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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

It leads to the depths of the Belobog Fragmentum, where ancient secrets and unknown dangers lurk.

The Corridor of Fading Echoes is an area in Jarilo-VI's Overworld, unlocked after completing the Trailblaze Mission The Stars Are Cold Toys in the Chapter In the Sweltering Morning Sun.

Formerly Belobog's northern border, the Corridor of Fading Echoes is an ancient labyrinth deep within the Fragmentum exclusion zone, where Alisa Rand and the Silvermane Guards once battled against the Antimatter Legion 700 years ago.

There are a total of 14 Treasures and 1 Warp Trotter found in the Corridor of Fading Echoes.

Points of Interest[]

There are 4 Points of Interest in Corridor of Fading Echoes:

Name Image Description
Icon Space Anchor Active Ancient Battlefield: Frontline Space Anchor Ancient Battlefield - Frontline While advancing, they quickly form an intercepting formation; when retreating, they can lure the enemy into a trap for annihilation — the Silvermane Guards hold this enceinte and fight the enemy strategically, ensuring their ultimate victory.
Icon Space Anchor Active Command Center Space Anchor Command Center The old bailey's citadel was said to be the Supreme Guardian's command center. It was also where weapons that determined the outcome of battle were created.
Icon Space Anchor Active Contaminated Plaza Space Anchor Contaminated Plaza The brave Silvermane Guards have been here countless times before. From this point onward lies the devastating war front.
Icon Space Anchor Active Fortified Zone Space Anchor Fortified Zone Should the front line fall, the steel gate can still buy time for the city's evacuation.







Space Anchors[]


There is 1 Corridor of Fading Echoes NPC:

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishCorridor of Fading Echoes
Korean잔향(殘響) 회랑
SpanishPasadizo de los ecos apagados
FrenchCouloir des échos faiblissants
RussianКоридор исчезающего эха
ThaiCorridor of Fading Echoes
VietnameseHành Lang Âm Vang
GermanKorridor der verhallenden Echos
IndonesianCorridor of Fading Echoes
PortugueseCorredor de Ecos Atenuados

Change History[]

