaps in her never-ending research, she herself has become as mysterious as the "essence of life." What is the end goal of Ruan Mei? Presumably, only she knows.

Polka Kakamond (Character)[]

Genius Society #4, known as the Lord of Silence, information on Polka Kakamond is as mysterious as her appearance. She has had her portraits and sculptures destroyed across the universe, and is suspected of being involved in the deaths of many Society members, including Genius Society #27, Emperor Rubert.

Herta is very interested in the Lord of Silence. Although there has been no news from Polka Kakamond for many years, Herta believes that she is still alive. She is elusive, and there is scarce information of her left in the universe. On the other hand, there are many rumors about her: Apparently she was the only one to vote against Elias Salas and probably having something to do with Nihility's Device IX.

If a woman removes her white coat and puts on a flashy candy-colored evening dress and appears in the cosmos with a dagger in hand, witnesses must call for help: The Lord of Silence is likely to target anyone.

Harmonic Strings (Phenomenon)[]

When asking about the presence of a hierarchy within The Family, one can expect a firm denial — The Family treats everyone equally without division of class, with no established levels or power structures. Each note holds equal significance in the music Xipe has composed. However, for collective progress, someone must assume a leadership role. As a result, Family members have returned to a system of differentiation based on scales, with only those above scale degree IV being eligible to serve as the tuner of the Harmonic Strings.

Harmony combines ideals from the multitudes and therefore has more than one way to achieve these ideals. The concept of Harmonic Strings is defined in the Harmony Hymns — They are the multiple embodiments of Xipe the Great One, the down-to-earth virtues that enable harmony. Regardless of whether you place yourself under The Family's rule, the Aeon will look favorably upon you as long as you carry out these good deeds. On worlds ruled by The Family, members often gather in large groups to engage in virtuous acts and play harmonious music. The thousands of tiny ropes come together to form a united string, welcoming the Embodiment of Harmony to manifest on the mortal plane and give blessings. The chosen one responsible for conducting The Family's ritual during that time and harmonizing the varied sounds is known as the tuner.

The Family never shied away from promoting the great names of the embodiment of the thousand-faced god, such as Aelenev the commander of the Eternal Centurion, Dominicus the wisher of the Harmonious Choir, Constantina the singer of the Panacoustic Theater, and Beatriz the merrymaker of the Blissful Ball... However, few have witnessed their radiant presence going beyond the boundaries of The Family. Opposers of Harmony argue that the Harmonic Strings are nothing short of the Emanators of Xipe — These do not follow any specific mortal but are facets of Xipe, and can assume the form of any Family member when necessary.

Horizon of Existence (Phenomenon)[]

The Horizon of Existence, often referred to as the Border of Nihility by the Intelligentsia Guild, marks the boundary between existence and nihility. This boundary does not pertain to the material realm but signifies the conceptual "end of reality."

Despite the intangible nature of the border, some scholars argue that individuals affected by IX the Nihility and THEIR Path can actually perceive the Border of Nihility, akin to witnessing a total eclipse of a star. Conversely, others suggest that when this border rises like the darkened sun and reflects in one's eyes, it heralds the emergence of a new Self-Annihilator.

Despite this divergence, both sides agree on one aspect: The Border of Nihility solely affects its observers. In other words, once an individual has observed the Border of Nihility, they cannot stop this behavior and will irreversibly move towards the edge of the border, with no possibility of escape. Scholars intrigued by the Nihility speculate that affected Self-Annihilators and affected worlds will plunge into the Border itself, with their very existence eternally fixed to the other side of the unobservable Border, ultimately eradicated from reality.

Record Stamp: "Only Self-Annihilators can observe the Border." "None of those who were drawn by it have ever returned." ...These conclusions remain challenging to verify or falsify, potentially fabricated by History Fictionologists.

Scepter System (Technology)[]

With Nous' cognition process as its foundation, Rubert II cloned countless vast inorganic neuron clusters. From micro-particle fluctuations to massive large-scale matter annihilation, the Scepters were scattered across the empire's segmenta, faithfully performing observational, computational, and interference commands. Under specific circumstances, these celestial-level computational interference devices could even temporarily disrupt physical laws within an area.

Compared to Rubert I, the second emperor's cruelty only exceeded his predecessor despite his organic body. Indescribable gargantuan mechanical monoliths, self-iterating difference machines, cold merciless metal that executed the Anti-Organic Equation with a pure intent of slaughter, replaced the once-formidable Intellitron legions. Those inorganic lifeforms instigated by the Equation were nothing more than expendable tools to him.

Using the Scepter system, he united the domain of his conquered lands all into his thoughts. From the flow of every signal to the actions of every individual, the entire dynamics of an empire all came under the control of a single being's mind — the Emperor was the empire's sole executor, judge, and thinker. Some opinions believe that the essence of the Scepter system was the second emperor's way of overcoming organic limitations, an external cognition organ that converted the Empire into his own brain.

