A letter was delivered to the Express, proposing a reunion of old acquaintances, but the intention was indeterminable...
Clouds Leave No Trace is the first and only mission in Jingliu's Companion Mission chain. It is part of the Vita Infinita chapter that takes place on The Xianzhou Luofu.
Complete the Trailblaze Mission Obsequies Performed, A Long Road Ahead in the Chapter Karmic Clouds Faded, War Banners Folded and read the letter left in the Astral Express' Parlor Car.
- Read the letter in the Astral Express' Parlor Car
- Show the anonymous letter to Pom-Pom
- Pass the letter to Dan Heng
- (Optional) Ask Dan Heng about his meeting
- Head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and ask after how the Stellaron Hunter has been doing lately
- Talk to Jingliu
- Head toward Stargazer Navalia
- Activate the starskiff manufacturing line in Stargazer Navalia
- Head to the starskiff jetty
- Release starskiff
- Head to the Artisanship Commission
- Wipe out the monsters raging throughout the Artisanship Commission
- Catch up to Yanqing, who went up ahead
- Head to the Alchemy Commission
- Talk to Bailu
- Retrieve the medicine box for Bailu
- Defeat the abominations and retrieve the medicine box for Bailu
- Talk to Jingliu
- Head to Scalegorge Waterscape
- Talk to Jingliu and Jing Yuan
- Bid farewell to Jingliu
- Bid farewell to Yanqing
- Bid farewell to Blade
- Bid farewell to Jing Yuan
- Reply to March 7th's message
Gameplay Notes[]
- Upon this mission's completion, Luocha will become temporarily unavailable through both messages and as a visitor to the Express.
- This mission requires the use of Jingliu, and provides her for use as a Trial character.
Trial Character[]
ELEL | Character & Light Cone | Skills & Relics | Attributes |
6 | ![]() ![]() |
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Relic Level 15![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Read the letter in the Astral Express' Parlor Car[]
- (Approach letter)
- (Trailblazer): Is this... a letter?
- (Investigate letter)
- A letter quietly lies on the table in the passenger car. Judging from its texture and style, it's from the Xianzhou.
- On the paper, the names of the sender and recipient are all omitted, with only a faint trace of dim ink vaguely visible.
Open it.
- You unfold the letter, and the ink immediately becomes visible. It's as if an invisible hand holds the pen like a sword, making swift, decisive strokes. After a moment, the content regains its original appearance.
- (Opens
A Letter of Unknown Origin)
Forget it.
A Letter of Unknown Origin - I have learned of your return to your home, how you upended the ancient seas and saved the world from danger. I am sure this has recovered your forgotten memories. In accordance with our old vow, we should once again roam our lands of past, drink in celebration and recount our great adventures.
- (Trailblazer): (Upend the ancient sea and return to old ground... It's a letter for Dan Heng, but who is it from? I should ask the conductor...)
- (Obtain
A Letter of Unknown Origin)
Show the anonymous letter to Pom-Pom[]
Mission Description
A letter without a sender silently lies in the Express' Parlor Car. No one knows of its arrival, just like how no one knows who will receive it.
- (Talk to Pom-Pom)
- Pom-Pom: Heave-ho! Heave-ho! ...Huh? Trailblazer, do you need help with something?
There's a letter on the table...
Who sent the letter?
- Pom-Pom: Pom-Pom's been cleaning up this whole time and didn't see any letters!
This is creepy...
Did someone sneak onto the Express?
- Pom-Pom: Wh-What!? Don't scare Pom-Pom like that! Why are there always strange things sneaking onto our train? P—Pom-Pom is going to upgrade the security level around here!
- Pom-Pom: What does the letter say?
(Hand the letter over to Pom-Pom)
- Pom-Pom: It looks like an invitation... Hmm... Who could have sent it? Does Dan Heng have any friends on the Luofu? If Pom-Pom remembers correctly, he said he was exiled from there, right?
Friends... Jing Yuan...?
- (Trailblazer): (Unlikely. If the general sent the letter, he would've signed it.)
Enemies... Blade...?
- (Trailblazer): (I highly doubt Dan Heng's enemy would send an invitation letter...)
- Pom-Pom: Why don't you show Dan Heng the letter? You know where to find him.
Pass the letter to Dan Heng[]
Step Description
The business outlined in the letter is muddled. However, it is clear that whoever left it wishes to invite Dan Heng to an "old place" familiar to him and reminisce past friendships.
- (Talk to Pom-Pom, optional)
- Pom-Pom: I'm certain that no one entered this car — so who delivered the letter?
- Pom-Pom: ...This is giving me the shivers!
How's my Trailblaze Level?
I'm heading out.
- (Talk to Dan Heng)
- Dan Heng: What is it, (Trailblazer)? Do you need something?
There's a letter for you...
Someone's inviting you to return to old ground...
- Dan Heng: ...There's no signature, and it doesn't mention a time or place. Looks like whoever sent this expects me to remember.
- Dan Heng: Unfortunately, I'm going to disappoint them.
Why so serious?
- Dan Heng: Huh? I'm just thinking.
Do you need any help?
- Dan Heng: Thanks, but I don't even know where to start...
Could it be Blade...?
- Dan Heng: The handwriting does seem like that of a swordmaster, but Blade would've gotten straight to the point.
- Dan Heng: It's an invitation alright, but this is too mysterious to be him.
- Dan Heng: (Trailblazer), let me hold on to the letter. Anything related to Dan Feng's past should be handled with care.
- Dan Heng: ...
- The appearance of this letter makes you feel uneasy. You evoke the cloudhymn, and a droplet of water condenses from the air and soaks into the letter.
- The handwriting disappears, and another line of writing blurs due to the water stain —
- Of five people, three must pay a price.
- Dan Heng: Just as I thought, there was more than met the eye... Letting (Trailblazer) leave first was a wise choice — I can't put them in danger again because of this.
- Dan Heng: But if he didn't send the letter... then who did?
- Dan Heng: Maybe I should make a trip to the Seat of Divine Foresight. I need to ask Jing Yuan about the Stellaron Hunters.
- (Enter Exploratory Excursion Clouds Leave No Trace)
(Optional) Ask Dan Heng about his meeting[]
Step Description
Delivering the message to Dan Heng and having him attend the meeting alone doesn't imply that you are indifferent to what later transpires.
- (Talk to Dan Heng after saving and exiting the challenge)
- Dan Heng: What is it, (Trailblazer)? Do you need something?
About the anonymous letter...
- Dan Heng: Oh... are you interested in what happened?
- (Re-enter Exploratory Excursion Clouds Leave No Trace)
Head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and ask after how the Stellaron Hunter has been doing lately[]
Step Description
Unwilling to let your friend on the Express become entangled in grievances from a previous life, you decide to enter the fray on your own volition.
