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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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The Cloud Knights are the armed forces of the Xianzhou Alliance. Their main mission is to wipe out the Denizens of Abundance.


Split the sky, shatter the stars, draw back the bow, and launch the hunt.
The Cloud Knights is Xianzhou's military institution. Each Xianzhou ship has a general commanding the army, with a marshal overseeing all generals. The Cloud Knights are responsible for wiping out the Denizens of Abundance, and regards an almost impossible task — putting an end to the undead corruption among the stars — as their duty.


Command and control[]

The Cloud Knights are led by the Seven Arbiter-Generals, the seven top generals and officers of the Cloud Knights within the Xianzhou Alliance known as the vanguards of The Hunt. Every Xianzhou ship operates individually, but the Cloud Knights are all commanded by the Marshal. Therefore, it's normal for Knights to transfer between ships.[1] Appointments are assigned and sent out from the Marshal's Office.[2]

Operating forces[]

Cloud Knights aboard each ship are generally organized into brigades known as fleets.[3] The Xianzhou Yaoqing, known for its military prowess, has long been standing at the forefront of the most intense combat missions. As the Yaoqing often sails through active war zones, military operations of the Xianzhou Yaoqing is mainly done by the expeditionary fleet as to not endanger the main ship.[4]

Under the ferocious assault of the elite Verdant Knights of the Yaoqing — armed forces mainly comprised by foxians — the army of abominations made up of borisin and the like has finally been routed, with their numbers now on the decline.[5] The Yaoqing also employ Shadow Guards for reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and wetwork.[6] Vidyadhara cloudhymn magi of the Xianzhou Fanghu's Ebonpearl Fleet specialize in using cloudhymn magic in combat.[7] The Xianzhou Zhuming is known for it's artillery and Dawn Army deploy into battle with heliobi.[8] Cloud Knights may sometimes be deployed on secondment to the Ten-Lords Commission.[9]

Martial Arts[]

There is a Cloud Knight saying; "A Cloud Knight must never let slip their weapon, nor let slacken their form."[10] Luofu swordplay is all about swift and agile movements with an emphasis on footwork. Those with quick hands and a flexible body are a good fit to practice Luofu swordplay. Zhuming swordplay places and emphasis on strong, focused strikes, trying to take down targets with a single strike. Practicing Zhuming swordplay helps to develop strength.[11]



Cloud Knight Armory

Cloud Knight weapons on display.

Cloud Knights use various weapons, namely devastator glaives, and other armaments such as thunder crossbows, recurve bows, rifles, shields, spears, guillotine blades, and swords. Cloud Knights may also use their own personal weapons like Sushang's Xuanyuan sword and Yunli's Old Mettle. General Feixiao uses both gun-blades and a battleaxe. Some Cloud Knights prefer to use flying swords connected into their spinal meridian from acupuncture points. They need only to think to move them around though they may be difficult to control. The Zhuming is known for it's use of artillery in combat, and have weapons of mass destruction like Zhuming Flames and Alchemical Arrows.[12] Starskiffs can also fire alchemical arrows.[13] During the High-Cloud Quintet era, Yingxing and Xianzhou military engineers who marched with the army adjusted and tested giant aurumatons that were hundreds of feet tall and were specialized weapons designed to counter borisin mechabeasts.[14]

Despite their deceptively esoteric designs, the weapons of the Xianzhou are actually quite advanced. Their blades are high-frequency and monomolecular, their crossbows are electromagnetic and their recurve bows are thermal seeking.[15][16] The arrows of Yukong's bow are self-guided auto-aim ones, and drawing the bow is just used to give a sense of antiquity. Usually, Xianzhou swordsmiths infuse a basic level of awareness into their swords to make them easier to wield, like Yanqing's flying sword.[12][17] According to Howard, the Xianzhou Natives like using a few tricks to mask their strength, likely connected to their propensity for humility.[18] The Xianzhou Zhuming's Artisanship Commission is responsible for providing sixty or seventy percent of all of the Cloud Knights' armaments.[19]

Tools and Provisions[]