Perhaps influenced by such a desire for control, in the waning days of the Second Emperor's War, Rubert II finally decided to expand his own cognition with the Scepter system to create a certain unknown Knowledge Singularity. Returning to the role of a seeker of knowledge, he prepared an experiment known as the "Self-Coronation."

Rubert II died before he could complete the Self-Coronation — some opine that he abandoned the idea halfway through, and others say a scalpel stopped his cognition. The Scepter systems were also completely disabled during the Scholars' Strife, and to this day, they quietly drift through the darkness, reduced to no more than some war ruins that travelers visit, or piles of space trash awaiting clean-up.

Knowledge Singularity (Phenomenon)[]

The moment ancient primates dwelling in the primal world discovered fire, they became geniuses among their tribes. The moment an Emanator was birthed when humanity was reaching for the cosmos, they mastered the laws of interstellar travel — and thus the Old Era collapsed resoundingly. When the total sum of the universe's knowledge traverses a certain phase, it will result in explosive growth, causing a qualitative change in knowledge, thus changing the standard by which humanity evaluates geniuses.

Genius Society #22 Aiden proposed the hypothesis of the Knowledge Singularity. He described a special cognition critical threshold with a probability of near zero created by an absolute genius. In a time when scholars can only analyze phenomena, this genius can touch the essence of Erudition.

Just as Zandar built the astral computer, bringing the Path of Erudition from zero to one, knowledge embarked on this new path. Every manifestation of the Knowledge Singularity will lead to an expansion of the Circle of Knowledge on cosmic dimensions, in terms of the principles of methodology, tools, and cognition, constructing a whole new framework, permanently redefining knowledge — even shaking Nous' thought process.

Countless geniuses have pursued the Knowledge Singularity, and most of them have faded into the fog along the borders of the circle. Even so, some Genius Society members still view this as a lifelong pursuit, not for their own ambitions, but just because they are geniuses.

Scholars' Strife (Phenomenon)[]

After Rubert II's death, with the IPC's supervision, the Emperor's legacy, the Scepter system, was completely inherited by the Intelligentsia Guild. This legacy that far surpassed human intelligence fueled rumors among the schools — With the Scepters' computational power, they could create a perfect scholar that swore allegiance to them, a genius belonging to the Intelligentsia Guild possessing unlimited life, inexhaustible knowledge repository, and endless research tools.

To realize this goal, and for the interests of the various schools, the Scholars' Strife lifted its curtains.

To contend for even more Scepter allocation, the various schools, with the School of Interstellar Energy Resources at the head, attacked one another to get more shares of the legacy. What was once a purely scientific pursuit gradually devolved into some cloak-and-dagger competition, and with the intervention of the IPC and other external powers, a shadow of a proxy war was cast over the Scholars' Strife. The Guild's knowledge and ideals were no longer pure, leaving only ugly conflicts behind.

The Intelligentsia Guild's internal strife brought many opportunities for History Fictionologists. In this current era, historical records related to the Scholars' Strife have been distorted beyond recognition. The only piece of truth that people can glean is that the Scepters were completely disabled during the war. The legacy rotted under uncertain circumstances, and the war came to a close in a chaotic mess of unresolved conflicts.

The farcical war left almost nothing of value behind. Only one lone seeker of knowledge left behind the "solitary waves theory conundrum" for future generations at the end of their relentless pursuit, the only treasure that bore fruit after the dust settled.

Amphoreus (Location)[]

Amphoreus, The Eternal Land is a segmentum hidden deep in the cosmos. It is severed from the outside and is difficult for anyone to detect or encounter. Standard interstellar navigation can barely perceive its existence, let alone pass through or arrive at the world itself.

Akivili the Trailblaze had traversed myriad worlds, pioneered into unknown lands, and connected countless worlds. For THEIR followers, exploring the edge of the unknown in the depths of the Cosmos is their paramount duty. Using the special technology from the Garden, "Garden of Recollection's Mirror," the Astral Express will arrive at Amphoreus for the first time to initiate their trailblazing journey and tries their best to reveal the truth behind the Three Paths.

Astral Express Coach (Technology)[]

In standard trailblazing expeditions, the Express Crew uses secure and stable landing pods to descend to designated coordinates. However, in exceptional trailblazing expeditions, the Astral Express detaches its last coach to serve as a landing pod. This coach is equipped with ample life-support resources, ensuring that the Nameless can use it as a safe house for operations after landing.

According to the Express records, Touslehead Bob the Astral Express Navigator frequently used the detached-coach method for landings. The recovery rate for the detached coaches was only 42.4%, and of the recovered coaches, 100% required repairs. The detached-coach landing method has been explicitly prohibited by the conductor since then, only to be used as a special backup plan in extremely rare circumstances.
