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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Crown of the Mundane and Divine is the third Trailblaze Continuance chapter in Honkai: Star Rail. It takes place on Herta Space Station.


The mundanity and the genius, humanity and divinity. Sensed during a golden epoch, the struggles across life's years are nothing more than absurd instants.

List of Sub-Missions[]

  1. When the Stars of Ingenuity Shine
  2. Mundane Troubles


When the Stars of Ingenuity Shine

Mission When the Stars of Ingenuity ShineIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackWhen the Stars of Ingenuity Shine

Herta, Ruan Mei, and Screwllum have actually met on the space station. During this unprecedented time period, you secretly assist Ruan Mei in recovering the "little lifeform" roaming around the station and uncovering her greater secrets...
As everything concludes, memories of your time with Ruan Mei become blurred. When you look back at her... all you can remember is the aroma of her hair.

Mundane Troubles

Mission Mundane TroublesIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackMundane Troubles

Amidst the turmoil on the space station, where Herta gets attacked and rumors against the managers run amok, what will be your role in this crisis? A mysterious man with a plaster head and a sneer will join you in the journey to uncover the undercurrents behind this farce.


There is 1 Achievement related to Crown of the Mundane and Divine:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Divine Verso, Mundane Recto The Rail Unto the Stars Resolve the new crisis on the Herta Space Station
※ Finish the Trailblaze Continuance "Crown of the Mundane and Divine"
Yes 1.6 10


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishCrown of the Mundane and Divine
Korean인간과 신의 면류관
SpanishLa corona de lo mediocre y lo divino
FrenchCouronne du commun et du divin
RussianВенец смертного и божественного
VietnameseVương Miện Của Phàm Nhân Và Thần Thánh
GermanKrone des Mundanen und Äonischen
IndonesianMahkota Kefanaan dan Keilahian
PortugueseCoroa do Mundano e do Divino

Change History[]