Speculating on the intentions of the letter, you believe that blade-wielding Stellaron Hunter to be the most likely sender, fixated on sorting out past grudges. However, his "invitations" have always been direct and aggressive. What would be the purpose of sending this letter? You decide to head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and inquire after the whereabouts of the Hunter's location from the general.
- (Approach Jingliu)
- Jingliu: After all this time away from the Luofu, the Seat of Divine Foresight has only become more hostile. It's quite reassuring.
- Jingliu: Relax — you needn't be so cautious, young man. I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
- Jingliu: However, I never thought Jing Yuan would send you to accompany me. Hehe, it would seem our fates are intertwined.
- Yanqing: Hmm?
- Yanqing: I've got my work cut out for me today...
- Yanqing: Well, if it isn't Dan Heng.
I need to speak to the general about something.
- Dan Heng: Greetings. I need to speak to the general about something.
- Yanqing: Hmph, looking for compensation for the injuries I gave you? I accept full responsibility — they can deduct my next hundred years' salary if they like...
That won't be necessary.
- Dan Heng: That won't be necessary, the Cloud Knights were doing their duty. I should be apologizing for any damage I caused myself.
I'm here about something else...
- Dan Heng: The Cloud Knights were doing their duty. I'm here to ask the general about the Stellaron Hunters.
- Qingzu: You came at a bad time. The General is busy with urgent work — you probably won't be able to meet with him today... but he did leave a message. Dan Heng, do you recognize the person on the steps?
I think so.
- Dan Heng: I can't say that I know her, but she does look a little familiar. Is she a guest of the general's?
- Dan Heng: ...No. If the general isn't available, I'll come back another day.
- Qingzu: ...You don't remember her? I see, I suppose the memories of your previous life really were wiped clean after the rebirth.
- Qingzu: That is Jingliu, the previous Sword Champion of the Xianzhou Luofu. She was the closest friend of Imbibitor Lunae, your previous incarnation. She was also the general's... master.
- Qingzu: According to records of wars past, her blade has slain countless Denizens of Abundance. Not even the Feather Guards of the Wingweaver, the Father Wolf of the Borisin, or the gigantic Mechabeast could withstand a single strike from her. She's a renowned legend.
- Qingzu: However, those are ancient stories. It's a shame that even a hero like her wasn't able to break free of mara. It is said that in the end, Jingliu lost her sanity and slaughtered anyone in sight. She was deemed a criminal and fled to outer worlds.
- Qingzu: With her powers, you'd think there would be no one capable of bringing her in. For some reason, she arrived on the Luofu with a suspect disguised as a traveling merchant and said she wanted to turn herself in...
- Qingzu: Her surrender came with one condition — that she be allowed a day of freedom before the trial. She wanted to travel to Scalegorge Waterscape and meet with her old friends one last time... I can't believe Jing Yuan actually agreed!
- Qingzu: Before he left, he ordered us to accompany Jingliu during her last day on the Luofu. We're hosting an honored guest, we're escorting a criminal...
- Qingzu suddenly stops talking. Like her, you perceive a chill settling in the air around you.
- Jingliu: Imbibitor Lunae, you're here.
- Jingliu: Since you've traveled all this way — why don't you come and talk with me?
- Jingliu: Or should I call you by your name in this lifetime — "Dan Heng?"
Talk to Jingliu[]
Step Description
There is more than one unexpected guest at the Seat of Divine Foresight. Lieutenant Yanqing and Counselor Qingzu both have a headache. They must welcome an "esteemed guest" and also accompany a prisoner. Her voice and visage stir your long-buried memories. You understand that she does not come on friendly terms.
- (Talk to Yanqing, optional)
- Qingzu: Master Dan Heng, she's asking for you specifically.
- Yanqing: Be careful. Don't underestimate her...
- (Talk to Jingliu)
- Jingliu: When I left the Xianzhou, I heard they took away your scales and horns, forced you into a hatching rebirth, and detained you in The Shackling Prison.
- Jingliu: I thought Imbibitor Lunae had been wiped from this world... but then I returned to the Luofu and watched as you parted the sea. After all these years, it was a magnificent sight to behold.
Do I... know you?
- Dan Heng: Do we... know each other?
- Jingliu: Hmm... the answer to that is both yes and no. However, your cold and indifferent tone is identical to the person I knew back then.
I remember you, but barely.
- Dan Heng: ...I recognize you... but I can't remember anything.
- Dan Heng: The memories of my past life are like shattered glass... I can't piece together the reality from the individual shards...
- Jingliu: "I can't remember..." The words of every person who hopes to escape their past.
- Jingliu: The Vidyadhara rebirth normally erases all memory of the previous life. However, you have retained fragments of your past, as well as the powers of the high elder.
My past life is over.
- Dan Heng: The life of Imbibitor Lunae ended. I stand before you a completely different person.
- Jingliu: I understand. The sins of a past life should be forgiven after rebirth. Now you are a Nameless, traveling across the galaxy... but can anyone really bid farewell to their past?
- Jingliu: ...If my guess is correct, the Preceptors were unwilling to allow the Ichor Line to end and hoped for Imbibitor Lunae's resurrection. That is why they tampered with the molting rebirth... and turned you into what you are now....
Do you also wish to restore the high elder succession?
- Dan Heng: So, you also wish to restore the high elder succession, just like the Preceptors?
- Jingliu: I have no intention of meddling in such things. That is the business of the Vidyadhara.
You want to make Imbibitor Lunae pay for what they've done?
- Dan Heng: Imbibitor Lunae's actions affected many... Are you here to set things straight?
- Jingliu: I, too, am a criminal. What right have I to deliver punishment?
Tell me why you're here.
- Dan Heng: You're not here to reminisce on old times. Tell me why you're here.
- Jingliu: You didn't hear? That Vidyadhara girl explained it clear as day.
- Jingliu: I returned to the Luofu so I could surrender myself to the Alliance and atone for my sins.
- Jingliu: I did, however, have one request before the trial. I asked to be given a single day to go and see old friends and to fulfill promises I made long ago.
- Jingliu: Jing Yuan has always been an understanding person. He heard that you would be coming and agreed to my request.
- Dan Heng: So, you're the one that mailed the letter to the Express.
- Jingliu: That's right.
- In the meantime...
- Luocha: "The sea's depths conceal no stone, and dragon's breaths reveal the moon." The scenery of Scalegorge Waterscape is truly as magnificent as the poems describe...
- Luocha: ...but as a suspect, shouldn't I be bound and interrogated in The Shackling Prison? Is it really appropriate to bring me to a place like this, General?
- Jing Yuan: Holding you in The Shackling Prison would be more trouble than it's worth. For security purposes, we will be performing your trial here.
- Luocha: For security purposes... I suppose it's not my security you're talking about.
- Jing Yuan: The Stellaron's descent, the Ambrosial Arbor's resurrection, the Destruction Emanator's impersonation of the Amicassador...
- Jing Yuan: According to the Sky-Faring Commission's investigations, you arrived on the Luofu with a group of merchants, but didn't make a single trade during your stay. Your departure coincided with the day the calamities took place.
