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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Cornerstone Deluxe is Aventurine's Skill.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • When this Skill is used, Aventurine will always get a "Fortified Wager: Spades" shield, while allies will randomly get a "Fortified Wager: Hearts," "Fortified Wager: Diamonds," or "Fortified Wager: Clubs" shield. The different types of Fortified Wager are purely cosmetic and grant the exact same effects.
  • Aventurine's second Bonus Ability, Hot Hand, grants a Fortified Wager shield equivalent to this skill to all player units at the start of battle.
  • Aventurine's third Bonus Abilitym Bingo!, grants a Fortified Wager shield to all player units upon using his Talent Shot Loaded Right equal to 7.2% + 96 of Aventurine's DEF once, and applies it a second time to a player unit with the lowest shield value.
  • Aventurine's first Eidolon, Prisoner's Dilemma, increases the CRIT DMG for all player units by 20% if they are under the shield effect provided by Fortified Wager. He will also provide a Fortified Wager shield to all player equivalent to this skill after using his Ultimate, Roulette Shark.


Unique Status Effects[]

Icon Fortified Wager: Spades
Fortified Wager: SpadesGains a Shield that absorbs DMG and increases Effect RES by 25%—55%. While the Shield persists or before the effect disappears, enemy attacks will not reduce the Shielded characters' HP. After these characters receive DMG, Aventurine receives 2 points of Blind Bet.
Icon Fortified Wager: Hearts
Fortified Wager: HeartsGains a Shield that absorbs DMG and increases Effect RES by 25%—55%. While the Shield persists or before the effect disappears, enemy attacks will not reduce the Shielded characters' HP. After these characters receive DMG, Aventurine receives 1 point of Blind Bet.
Icon Fortified Wager: Diamonds
Fortified Wager: DiamondsGains a Shield that absorbs DMG and increases Effect RES by 25%—55%. While the Shield persists or before the effect disappears, enemy attacks will not reduce the Shielded characters' HP. After these characters receive DMG, Aventurine receives 1 point of Blind Bet.
Icon Fortified Wager: Clubs
Fortified Wager: ClubsGains a Shield that absorbs DMG and increases Effect RES by 25%—55%. While the Shield persists or before the effect disappears, enemy attacks will not reduce the Shielded characters' HP. After these characters receive DMG, Aventurine receives 1 point of Blind Bet.


Attr. 116%17%18%19%20%20.8%21.6%22.4%23.2%24%24.8%25.6%
Attr. 280128164200224248266284302320338356

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishCornerstone Deluxe
Korean번영의 초석
SpanishPiedra angular de la prosperidad
FrenchPierre angulaire de la prospérité
RussianОпорный камень делюкс
ThaiCornerstone Deluxe
VietnameseĐá Tảng Phồn Thịnh
GermanEckpfeiler des Wohlstands
IndonesianCornerstone Deluxe
PortugueseAlicerce de Luxo

Change History[]