It was rumored that military rations aboard the Yaoqing include dried mineshrooms from Thalassa, though this hasn't been verified.[20] When fighting the borisin, Cloud Knights either don breathing masks or take poison-proof pellets called Clear-Head Flowing-Meridian Infusion to resist the effects of Lupotoxin, suppressing the fear incited by the borisin's pheromones.[21] Some of the Cloud Knights use pellets which contain trace amounts of Yabruh to block pain on the battlefield.[22]

The Yaoqing briefly collaborated with the Intelligentsia Guild to create a medicinal pellet that could resist most of the Chiseltooth Pack's microbe weaponry. Soldiers are advised to bring at least two of these pellets or something similar before going to combat. The Yaoqing has also developed a tactic against the Sableclaw Pack's superior olfactory senses by deploying smell disruptors and counter pheromones. Before sent on deployment against borisin, it is recommended that Cloud Knights bring at least two units of counter-entrapment inhibitors known as "Perfume."[23]

The Cloud Knights of the Zhuming's Dawn Army deploy into battle with heliobi. Even on the Zhuming, it's rare to see a soldier and a heliobus have a close symbiotic relationship. The connection between a person and a heliobus becomes unstable under immense pressure, and at times like this, military healers use incense to purge evil.[8][24]


Fighter starskiffs make up the bulk of the Cloud Knights air force. At least 500,000 fighter jets were deployed during the Third Abundance War. Large fighter starskiffs need to be operated in pairs. One pilot takes the helm, the other controls the turrets.[25] The Verdant Knights use starskiffs born with biotechnology instead of being grown from seeds. Newly born starskiffs are described as "furry little creatures" that may join the battlefield after growing in a few short months, becoming loyal partners capable of eradicating abominations.[4] The Navis Astriger is a type of Cloud Knight troop carrier starskiff that can land and deploy Cloud Knights onto the surface of a planet.[26] The Xianzhou Alliance also employs large military vessels like battleships that boast massive cannons.[27]

Known Personnel[]


Icon Name Title Xianzhou Flagship Descriptor Spiritus
Character Unknown Icon Hua Marshal (Chinese: 元帅) Unknown Unknown Unknown
Character Feixiao Icon Feixiao The Merlin's Claw (Chinese: 天击将军) The Yaoqing Fierce and swift
NPC Flying Aureus Icon
Flying Aureus
NPC Huaiyan Icon Huaiyan The Flaming Heart (Chinese: 烛渊将军) The Zhuming Strong and righteous Unknown
NPC Yaoguang Icon Yaoguang The Seer Strategist (Chinese: 戎韬将军) The Yuque Cautious and sophisticated Unknown
Character Unknown Icon Xuanquan The Seiche Queller (Chinese: 伏波将军) The Fanghu Mighty and powerful Unknown
Character Unknown Icon Youwu The Patina Justice (Chinese: 尘冥将军) The Xuling Mysterious and fair Unknown
Character Jing Yuan Icon Jing Yuan The Divine Foresight (Chinese: 神策将军) The Luofu Wise and brave
NPC Lightning Lord Icon


  • Chiyan — Divine Foresight Messenger
  • Qingzu — Divine Foresight Counselor
  • Yong Hai — Divine Foresight Secretary
  • Yutie — Divine Foresight Chief Guard
  • Yanqing — Luofu Cloud Knight Lieutenant
  • Yunli — Flamewheel Octet Sword Hunter
  • Sushang — Yaoqing Cloud Knight Recruit (transferred to the Luofu)
  • Suyi — Yaoqing Cloud Knight
  • Zhouduan — Luofu Prison Guard Captain
  • Yongren — Luofu Undercover Cloud Knight
  • Dewei — Luofu Cloud Knight Captain
  • Cloud Knights Patroller

Former Personnel[]