- Jing Yuan: You took advantage of the chaos to sneak into The Shackling Prison, but seemingly took no course of action. Now, you claim that you are responsible for the Stellaron crisis and wish to surrender yourself.
- Jing Yuan: Your behavior truly is puzzling... I can't seem to piece together your motive.
- Luocha: I was asked to deliver a token in my capacity as a traveling merchant — I knew nothing of its significance. I admit, I did have my own agenda for entering The Shackling Prison... but in the end, I found that the Luofu did not possess what I was looking for.
- Luocha: It is through fear of punishment that I am choosing to surrender. The galaxy is a vast place, but I am merely a wanderer. It would be silly of me to think I could outrun the Alliance.
- Jing Yuan: Merely a wanderer? You're too modest, Luocha. Do I need to remind you of your actions at the Eternity Fortress and the Shroudveil Starzone...?
- Jing Yuan: ...or must I utter that tongue-twister of a name?
- Luocha: I... Well, they don't call you the Divine Foresight for nothing, General.
- Jing Yuan: You flatter me. Fortunately, I did my research, or this conversation would've been quite dry.
- Luocha: Seeing that you sense something is amiss, are you looking to defend me and clear my name of suspicion?
- Jing Yuan: That is beyond my control. Attempting to undermine the Alliance is a grave crime. According to protocol, you are to be held on the Xianzhou Xuling for a joint trial before the Ten-Lords Commission and the Seven Arbiter-Generals.
- Jing Yuan: However... at present you have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Scalegorge Waterscape. It will be the last view of the Luofu you ever lay eyes on.
- Luocha: She told me that the High-Cloud Quintet once gathered and feasted here hundreds of years ago.
- Luocha: The unparalleled sword techniques of your master, the mesmerizing cloudhymn magic of "Imbibitor Lunae" Dan Feng, the artful piloting skills of Baiheng, the divine weapons crafted by the Zhuming artisan Yingxing, and the unmatched stratagem of the General...
- Luocha: The five of you vanquished evil from the world, creating legendary tales in your wake. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and the High-Cloud Quintet disbanded as each of you went your separate ways.
- Luocha: You removed me from The Shackling Prison and decided to interrogate me here... but not for security purposes. You wish to discuss things that shouldn't be overheard.
- Luocha: You wish to discuss the one person you've avoided mentioning up to now... your master — Jingliu.
- Meanwhile, in the Seat of Divine Foresight...
- Jingliu: We can head out now. Hmm... I would like to visit a few places from my memories, enjoy a glass of wine, and reminisce about the good times.
- Yanqing: Have you mistaken yourself for a tourist?
- Jingliu: I would make a wonderful tourist.
- Jingliu: Lower your guard, young man. I have already surrendered myself to the Alliance, and I will keep my word. Besides, your general has already agreed to my request.
- Jingliu: Imbibitor Lunae, you must accompany me — I won't take no for an answer. Regardless of whether you're still interested in your previous life, accepting my letter means that you've accepted my invitation.
- Dan Heng: Lead the way...
- Jingliu: Where should we start? Should we go to Stargazer Navalia first? Or the Artisanship Commission?
- Jingliu: So many memories are swirling inside my head... I can't get a grasp on any of them...
- Jingliu: ...When the people of the Xianzhou live to be more than a thousand years old, each day is like carrying the weight of a mountain through an interminable maze.
- Yanqing: How hard is it to choose a destination? We're going to Stargazer Navalia — problem solved.
- Jingliu: Haha, the young are the antidote. Stargazer Navalia it is.
Step Description
According to Jingliu, she returned to the Xianzhou and collected her old friends this time to reminiscence about the promises they made when their hearts still beat as one. However, she wishes to visit some places before that, and to pay respect to bygone comrades.
- Yanqing: If it's starskiffs you wanted to see, we could've headed to the Jade Gate. Why did we come all the way here?
- Jingliu: Young man, have you ever heard of Baiheng, the Foxian pilot?
- Yanqing: Baiheng... I think I've seen that name somewhere before...
- This name is unfamiliar to you and elicits no feelings. However, a voice inexplicably rings in your ears.
- Let the noble high elder drown the enemies in rain — we just need to watch from the sky, I presume?
- The concept of flight holds no memories for you. In your previous life of nobility, you were spared the task of taking the helm. As an unnamed traveler in this life, you have not yet come into contact with a starskiff.
- Yet, there's a voice, inexplicably echoing in your ears, becoming agitated in the midst of the howling wind.
- The starskiff won't hold much longer! High Elder, catch us before it falls apart!
- Dan Heng: ...
- Jingliu: Imbibitor Lunae, if memories are returning to you, share them.
I... can't remember anything.
- Dan Heng: I can't remember anything.
- Jingliu: But you've learned how to lie.
I only remember fragments...
- Dan Heng: I think... she was one of Imbibitor Lunae's comrades.
- Jingliu: She was a comrade and friend both to Imbibitor Lunae and all of us.
- Jingliu: Well... that's all in the past now. The reason we came to Stargazer Navalia is because I wanted to pay tribute to her here.
- Yanqing: Huh...? You mean the Foxian soul-soothing ceremony?
- Jingliu: Yes... the sending off of a starskiff. It represents the voyage of the deceased into the stars. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I never had the chance to bid farewell to her... It is something I have regretted to this day.
- Jingliu: As for procuring a starskiff, I know they can be manufactured here... but I know nothing of the process.
- Yanqing: I see... Follow me.
- Yanqing: I don't know anything about manufacturing starskiffs either...
- Yanqing: ...but getting these machines to work shouldn't be too hard.
- (While walking)
- Yanqing: Careful. There are still Stellaron spirits lurking around.
- Jingliu: No need to worry about the two of us.
- (Investigate marked device)
- Yanqing: We've arrived. All ship production in Stargazer Navalia starts here.
- Yanqing: Just enter the command into the device. The vessel used to cultivate starskiff seeds will be activated, and a ship will appear in the skyport soon after.
- Yanqing: Ah... I remember now. I've seen Baiheng's name in books before.
- Jingliu: You like to read? I couldn't tell.
- Yanqing: Hey! I don't read much, but the General forced me to finish a bunch of ancient volumes during my training. I remember one called Views of the Universe From a Starskiff — the author's name was "Baiheng."
- Jingliu: That's right, Baiheng was the one who wrote that travelogue.
- Yanqing: It was actually really interesting — 90% of it was about starskiff crashes on different worlds and dangerous situations. It also had records of local species and ecosystems.
- Yanqing: I remember thinking — how could an ace pilot crash-land her starskiff so many times... then I realized that every time, she made the best of the situation and got back alive. Her luck really was out of this world.
- Jingliu: Indeed, her luck always astonished us. Whenever she piloted a mission, you could almost guarantee a narrow escape from the jaws of some Abundance behemoth, or a miraculous return from behind enemy lines.
