A cargo port where countless items from all corners of the cosmos pass through. Every day, Cloudford unceasingly handles huge amounts of port traffic from various worlds.
Cloudford: Cargo Lane is a Space Anchor located in the Cloudford aboard The Xianzhou Luofu.
View map: Cloudford Floor 2
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Cloudford: Cargo Lane |
Chinese (Simplified) | 流云渡货道 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 流雲渡貨道 |
Japanese | 流雲渡し貨物路 |
Korean | 구름나루 화물 운송로 |
Spanish | Pasaje para mercancías del Vado de las Nubes |
French | Ligne de transport de Passenuage |
Russian | Облачная переправа: Грузовой порт |
Thai | Cloudford: Cargo Lane |
Vietnamese | Tuyến Chuyển Hàng Cảng Lưu Vân |
German | Wolkenfurt, Warenpassage |
Indonesian | Cloudford: Cargo Lane |
Portuguese | Vau-Nuvem: Pista de Carga |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0