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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Dan Feng (Chinese: 丹枫) was the previous Imbibitor Lunae as well as the prior incarnation of Dan Heng.


Both a renowned member of the Xianzhou Alliance's High-Cloud Quintet and the High Elder of the Luofu Vidyadhara, Dan Feng was an important figure within the Alliance. Due to circumstances that led to the Quintet's dissolution, he was charged guilty of one of the Xianzhou's "ten unpardonable sins" and sentenced to imprisonment in the Shackling Prison, where he was forced to undergo molting rebirth and eternal banishment.


During Dan Feng's time in the Quintet, he served as both a healer and cloudhymn sorcerer. His signature weapon was Cloud-Piercer, a weapon crafted by fellow Quintet member Yingxing.[3] He was shown to be close with the other Quintet members, and would regularly drink and spar with them.[4][5] At some point, Dan Feng allowed Yingxing into the Dragon Palace at Scalegorge Waterscape, a sacred ground for the Vidyadhara, to repay a favor.[6]

During battle, Dan Feng would seek his comrades' whereabouts and use them as grounding anchors, despite his draconic power dulling mortal empathy when in use.[7] According to Jing Yuan, many saw Dan Feng only for his immense power, not as a person "with feelings and emotions."[8]

In the Year 7379 of the Star Calendar,[5] in an event that later came to be known as the "Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae," Dan Feng caused turmoil by using Shuhu's flesh and invoking the Transmutation Arcanum,[4] breaking the foremost of ten unpardonable sins on the Xianzhou with the help of Yingxing.[9] It is implied that this was in the aftermath of a devastating war against Shuhu, an Emanator of Yaoshi, where fellow Quintet member Baiheng lost her life.[10] Their tampering with the Ambrosial Arbor caused the creation of an abhorrent beast, and for Yingxing to somehow become immortal and struck with mara.[9] This caused Yingxing, now Blade, to harbor an immense resentment for Dan Feng, and in turn, his reincarnation.[11]

With the Transmutation Arcanum in his possession, Dan Feng was able to personally perform the ritual to name a new Vidyadhara High Elder of the Luofu, and he selected the Vidyadhara who would be reborn as Bailu. However the ritual failed, and as a result Dan Feng's power was splintered between Bailu and his next reincarnation, Dan Heng. The draconic abomination that would eventually become Bailu also wreaked great destruction on Scalegorge Waterscape, which the remaining members of the Quintet were forced to put down, resulting in damage to the seals, 12 Preceptors, 253 Pearlkeepers, and 116 alchemists and healers being wounded. 1285 Vidyadhara completely perished in this disaster, and over 3000 were still missing at the time of the incident.[12]

During his imprisonment, Dan Feng was chained and tortured.[4] He eventually went through molting rebirth, the process of Vidyadhara reincarnation, which involved the Preceptors using an exuviation charm against his will.[13] After his rebirth, the newly born Dan Heng was held in the Shackling Prison for an indeterminate amount of time before being exiled — a lighter sentence, negotiated by Jing Yuan, than what both the Vidyadhara Preceptors and Ten-Lords Commission wanted for him.[14][15]

In the aftermath of the Sedition, Dan Feng became a sort of legend among Xianzhou storytellers — and even after his passing, many Vidyadhara still worshipped him in secret. There were several dramas and literary works made about the Sedition from the perspective of supporters, which caused groups to form that stood against the Alliance. It was said that the Seat of Divine Foresight originally allowed the works, and only sought to remove them after rebellious groups formed against the government.[16]

Missions and Events[]

Trailblaze Missions

Companion Missions

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories


Character Voice-Overs

  • About Self: Previous Life My previous life is like a faint shadow — hardly visible yet following me wherever I go. It's hard to describe the feeling, but one thing is for certain — I am nobody's shadow.
  • Annoyances I have no interest in commenting on the deeds and sins of Imbibitor Lunae. Given the choice, I would like to cast his name aside... Even so, the consequences of his power will be borne by me alone.
  • About Dan Heng I understand the one I wished to trace... exists now only in memory. But it's probably what's best for him.
  • About Dan Feng To take the throne, the high elder of the Vidyadhara needs to pass a series of trials during which their physical features slowly transform to resemble that of their predecessors. I see that loss of identity as a curse, rather than a gift. He managed to break free eventually, but should have done it in a different way...
  • About Dan Heng When I was alive, Dan Feng's reputation preceded him. To witness him now — an ousted criminal under a different name... How the world changes.


HoYoLAB Articles



HoYoverse Shared VAs[]


  • Dān means "cinnabar," and Fēng means "maple."
    • 丹枫 Dānfēng is a literary term for red maple, which is associated with him as well as Dan Heng.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDan Feng
SpanishDan Feng
FrenchDan Feng
RussianДань Фэн
ThaiDan Feng
VietnameseDan Feng
GermanDan Feng
IndonesianDan Feng
PortugueseDan Feng


  1. @honkaistarrail, Honkai: Star Rail Twitter. Retrieved August 29, 2023.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 《崩坏:星穹铁道》动画短片:「玄黄」 Video Description, Bilibili. Retrieved August 29, 2023.
  3. Data Bank, Characters, Blade: Character Story: Part IV
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Data Bank, Characters, Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae: Character Story: Part IV
  5. 5.0 5.1 Honkai: Star Rail (August 29, 2023). Animated Short: Ichor of Two Dragons. YouTube. Retrieved September 10, 2023.
  6. Trailblaze Mission A Dragon Gallant, Its Ocean Distant in the Chapter Topclouded Towerthrust
  7. Data Bank, Characters, Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae: Character Story: Part II
  8. Character Introduction: Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae, HoYoLAB. Retrieved September 10, 2023.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Relic, Passerby of Wandering Cloud: Passerby's Roaming Dragon Bracer
  10. Data Bank, Characters, Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae: Character Story: Part III
  11. Data Bank, Characters, Blade: Character Story: Part II
  12. Companion Mission, Vita Infinita: The Dragon Returns Home
  13. Trailblaze Mission Oblation Obtained, Order Ordained in the Chapter Topclouded Towerthrust
  14. Readable: An Appeal from the Vidyadhara
  15. Readable: Verdict: The Great Rebellion of Imbibitor Lunae
  16. Readable: Vidyadhara Elegy: Insight on "Six Charioteers Adjudicating the Imbibitor Lunae"