- Jingliu: Very few starskiffs she piloted were able to return to port in one piece. The folks at the Sky-Faring Commission secretly referred to her as the "Starskiff Killer."
- Jingliu: She also possessed an uncanny ability to predict future events... inauspicious ones, at least. Every ill omen that came out of her mouth would sure enough come true. Very few Cloud Knights had the courage to accompany her on missions.
- Jingliu: However, when it came to surviving... her fortunes were incredible. Even in the worst situations imaginable, she was always able to turn the tide.
- Jingliu: Luck is a type of strength, after all... I hope that this ship, built for the Starskiff Killer, will also be able to return to the stars.
Head to the starskiff jetty[]
- Before long, the starskiff assembly line started to operate...
- Yanqing: That'll do it. The starskiff assembly line has been activated.
- Yanqing: The starskiff will take shape and enter the skyport. Let's go wait for it there, it won't be long.
- Jingliu: Thank you, young man.
- (Approach marked location)
- Yanqing: See? The starskiff is complete.
- Jingliu: After being away from the Luofu for so long, I can finally say farewell to you.
- Yanqing: So... what happened to Baiheng in the end?
- Jingliu: In the end... I do not think the details are necessary. We are here today to commemorate her.
- Jingliu: Imbibitor Lunae... Do you still remember the battle against Shuhu?
It was a bloody battle against the Denizens of Abundance...
- Dan Heng: The Abundance Emanator, Shuhu, rallied a great army and attacked the Alliance... I read about it in The Shackling Prison.
- Jingliu: You seem to be interested in learning about your past life...
- Jingliu: ...still, all of that was erased. After Shuhu attacked the borders, he disappeared without a trace. There are no records of his remains, either.
Dan Feng fought in that battle...
- Dan Heng: Did Dan Feng fight alongside you?
- Jingliu: Yes, the high elder was held in higher regard. The Cloud Knights became wary after learning of Dan Feng's imminent arrival — the General Teng Xiao called for me to guarantee the safety of the troops...
- Jingliu: ...but Baiheng didn't care about any of that. She believed that the high elder was mortal and no different from the soldier next to her. You ran a fair share of errands for her when she was still around.
I... can't remember any of it.
- Dan Heng: I can't remember anything.
- Jingliu: Let me refresh your memory. During that battle, Baiheng, being the headstrong girl that she was, managed to exhaust the luck that was bestowed upon her by the Reignbow Arbiter.
- Jingliu: She charged ahead and shattered the enemy's defenses, allowing the Xianzhou soldiers to break through Shuhu's Sanguinary Abyss and awaken you from your Dragon's Delirium... She was not able to walk out of that fight. We all shoulder a debt that we will never be able to repay.
- Jingliu: For the Cloud Knights, giving up one's life on the battlefield is an honor... but that wasn't something you believed in, Imbibitor Lunae...
- Jingliu: You couldn't accept that Baiheng was gone. Instead of leaving her to eternal rest, you decided to... You made a mistake that can never be undone.
- Dan Heng: ...
- Jingliu: There is no need to respond, Imbibitor Lunae, your answer is no longer important... And now, I will send off this starskiff.
Release starskiff[]
- (Release starskiff)
- Jingliu: Baiheng, I've brought your flagon... This was a gift handmade by him, though he never got the chance to give it to you in person.
- Jingliu: I'm sorry it took so long for me to find it. Only by bringing it to you will my nightmares be calmed.
- Jingliu: I will fulfill what you asked of me. I will keep my word, even if it requires me to cut down the stars in the sky.
- Jingliu: Let's go. The Artisanship Commission is next.
Head to the Artisanship Commission[]
Step Description
According to Jingliu, she returned to the Xianzhou and collected her old friends this time to reminiscence about the promises they made when their hearts still beat as one. However, she wishes to visit some places before that, and to pay respect to bygone comrades.
- Jingliu: ... Since the Arbor's resurrection, the land has been crawling with abominations. *sniff* Even the Artisanship Commission's prized Creation Furnace is hanging on by a thread.
- Yanqing: The crisis happened too suddenly — all the craftsmen and apprentices fled. Only a single master craftsman was left to hold the line, until reinforcements arrived. That's how the Creation Furnace was saved.
- Jingliu: Interesting. Stubborn beyond valuing his own life... That reminds me of an extremely arrogant acquaintance. If he were to see the chaos of the Artisanship Commission today, he would burst into laughter at the Xianzhou's incompetence.
- Yanqing: What's that supposed to mean!? What's wrong with saving your own life and waiting for the Cloud Knights to arrive?
- Jingliu: And yet where were the Cloud Knights when danger was at the door? From what I heard, it was a group of outworlders that came to the rescue.
- Yanqing: The Luofu's delves are big places... Besides, some of the troops were deployed to the Yaoqing's campaign. The Cloud Knights were spread thin — it was impossible to guard everywhere at once.
- Jingliu: Hmph. Young man, why don't we continue our previous contest? Show me whether the sword techniques you are so proud of have improved.
- Yanqing: You just want me to do all the work. You think I'm gonna grant endless requests for a criminal?
- Jingliu: You go on ahead this time. We'll meet up at the Creation Furnace.
Wipe out the monsters raging throughout the Artisanship Commission[]
- Dan Heng: ...Why did you send him away?
- Jingliu: It is of no importance... but you and I haven't had a decent contest in ages.
- Dan Heng: I don't plan on fighting.
- Jingliu: I'm not asking you to point your spear at me. Could it be that the abominations here aren't enough to motivate you?
- (Fight
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Ballistarius ×1,
Mara-Struck Soldier ×2)
- Jingliu: Even after your rebirth, your moves and techniques haven't changed one bit.
- Dan Heng: When I move... it's like...
- Jingliu: ...like you never forgot.
- (After the battle)
- Yanqing: Come on, already!
- Yanqing: What took you so long this time?
- Jingliu: Don't get anxious, Imbibitor Lunae. We have all the time in the world.
- (Fight
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Shape Shifter ×1,
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Ballistarius ×1)
- Jingliu: This spear still recognizes you as its master.
- Jingliu: Imbibitor Lunae, do you know who crafted it for you?
- Dan Heng: It's been with me ever since my exile...
- Dan Heng: I don't remember when I started wielding it.
- (After the battle)
- Jingliu: You can continue to convince yourself that you are merely the reincarnation of Dan Feng and have nothing to do with his sins... and you can keep insisting that you have forgotten everything.
- Jingliu: But you cannot run from combat, Dan Heng. Your spearmanship is identical to Imbibitor Lunae's.
- Jingliu: Combat is like smelting — purging the impurities with burning flames and exposing a person's true nature.
- Jingliu: Those are the words of the one who made Cloud-Piercer for you. Do you remember?
- Jingliu: Out of all of us, you were the closest to him. It was strange, really — to see someone so arrogant get along with someone so proud.
- In your dreams, you see a man with an indistinct face, standing arrogantly and irreverently in front of the gun rack where the "Cloud-Piercer" is placed.
