Colossus: The Forbin Project is an Achievement in the category Universe in a Nutshell.
To unlock this achievement, the player must clear Simulated Universe: Gold and Gears in Torturous Difficulty when the Stats Conundrum level is 6 or higher.
- The name of this achievement is a reference to the science-fiction film Colossus: The Forbin Project.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Colossus: The Forbin Project |
Chinese (Simplified) | 巨人:福宾计划 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 巨人:福賓計畫 |
Japanese | 惑星爆破作戦 |
Korean | 콜로서스: 포빈 프로젝트 |
Spanish | Colossus: el proyecto prohibido |
French | Le Cerveau d'acier |
Russian | Колосс: Проект Форбина |
Thai | คนยักษ์: โครงการ Forbin |
Vietnamese | Người Khổng Lồ: Kế Hoạch Khủng Bố |
German | Colossus: Das Forbin-Projekt |
Indonesian | Colossus: The Forbin Project |
Portuguese | Colosso: O Projeto Forbin |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.6