Icon Name Title Xianzhou Flagship Descriptor Spiritus
Character Unknown Icon Teng Xiao Unknown The Luofu Blunt and straightforward
NPC Lightning Lord Icon
NPC Yueyu Icon Yueyu Unknown The Yaoqing Selfless and resolute
NPC Flying Aureus Icon
Flying Aureus
  • Jingliu — Former Sword Champion of the Luofu[29]
  • Jingliu's master † — Luofu Cloud Knight[30]
  • Yukong — Luofu fighter pilot
  • Caiyi † — Luofu fighter pilot
  • Guangyuan † — Luofu fighter pilot
  • Xiao † — Luofu fighter pilot[31]
  • Hong † — Luofu fighter pilot[31]
  • Baiheng † — Yaoqing fighter pilot
  • Dahao — Luofu Cloud Knight
  • Jingyan — Luofu Cloud Knight
  • Yancui — Luofu Cloud Knight[32]
  • Zhixin — Luofu Cloud Knight
  • Cong's previous life — Luofu Cloud Knight[33]
  • Dewei's son † — Luofu Cloud Knight
  • Xiao and Hong's father † — Luofu Cloud Knight[31]
  • Xiao and Hong's mother † — Luofu Cloud Knight[31]
  • Nameless Swordsmaster on Kalevala † — Luofu Cloud Knight[12]

Cloud Knight Units[]

The Xianzhou Luofu[]

The Xianzhou Yaoqing[]

The Xianzhou Yuque[]

  • Echojade Fleet

The Xianzhou Fanghu[]

  • Ebonpearl Fleet

The Xianzhou Zhuming[]

  • Flamewheel Octet
  • Goldencrow Fleet
  • Dawn Army

Faction Mentions[]

Character Stories







Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishCloud Knights
FrenchChevaliers des nuages
RussianОблачные Рыцари
ThaiCloud Knight
VietnameseVân Kỵ Quân
IndonesianCloud Knight
PortugueseCavaleiros das Nuvens


  1. Adventure Mission: Pallbearing Merchant, Swordwielding Recruit
  2. Readable: A Page From the Alchemy Commission's Official Gazette
  3. Trailblaze Continuance, Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (I): By Words of Many
  4. 4.0 4.1 Readable: Xianzhou Alliance Travel Guide
  5. Data Bank, Terms: Xianzhou Yaoqing (Location)
  6. Honkai: Star Rail (September 04, 2024). Character Preview | Moze, HoYoLAB.
  7. Data Bank, Characters, Fu Xuan: Character Story: Part II
  8. 8.0 8.1 Lingsha's Voice-Over: Knowledge
  9. NPC Dialogue: Zhouduan
  10. Honkai: Star Rail (May 10, 2023). Animated Short: A Flash. YouTube. Retrieved May 10, 2023.
  11. Trailblaze Continuance, Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (I): The Quieting of Quillons
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Companion Mission, Vita Infinita: Swords to Plowshares
  13. Data Bank, Characters, Jingliu: Character Story: Part II
  14. Data Bank, Characters, Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae: Character Story: Part II
  15. Readable: Yancui Interrogation Transcript
  16. Light Cone Ascension Material: Arrow of the Demon Slayer
  17. Trailblaze Continuance, A Foxian Tale of the Haunted (Continuance): Sword Essence
  18. NPC Dialogue: Howard
  19. Readable: Views of the Universe from a Starskiff: The Xianzhou Zhuming
  20. Item: Mineshroom
  21. Readable: Compendium of Remedies
  22. Adventure Mission, Saga of Primaveral Blade: Way of Primaveral Blade: Release
  23. Readable: Yaoqing Recruit Handbook: Borisin Pack Overview
  24. Lingsha's Voice-Over: Huohuo
  25. Companion Mission, Vita Infinita: For I Have Touched the Sky
  26. Data Bank, Characters, Jing Yuan: Character Story: Part III
  27. Trailblaze Continuance, Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (I): March to Mastery: A Star Is Born
  28. 28.0 28.1 Jing Yuan's Voice-Over: Something to Share
    Jing Yuan: This spirit is called Lightning-Wielding Thunder-Clapping Spirit-Squashing Lord (Chinese: 神霄雷府总司驱雷掣电追魔扫秽天君). It's a name I read from an ancient text, but it's too long to remember, so I just abbreviate it to the Lightning... Lord.
  29. Data Bank, Characters, Jingliu: Character Story: Part III
    "Only the Sword Champion of the Luofu Cloud Knights..."
  30. Data Bank, Characters, Jingliu: Character Story: Part III
    She doesn't have a master anymore. The woman in armor perished on the battlefield and can instruct her no longer.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Readable: Memorial to the Illustrious Officials Xiao and Hong
  32. Readable: Yancui Interrogation Transcript
  33. Adventure Mission: Poetic Genius Ingenium