- This spear is sharp enough to pierce dragon scales. Be careful, High Elder, lest you hurt yourself with it.
(Try hard to remember)
- The name of that person flutters at the edge of your thoughts like a leaf in the wind, but it remains elusive and unclear.
- I'd rather leave this world in a blaze than live until the end of time. I will let all of the Xianzhou know that a brief moment of my life is worth more than their long and meaningless lives.
- Dan Heng: Yingxing...
- Jingliu: Mm... you still remember his name.
- Jingliu: When he was but a child, he swore to take revenge on the abominations. That's what drove him to travel across the stars to the Xianzhou — to receive training.
- Jingliu: When I first met him, he wasn't even as tall as my sword... but he was boasting about mastering all the crafts of the Artisanship Commission by the time he was a hundred years old. Hehe, the little brat was no less arrogant than the high elder.
- Jingliu: At first, I wasn't too fond of his defiant nature, but when we met again, he was able to craft weapons that astonished the master craftsmen. He even snatched the Artisanship Commission title of "Furnace Master."
- Jingliu: Unfortunately, the Alliance would never allow a short-life species to run the Artisanship Commission. He was only able to prove his worth alongside us outcasts in the end.
Catch up to Yanqing, who went up ahead[]
- (Approach Yanqing)
- Yanqing: You didn't go easy just so I would get here first, did you?
- Jingliu: Of course not. Your technique must have improved so much that I simply couldn't keep up with you.
- Yanqing: Hmm... So are we here to commemorate your short-life species friend?
- Jingliu: Eavesdropping is a bad habit. Besides, when did I ever say that he was no longer in this world?
- Yanqing: Hmph, even the cryo capsules wouldn't be able to extend the life expectancy of a short-life species for long. If he is still alive, he must be ancient.
He's still alive?
- Dan Heng: Yingxing is... still alive?
- Jingliu: Of course he's still alive... but he might be better off dead.
He became a long-life species?
- Dan Heng: He transformed into a long-life species?
- Jingliu: Correct. Such are the twists of destiny.
- Jingliu: Some people are born with unparalleled foresight and exceptional intelligence but make the most ill-advised choices at destiny's crossroads.
- Jingliu: As smart as he was, he made the foolish attempt to use the flesh of the Abundance Emanator to aid Imbibitor Lunae in resurrecting his deceased companion.
- Jingliu: His stupidity turned him into a monster, cursed with immortality. His soul was shattered and became the evil that he hated most. The irony...
- Yanqing: For an old friend, you don't seem to have that much pity...
- Jingliu: I gave him a second chance — does that not count?
A second chance?
- Dan Heng: What did you do to him?
- Jingliu: He should have been eternally jailed in The Shackling Prison for his crimes, but I gave him a different kind of "freedom."
- Jingliu: I took the shell that once held his soul and passed my sword techniques on to him. I let him die a hundred deaths... to remind him of the karma of his previous life. Afterward, I heard he was reborn and even gave himself a name...
- Jingliu: We've idled too long. Let's head to the Alchemy Commission.
Head to the Alchemy Commission[]
Step Description
Respects paid, you follow her towards the Scalegorge Waterscape. For some reason, she now has the desire to seek medical counsel. No one is more qualified in the Alchemy Commission than that Dragon Lady to read the pulse and diagnose the Luofu's previous Sword Champion.
- Meanwhile, in the Dragonvista Rain Hall, Scalegorge Waterscape...
- Luocha: As a follower of the Reignbow Arbiter, you have witnessed the catastrophe brought upon by the Plagues Author, General. Living beings turning into undying monsters, eventually used as sacrifices to the Abundance.
- Luocha: What do you think should be done to put an end to it, General?
- Jing Yuan: The Alliance follows the Reignbow Arbiter's edict — to continue ridding the world of evil, so that one day Yaoshi might be vanquished and the cycle of life and death restored.
- Luocha: Under the auspices of the Reignbow Arbiter, the faithful Cloud Knights continue The Hunt. Their devotion and sacrifices are indeed commendable... but their devotedness has made them close-minded.
- Luocha: Take me, for example. My powers originate from the Abundance, yet my goals are aligned with the Alliance. The Hunt is not the only faction in the universe that wants Yaoshi dead.
- Luocha: It is natural for short-life-species to yearn for immortality — that is expected of any intelligent life form. To want to eliminate these thoughts would be equivalent to killing an Aeon. Such a goal is so impossible as to be laughable, to be honest.
- Luocha: So, in order to sever Yaoshi's curse, one must look to the source for a different solution.
- Luocha: Your master happened upon a revelation and returned from the mara. She has traveled many worlds and discovered a solution...
- Jing Yuan: I'm listening.
- Luocha: I apologize, General. I'm afraid the next move... will have to be made on the Xuling.
- Jing Yuan: Hmph... as I expected. Your surrender is just the next step in your scheme. You wish to avail yourself of the Ten Lords' decree to enter the Xuling and stand before the six generals — even the marshal. That is your true agenda...
- Jing Yuan: ...and the purpose of the contents of your coffin.
- Luocha: General, you said it yourself — this is beyond your control. It is the law of the Alliance, we cannot deviate from it.
- Jing Yuan: Splendid, well done. This was a spectacular move.
- Blade: You've changed, Jing Yuan.
- Blade: The man I knew would never have admitted he was bested.
- In the meantime...
- Yanqing: Order's already been restored to the Alchemy Commission... Why are we here?
- Jingliu: I heard the Healer Lady is capable of curing all diseases. I'm here for the same reason anyone would be — for a check-up and consultation.
- Jingliu: Patience, young man — we're not far from Scalegorge Waterscape. The mission the general tasked you with is about to come to an end.
Talk to Bailu[]
- (Talk to Bailu)
- Bailu: Dan Heng!? What a surprise! Are you not feeling well? Please, come this way.
I'm not here for a check-up...
She's here for a consultation.
- Dan Heng: Miss Bailu, she's here for a consultation.
- Bailu: Oh, I see. Are you here for your eyes? Or is it something else?
- Jingliu: My eyes are fine. I cover them to avoid seeing that which reminds me of the past and riles my inner demons. My thoughts have been disordered lately, and I experience occasional night terrors. Do you have a way to soothe my mind, Dragon Lady?
- Bailu: Those symptoms... don't sound like my area of expertise.
- Bailu: Bah, who cares. The healers of the Alchemy Commission don't get to pick and choose their patients. Give me your hand — we'll start by checking your pulse. You'll need to take some translucence worms so I can take a closer look.
- Bailu is taking someone's pulse...
- Bailu: Y-Your hand... It's freezing!
- Bailu: Please wait. Dan Heng, can I speak to you for a minute?
- Bailu: Your friend here has a very peculiar "condition."
- Bailu: Her pulse is extremely faint... Normally, this would mean that she...
She won't live much longer.
- Dan Heng: ...She won't live much longer.
