Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

People only become aware of the fact that Qlipoth has swung their hammer again from the two phenomena invariably detected afterward: an enormous burst of intense gravitational waves, and "starquakes." Like a gift from the Preservation, the crystal meteorites dash across the dark sky and announce the beginning of a new Era.

"The Genius Society is audacious enough to declare the Amber Lord as the slowest Aeon in the Cosmos, but none of these people have ever successfully observed the entire process of Qlipoth swinging the celestial hammer."

Crystal Meteorites is a 3-star Trace Material and Light Cone Ascension Material.

Sold By[]

Embers ExchangeUndying Embers×1830MonthlyUnlocks at Trailblaze Level 30

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Crystal Meteorites for ascension.

2 Light Cones use Crystal Meteorites for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

1 Character uses Crystal Meteorites for their Traces:

ImaginaryAventurine Aventurine

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishCrystal Meteorites
Korean유성 결정
SpanishMeteoritos de cristal
FrenchMétéorites cristallines
RussianМетеоритные кристаллы
ThaiCrystal Meteorites
VietnameseLăng Tinh Sao Băng
GermanKristallene Meteoriten
IndonesianCrystal Meteorites
PortugueseMeteoritos de Cristal

Change History[]

