Curios are special objects found aboard Herta Space Station. They are some of Herta's prized possessions, and are valuable subjects of research for the space station staff, as seen in the Curio Management Log readable.
Known Curios[]
Most Curios can be found in Herta's galleries on Storage Zone F1. The only exceptions are the Door to A New World and certain Curios only mentioned in readables.
Astro Rod[]
Originally created by Herta researchers, the Astro Rod, profile no. 021, allows the user to analyze geological structures with ease.
When observed:
- "Curio No. 021: Astro Rod. This is the PROTOTYPE. I repeat, PROTOTYPE."
- Astro Rods have become so common after being mass-produced.
Broken Blade (Unofficial Name)[]
A broken blade can be found to the right of the Wing Glider.
When observed by all characters besides Himeko:
- A few crimson fragments float in the air. Drawn by an invisible force, they trace the shape of a broken blade. The rusted surface looks like a barren field scorched by flames as it narrates its past.
- A gust of heat suddenly arrives through the air. It touches your cheeks and pauses next to your ear.
When observed by Himeko:
- You closely examine these fragments. A gust of heat suddenly arrives through the air. It touches your cheeks and pauses next to your ear.
- You hear someone sobbing, someone yelling, and someone mourning wordlessly. Finally, someone whispers...
- "She was reborn in the fire. She was smiling in the fire."
Crackup Conch[]
When someone holds the Crackup Conch, no. 148, to their ear, they can hear jokes and other funny sounds. The being within may bestow their power to one who can hold back laughter, though said individual runs the risk of dying from an intense depression as a result. Nowadays, this Curio's research is considered outdated.[1]
This Curio is involved in the Adventure Mission Sensitive Beings (I).
When observed:
- "Item number 148: Crackup Conch."
- This conch makes a strange sound. It is unlike laughter, but is nevertheless quite humorous.
Dark Matches[]
Dark Matches are the antithesis to normal matches; when ignited, they snuff out light and usher in darkness. When seen under bright light, there appear to be green, odorless aerosols emanating from them.
Legion abominations are quite fond of them, and have stolen every last one from the space station.[2]
Door to A New World[]
Discovered by the Department of Implement Arts, the Door to A New World, no. 1984, takes the shape of a common toilet, with a functional flushing system included. On a certain planet, there is a rumor that burying one's head in a toilet and flushing will transport them to a new world, and this Curio gives credence to the claim.
Unlike the other Curios, this one can be found in the Supply Zone F1 Maintenance Room. Interacting with it will transport the player to another section of the station.
Investigating it for the first time will reward the player with the Achievement Door to A New World.
Energy Black Hole[]
The Energy Black Hole, no. 2691, is a heater incapable of actually heating anything. Instead, it absorbs any surrounding heat energy, including that of homeothermic organisms. Due to patterns on its surface, it is suspected of having some relation to the Landau family.
When observed:
- "Curio No. 2691: Energy Black Hole. It can absorb energy, but not food."
- There is a suspiciously oily sheen over the metal casing. It seems like the part about food in the Curio introduction was added recently.
House of Cards (Unofficial Name)[]
When observed:
- 40 cards are stacked in a precise arrangement to form a spire. Pull away even a single card, and it will collapse into a ruinous heap.
- Perhaps this is how causality works. We have thousands of choices, but there is only one outcome. And yet, you believe that happenstances are etched in inevitability. One day, you'll find the answer beyond your guaranteed destiny.
Joy Filtration Set[]
The Joy Filtration Set, no. 269, is a collection of 21 individually-packed items that are capable of collecting joy and joy-adjacent emotions.
When observed:
- "Curio No. 269: Joy Filtration Set. The portable device inside the cube can be used to identify and collect joyous emotions."
- (Ending line is randomized)
- Every living being should own a complete Joy Filtration set. One can never have too much joy.
- There are signs that the portable devices have been removed from the cubes. It seems like there is a high demand for joy.
- You carefully count the cubes that store the portable devices and find there are 21 in total. You count a few more times, but end up with a different figure each time.
Light of the Stars[]
The Light of the Stars, no. 056, is described as a "tiny, pristine, well-decorated box," which has 36 drawers that each contain a crystal that "corresponds to a color on the starlight spectrum."[1] However, due to the invasion of the Antimatter Legion, it was damaged and is currently awaiting repair. As such, the player is unable to interact with it.
Rating Pistol[]
The Rating Pistol, no. 752, looks like a normal forehead thermometer, albeit with a single swirling, disdainful eye. It "rates" various items and creatures using an unknown system, making it the topic of many theories among the space station researchers.
When the player interacts with it, different scores are given depending on the active character.
Investigating it for the first time will reward the player with the Achievement Just A Number.