There's no cure.
- Dan Heng: ...There's no cure.
- Bailu: Ah-ba-ba-ba... Let the healer make the professional diagnosis!
- Bailu: Your friend's situation is unique. She looks healthy, but her hands are cold as ice. It feels like there's a dark current running and pulsing between her core esse and her veins.
- Bailu: I've never seen anything like it. With more research, I might be able to make a new entry in the medical records. Can you and your friend come back for follow-up visits?
(Decline respectfully)
- Dan Heng: Today's her last day on the Luofu.
- Bailu: What a shame. If she could stay for a few days, I might be able to figure out how to cure her.
(Decline directly)
- Dan Heng: She's a criminal. That's up to the Cloud Knights and the Ten-Lords Commission.
- Bailu: Talk about not judging a book by its cover — she looks so kind and elegant... How could she be a criminal? Meh, not my concern.
- Bailu: ...I'll do my best. No matter what I administer, she's gonna need to drink a ton of warm water from this point on.
- Bailu: Come with me, I'll prescribe her some soul-returning vitality infusion. It won't cure her, but it'll... Wait... where did my big medicine box go?
- Bailu: I'm sorry, ever since the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus were expelled, things have been a mess around here.
- Bailu: Dan Heng, you mind coming with me to retrieve my medicine? I could use your skills.
- Jingliu: Are you in trouble, Dragon Lady? I'll come along as well.
- Bailu: N—No, no... No trouble at all...
Retrieve the medicine box for Bailu[]
- Jingliu: It's no bother — a little walk will do me good.
- Bailu: Emm...
- (Follow Bailu)
- Bailu: Hmm, I can smell the herbs. It's around here somewhere.
- Bailu: Hey! Give me back my medicine box!
- Bailu: Argh, that thing runs so fast! Don't let it get away!
Defeat the abominations and retrieve the medicine box for Bailu[]
- (Approach marked location)
- Bailu: Ahhhh! There's an even bigger monster protecting this one!
- Bailu: When did so many creatures start visiting the Alchemy Commission?
- Dan Heng: Careful.
- Jingliu: Allow me to eliminate these obstacles, Dragon Lady... Stand back, the chill of my sword freezes everything in its path.
- (Begin battle against
Abundance Sprite: Wooden Lupus ×1,
Abundance Sprite: Malefic Ape ×1,
Abundance Sprite: Golden Hound ×1)
- Bailu: So this is why your hands are so cold.
- Bailu: This cold isn't something normal flesh could withstand...
- (After the battle)
- Bailu: Alright, let me make sure nothing's missing...
- Bailu: Excellent, the calming-valerian and qi-strengthening infusions are here. Let's head back — never make a patient wait too long.
Talk to Jingliu[]
- (Talk to Jingliu)
- Bailu: Apologies again for the delay. This prescription won't cure you, but it will nourish your body and calm your mind.
- Jingliu: Very well. The fate of a long-life species is inevitable, even with the best doctors.
- Bailu: You're... mara-struck? I don't see the symptoms in you at all. What with the incident on the Luofu, I've treated a number of mara-stricken patients recently. They all presented with signs of incoherence, delirium, or frightening physical mutations.
- Bailu: You don't seem to have any of that...
- Jingliu: I made a deal that allowed me to retain what life I had left in me. I may be sane, but one thing is certain — my mind is already at its limit...
- Jingliu: ...and yet I still have many unfulfilled wishes, and plenty of unfinished business.
- Bailu: I see — so, you've learned to live with your illness. I can't help much with issues of the spirit, but the medical records do mention that calming the mind is a way to heal the body. If you're able to forget about the past, there might be a chance for your symptoms to regress.
- Jingliu: Really? How unfortunate... my hatred overshadows my other emotions. I chose to hold onto it, to embrace it, and to use it to maintain my existence.
- Jingliu: All I have left are the sword in my hand and my hatred of the past. If I am without either of them... I would fall into an empty void.
- Jingliu: Thank you for your advice, Dragon Lady. Meeting you has provided more healing than any kind of medicine or remedy.
- Jingliu: By the way, among those you've treated in recent days, did you notice a person in bandages?
- Bailu: Bandages? That's a vague description, y'know... I'm not sure. We get injured patients from all over the Xianzhou for treatment, and the number of injuries we see has skyrocketed since the Ambrosial Arbor crisis.
- Jingliu: The person I'm inquiring about is tall, with a serious expression. He also carries a crude sword with him at all times. Have you seen someone like that, Dragon Lady?
- Bailu: Hmm... Oh! Yes, someone came by today that matches that description!
- Bailu: He must've suffered some kind of sword wound — he had a strong scent of blood... though from the way he behaved, it must have been fairly minor. He didn't even take the medicine I prescribed.
- Jingliu: Hm, he's probably looking for a different kind of medicine.
- Jingliu: Well then, it would seem that everything is in place. Let's go and meet our old friend.
Head to Scalegorge Waterscape[]
Step Description
Past friends reunite in the Scalegorge Waterscape. It is as Jing Yuan said, "Raising old nets only darkens the water — an exercise in unhappiness." But someone ought to end the grudges lingering from an era past.
- Jingliu: Take this man away. This does not involve him.
- Jing Yuan: Yanqing.
- Jingliu: ...And so, everyone is present. I never thought the High-Cloud Quintet would be able to gather again in the same place after hundreds of years.
- Jingliu: If I remember correctly, the five of us made a promise here seven centuries ago. We promised that no matter what happened, we would gather here together and share a drink.
- Jingliu: How sad that Scalegorge Waterscape remains empty while the world continues to turn. Some of us have been reborn, while others were denied death. Some have become criminals, while others... can no longer fulfill their promises. And in the end, our friendship is no more.
- Jingliu: Soon, I will be shackled and tried. This will be the last you see of me. This is why I sent out the invitations before departing, hoping that everyone would be gathered here for my final farewell.
- Jingliu: Of five people, three must pay a price.
- Jingliu: Imbibitor Lunae, the chief culprit, chose to use the Transmutation Arcanum as a means of resurrection, begetting terrible transformation and great calamity in the process. He dishonored the name of the fallen.
- Jingliu: Yingxing, the accomplice, arrogant and oblivious, used the flesh of the Abundance Emanator to assist Imbibitor Lunae in his evil. He fell, becoming an immortal abomination.
- Jingliu: As for Jingliu, the sinner... She succumbed to mara, slaughtered her people, and abandoned her oath.
- Jingliu: Now, it is time we pay for what we have done.
- Jingliu: Dan Heng, you can never escape the shadow of Imbibitor Lunae. He is your origin, and his sins will accompany you in your path forward until you meet your eventual doom.
- Jingliu: Blade... What a fitting name. In the remainder of your infinite life, you will experience only murder and your own death, all the while pleading for a place to rest. This is the only way you are able to relinquish Yingxing's regrets.
- Jingliu: And I... will face the punishment of the Alliance and suffer an eternal punishment... before paying an even worse price...
- Jingliu: That is the only way to keep the memory of the pain of the past... from fading away.
- Jingliu: High-Cloud Quintet... It is time to say goodbye.
Talk to Jingliu and Jing Yuan[]
- (Talk to Blade, optional)
- Blade coldly looks at you.
- (Talk to Jingliu)
- Jingliu: A wineless gathering, accompanied by only sadness and bitterness. What a depressing reunion.
- Jingliu: Jing Yuan, is it not time you sent me to the Xuling?
- Jing Yuan: The laws of the Alliance cannot be subject to change... Unfortunately, your next stop will be the Yuque.
- Jing Yuan: I reported everything to the marshal, and the Seer Strategist just so happened to take an interest in the case — they set up a Deca-Light Reflection Barrier in hopes of meeting the two of you beforehand.
- Jingliu: Jing Yuan... You haven't changed at all — always trying to destroy the plans of others...
- Jingliu: ...but in the end, whether it be you, me, the Cloud Knights, or the generals of the Reignbow Arbiter... We are all just pawns in a game of the gods. I am sick and tired of treading on a predetermined path.
- Jingliu: No matter. I will deviate if you insist, but this does not change how things will end. Ultimately, I will stand on the side of victory.
- Jing Yuan: Then I shall see this gamble through.
- Blade: Wait! Jingliu, before you leave, you still owe me my due.
- Jingliu: I have tried. Besides inflicting more wounds on your body, there is nothing else I can do for you.
- Jingliu: The immortality that you possess is not something that can be dealt with so easily. I am sure Destiny's Slave already told you that the swords of mortals are incapable of killing someone with the flesh of an Emanator.
- Blade: He did... but you still owe me the attempt.
- Jingliu: I told you when I taught you the way of the sword — I am uninterested in drawing my blade against someone who does not long for life... who wants only to be slaughtered—
- Blade: You will only draw against an opponent.
- Blade: Jingliu, allow me to repay you for your teachings.
- Jingliu: Savor the moment. I will deliver you a brief moment of death.
- (Cutscene plays)
- Jingliu: We were here once, seven hundred years ago...
- Jingliu: ...laughing, sparring... and thinking about the future.
- Jingliu: Their faces still linger before my eyes, like a bygone dream.
- Jingliu: I thought those joyful days would flow indefinitely before us — like a Xianzhou lifetime.
- Jingliu: Yet, dreams...
- Jingliu: ...will eventually fade — like clouds from the sky.
- (Cutscene ends)
- Blade: ...A familiar feeling...
- Blade: ...almost as if... we've returned to my first sword lesson.
- Blade: You used the sword Yingxing crafted... and pierced, sliced, and impaled me time and time again...
- Blade: The swordplay used to slay our enemies of old is still engraved on this despicable shell. All I can do is watch my flesh become severed, healed, and restored...
- Blade: It's as if they're saying..."Why... why did you and Imbibitor Lunae commit such an unforgivable sin?"
- Blade: I know that you have no interest in my answer.
- Blade: ...which is why I asked the question as you looked me straight in the eye. I've asked myself that same question infinite times... but was never able to find the answer...
- Blade: Why... why is it that only the abominations can return time and time again...?
- Blade: Why does someone like her have to be buried, burned to ash, and eventually forgotten...? Why!?
- Blade: In the end, you unleashed the final piercing blow, and left both me and the sword in the withered grave.
- Blade: The miraculous thing is that in my brief moment of death... all the pain went away...
- Blade: ...like when we drank to drown our sorrows...
Bid farewell to Jingliu[]
- (Talk to Jingliu)
- Jingliu: Imbibitor Lunae, what do you plan on doing next?
I'm going to return to the Express.
- Dan Heng: Once this gathering ends, I will return to the Express to continue my journey.
I... haven't thought it through yet.
- Dan Heng: I haven't decided how I should confront all this... but I think I will continue my travels.
- Jingliu: The Express won't be able to carry you forever. Your friends all have burdens of their own, just as we did back then.
- Jingliu: I did think about giving up on revenge and letting go of everything when I fled the Luofu years ago. However, as time passed, it became more and more clear... It was like an old friend that accompanied me every passing day, always nagging in my ear.
- Jingliu: The memories of what I did when I was mara-struck are deeply rooted. Since I am unable to rid myself of them, I decided to face them head-on in the end.
- Jingliu: Maybe, when I witness the fall of the Abundance, you and Yingxing will find true release. Goodbye, Imbibitor Lunae.
- (Jingliu leaves)
Bid farewell to Yanqing[]
- (Talk to Yanqing)
- Yanqing: Dan Heng... the general wants me to forget about everything I saw today.
He's just trying to protect you.
- Yanqing: I understand... These disputes are far too complicated for me right now. Swordplay's a lot simpler.
- Yanqing: I have some close friends of my own in the Cloud Knights... Will we fall out the way you guys did?
I have to go.
- Yanqing: Goodbye for now, Dan Heng. I hope the next time we meet, it will be under happier circumstances.
- (Yanqing leaves)
Bid farewell to Blade[]
- (Talk to Blade)
- Blade: She couldn't do it with her sword either. She still couldn't do it.
- Blade coldly looks at you.
- Blade: We have no choice but to continue the pursuit. This is the price the two of us must pay.
Just give up...
- Dan Heng: Neither of us can end the other's life. Just give up.
If you wish, I will see it through.
- Dan Heng: I will see it through.
- Blade: Elio's script still requires you to stay alive... for now.
- Blade: I don't mind prolonging my vengeance... It might be more interesting that way.
- (Blade leaves)
Bid farewell to Jing Yuan[]
- (Talk to Jing Yuan)
- Jing Yuan: She's gone.
- Jing Yuan: All this must have seemed like a silly performance to someone newly reborn... but I am unable to prevent my old friends from taking sides against one another.
Should I be responsible for Dan Feng's actions?
- Jing Yuan: Who you are is a question that only you can find the answer to...
- Jing Yuan: ...even if the Preceptors's interference denied you a true rebirth...
I have to go.
- Jing Yuan: Yes, it has been a long day for you, Dan Heng.
- (Jing Yuan leaves)
Reply to March 7th's message[]
Step Description
As if waking from an old dream, a message made you remember that you are still at the beginning of a brand-new road alongside companions who will progress its path with you — No matter where you end up.
- Messages
The Astral Express Family(Trailblazer) and I heard you received an anonymous letter, and we were worried, so we came here to check on you, but you weren't in the archives.Did that poker-faced Stellaron Hunter "Blade" give you any trouble again?I went to meet some old friends.
- (Mission completed)
- (Obtain Achievement Bent but Unbroken)
- (Challenge completed)
- (Obtain
Traveler's Guide ×9,
Lost Crystal ×6,
Credit ×80,000)
- (Obtain
- (Investigate table in front of Parlor Car's sofa)
Note Left by Luocha - Dear Nameless,
- Having to deliver this letter instead of bidding you farewell in person on the Express leaves me with a sense of regret.