Reject Silence[]
Reject Silence is a miniature orchestra set that plays exotic music when ambient noise is at 0 decibels, and remains silent when not. However, due to damage sustained from the Legion invasion, it has the inverse function; the noisier the surrounding area is, the noisier the Curio becomes.[2]
Total Eclipse of the Heart[]
The Total Eclipse of the Heart, no. 1381, is a conical device that is able to corrode and disintegrate objects into basic particles. Once the number of disintegrated items exceeds a certain point, the corrosion area expands, adversely affecting living organisms. Despite this, it sees much use on the space station, though permission is required to utilize it.
When observed:
- "Curio No. 1381: Total Eclipse of the Heart."
- (Ending line is randomized)
- The dull and lifeless cone is obviously in a dormant state.
- A warning notice affixed next to it reads, "Do not activate this without written permission from the space station."
- This is a device used to decompose rubbish from the space station. Those sensitive to odors may need to hold their breath.
Unbearable Weight[]
The Unbearable Weight, no. 458, is actually the royal crown of the extinct Tottonid race. When Tottonid emperors die, their silicon-based bodies become pure mineral; their crystalline logic centers would then be embedded into the crown. It is believed that through this, future rulers may inherit the wisdom of their ancestors.[3]
Using this Curio to decipher a mysterious sound awards the player the Achievement No King Rules Forever
When observed:
- "Curio No. 458: Unbearable Weight. It is the crown of the Tottonid royal family, used to pass on knowledge."
- You try on the crown, and you feel as though your head has grown several times bigger. The crown is far too heavy. Looks like knowledge is pretty dense.
Wind Glider[]
When observed:
- A pair of black feathered wings hovers in the air at about the height of a grown human, maintaining the appearance of flight. You imagine the figure of an adventurer flapping those wings and rising with the wind.
- You feel the wind — A warm and welcoming wind blows into your face, plays with the ends of your hair, and fills your body. The wind sends you to fly beyond mountain ranges and vast oceans. Behind you, windmills turn and pastoral hymns chime. Before you, shooting stars stream down and snow glitters...
- You open your eyes and wake from your imagination. The black feathered wings fly still, as if recounting a story, as if singing a whole world.
Various Observations[]
Some Curios have no specific dialogue or backstory, and can simply be observed:
- A Curio that has just been contained by the Department of Implement Arts. Even its archival information is not yet available.
- As the after-effects of the Legion's invasion have not been completely removed, not all Curios in the space station are displayed here.
Mentioned Curios[]
The following are a list of mentioned curios that cannot be found in the space station.
Curio | Description |
Xenohydro | A biological curio that has the ability to replicate the appearance of other people at will and can cause confusion by assuming false identites. |
Gameplay Notes[]
- The Door to A New World, Rating Pistol, and Unbearable Weight are tied to the Achievements Door to A New World, Just A Number, and No King Rules Forever, respectively.
- The player can interact with an unnamed Curio at the upper right portion of the Storage Zone (F1). Continuously tapping on it will cause it to open, resulting in a text from Asta, who rewards the player with
Praise of High Morals ×2.
- Curios may be inspired by the SCP Foundation, a collaborative-writing wiki that documents fictional paranormal items and creatures.
- The Broken Blade is the remnant of Godslayer: Surtr from Honkai Impact 3rd.
- Interacting with the Broken Blade as Himeko yields different dialogue, a reference to her Honkai Impact 3rd counterpart Murata Himeko.
- The Wind Glider is a tool in Genshin Impact, another game created by miHoYo.
- The specific wind glider displayed is the Wings of First Flight, the basic wind glider given at the beginning of the game.
- The House of Cards is a reference to the cards used by Vyn Richter in Tears of Themis, also another game created by miHoYo.
- Total Eclipse of the Heart is likely named in reference to the song of the same name by Bonnie Tyler.
- The Door to A New World's name may be a reference to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and its profile number may be a reference to Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell.
- There are multiple Joy Filtration Sets on display in Herta's collection.
- As mentioned by Silver Wolf, Herta's collection of Curios is featured in a catalogue, which Silver Wolf calls "Herta's toys."
- Unbearable Weight and its related achievement are both references to the ending cutscene of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Curio |
Chinese (Simplified) | 奇物 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 奇物 |
Japanese | 奇物 |
Korean | 기물 |
Spanish | Objetos raros |
French | Bizarrerie |
Russian | Диковина |
Thai | วัตถุหายาก |
Vietnamese | Vật Thể Lạ |
German | Kuriosität |
Indonesian | Benda Langka |
Portuguese | Curio |
Change History[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Readable: Curio Management Log
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Readable: Herta Asset Damage Evaluation List
- ↑ Readable: Species of the Galaxy: Tottonid