- I've heard of your noble deeds in the Xianzhou Luofu and had the pleasure of getting to know such intriguing a friend as Dan Heng. This journey through the meandering Xianzhou has allowed each of us, including those on the Astral Express, to find what we were seeking – a remarkable and fulfilling conclusion that is truly incredible. Now, I must continue on to the next station of my destiny.
- In accordance with the customs of my homeland, it is customary to leave behind some tokens at the places one visits as a way to express gratitude to those who have aided in stepping onto unfamiliar ground and to wish for smooth travels ahead.
- Thus, enclosed with this letter is a small token of appreciation. Please accept it with my sincere regards. May our paths cross once more in the future.
- Warmest Regards,
- Luocha
- (Obtain
Five-Grain Jade Elixir ×1)
- (Receive message from Jing Yuan)
- (Note: Available after at least one server reset. The player must own Jingliu.)
- Jing Yuan: (Trailblazer), is everything alright on the Express?
Are you feeling alright?
- (Trailblazer): Seems fine, are you feeling alright?
- Jing Yuan: Haha, nothing too serious. After a few days cooped up in the apothecary, my injuries have healed to the point of being negligible.
- Jing Yuan: It must've been because that fight was close to the Ambrosial Arbor, so my body's healing speed exceeded all expectations.
What made you think of us?
- (Trailblazer): What made you think of us, General?
- Jing Yuan: The Express Crew are my friends who went through life and death with me. Isn't it normal to think about my friends?
- Jing Yuan: By the way, (Trailblazer), perhaps you've already heard from Dan Heng about some recent events.
- Jing Yuan: My mentor has returned to the Luofu, gathering old friends to settle past grudges. She sent an anonymous letter to the Express to invite Dan Heng, which is quite... abrupt. I hope it hasn't caused any disturbance to everyone.
No worries
- (Trailblazer): No worries, we have weathered worse storms
- (Trailblazer): Your mentor is something else to be able to move on the Express unnoticed. After I found the letter, I only told Pom-Pom and Dan Heng, no one else
It's indeed a bit spooky
- (Trailblazer): Your mentor is something else to be able to leave the letter on the Express unnoticed
- (Trailblazer):
- (Trailblazer): I only told the conductor and Dan Heng, no one else. Pom-Pom seems a little worried...
- Jing Yuan: Please relay my apology to the conductor for the rudeness of my mentor.
Is Dan Heng okay?
- (Trailblazer): Dan Heng looked really serious after I received the letter. Is he okay?
- Jing Yuan: Dan Heng accepted the invitation. I admire his courage in facing the karma of his past life and understand his determination in this life. I will do my best to defuse the hostility that the Luofu has toward him.
- Jing Yuan: The matters regarding Dan Heng should come to a temporary conclusion. However, it seems the Alliance's situation is about to change again.
- Jing Yuan: I hear the Express will be journeying far again. I hope for your peace and safety.
You too!
- (Trailblazer): Same to you, General!
We'll come visit!
- (Trailblazer): Dan Heng, I, and everyone else on the Express will definitely come back to visit!
- Jing Yuan: Alright, I have a little something for everyone, consider it an apology for the troubles.
- Jing Yuan: If you require any aid or need a place to dock the Express, the Luofu will forever welcome your contingent.
- (Obtain
Stellar Jade ×5)
- (Receive message from Dahao)
- (Note: Available after at least one server reset. The player must own Luocha.)
- Dahao: Hello, (Trailblazer).
- (Trailblazer): Hey, Mr. Dahao!
Is there a new mission?
- (Trailblazer): How do you do? Are there new missions at the Realm-Keeping Commission?
- Dahao: You and the members of the Express crew have been a great help with the many tasks previously entrusted to you. We are deeply grateful for your assistance.
- Dahao: I am reaching out this time to update you, Mr. Yang, and Miss March on some follow-up situations.
- Dahao: Do you remember the previous invitation for you and a few others to come to the Realm-Keeping Commission to identify suspicious individuals?
I remember.
- (Trailblazer): You mean that time when March played detective, making wild guesses about one traveling merchant's background and whereabouts, but couldn't nail down a single solid answer?
- Dahao: Yep, that's the one. Officer Jingyan even praised Miss March for her keen observation and unorthodox thinking during that incident. She mentioned that Miss March seemed like a natural for our line of work.
I don't remember.
- (Trailblazer): I don't remember...
- Dahao: It seems you may be too preoccupied elsewhere. I still remember how Miss March deduced the whereabouts of an outworlder back then.
- Dahao: Officer Jingyan even praised Miss March for her keen observation and unorthodox thinking during that incident. She mentioned that Miss March seemed like a natural for our line of work.
- Dahao: Believe it or not, I received an official notice jointly issued by the Ten-Lords Commission and the Cloud Knights. That blond merchant, Luocha, is indeed an unlawful character who infiltrated the Xianzhou!
- Dahao: Miss March's deduction and Mr. Yang's intuition... have come true! The Express Crew truly is a group of hidden talents! Much admiration!
We do have talents aplenty!
- (Trailblazer): We do have talents aplenty!
I don't believe you.
- (Trailblazer): ...and they got it right?
- Dahao: Don't knock it, the official seal and signatures are all there. This is as real as they come.
So what did that man do?
- (Trailblazer): So what did that man do?
- Dahao: I can't go into the specifics as it's still part of Xianzhou's internal affairs.
- Dahao: But, given our tight relationship, I can spill a bit of the beans for you. The official document states that he was arrested on charges of "identity fraud and smuggling of dangerous bio-merchandise, among other crimes." The use of the expression "among other" is quite intriguing.
- Dahao: Of course, I have received the directive from the Realm-Keeping Commission's general affairs office, requesting to commend and express gratitude to enthusiastic guests such as yourselves.
- Dahao: I would like to express my own gratitude to you all, and deliver to you your well-earned remuneration.
- Dahao: In that case, if there are tasks involving apprehending fugitives or pursuing criminals in the future, I hope you and the Express Crew can continue to make full use of your intuition!
- Dahao: Stay safe, I shall take my leave!
- The Chinese mission name 云无留迹 is quoted from the Relic set Passerby of Wandering Cloud (Chinese: 云无留迹的过客).
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Clouds Leave No Trace |
Chinese (Simplified) | 云无留迹 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 雲無留跡 |
Japanese | 流雲無痕 |
Korean | 흔적을 남기지 않은 구름 |
Spanish | Las nubes no dejan huellas |
French | Les nuages s'estompent sans laisser de trace |
Russian | Блуждающее облако |
Thai | เมฆที่ไร้ร่องรอย |
Vietnamese | Mây Đi Không Dấu Vết |
German | Die vorbeiziehende Wolke |
Indonesian | Awan Tidak Meninggalkan Jejak |
Portuguese | Nuvens Não Deixam Rastros |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.4