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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Clockwork: Oksana is an Adventure Mission on Penacony. It is part of the Clockwork chapter.

Start Location[]

To start this mission, activate Clockwork and submit "Happy" Gear "Happy" Gear ×1 to Oksana in Clock Studios Theme Park:


  1. Go to the corner of the theme park and retrieve the toy.
  2. Give the toy to the buyer in the Golden Hour and complete the deal.
  3. Report back to Oksana about the transaction.
  4. Catch up with the mystery lady and ask her what she knows.
  5. Go back and confront Oksana.
  6. (Optional) Report the business to Woolsey from the Bloodhound Family.
  7. (Optional) Leave the theme park and wash your hands off it.
  8. Follow the Bloodhounds and capture Oksana.

Gameplay Notes[]


Oksana: Hey, kid, would you like to learn about the Galactic Warzone Relief Foundation?
Oksana: The foundation is dedicated to eliminating the suffering caused by war, with several intergalactic enterprises joining forces to provide medicine, food, employment, and other forms of humanitarian assistance for over eight billion refugees.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm no philanthropist.
Oksana: Kid, in addition to scions of business there are also countless numbers of kind-hearted souls just like you who make up the foundation.
Oksana: Always harbor good intentions, even if you may not be rich — For one day, the seeds you sow will bear fruit in the future. So long as the foundation's cries fall on kind ears, our endeavors will count as a success.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let me help out too.
Oksana: Bless your kindness, kid.
Oksana: It's precisely because of so many kind-hearted friends such as yourself that the foundation is able to carry on to this day. Money merely forms the arteries of any charity, but it's kindness from within that pumps the lifeblood like a heart.
Oksana: This universe is filled with sin. Orphans with no place to call home, slaves bound in shackles, people deprived of their own humanity... The dead are nothing but a cold number beneath the smug hand of the executioners who commissioned these wars.
Oksana: Even if we have no way of stopping war from happening, we can at least mitigate the trauma caused by letting wealth play out its true purpose.
Oksana: That's the original idea behind establishing this foundation of mine.
Icon Dialogue Arrow May peace come to all worlds.
Icon Dialogue Arrow May war come nevermore.
Oksana: Relax, kid. It will become true. One day it will — that I pray, from the bottom of my heart. And when that day comes, the foundation will lose its raison d'être — and I'll be free to pick up my true passion and joy once more.
Oksana: And so everyone will come to laugh again and hold hands together, indiscriminate of species or class.
Oksana: When that day comes, I'm going to hand off my business to someone else, find a quiet planet somewhere all to myself, and just lie on the grass — thinking about nothing and doing even less.
UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Tick... tock! Quick, Adjust the hands... Tick, tock!
People's minds await your exploration. Help them regain their true selves!
(After unlocking the Emo Dial)
Oksana's muted saintly smile suddenly breaks out into a grin, startling you. She tries taking it back, but it doesn't seem to work.
Oksana: My heart is dancing in SoulGlad. Clockie and the doll are holding hands, and the skies are showering with money.
Oksana: My happiness is like a red giant star singing as it slowly expands in the vacuum of space, shooting high like a growing number.
Oksana: Hey kid, y'know what? On my home planet, people dance beneath the starry night sky while we do business deals. The more outrageous your dance moves are, the more lucrative your deal is going to be.
Oksana: After leaving home I gradually grew used to the outside world with all its rules, but every time I feel happy I can't help but want to invite everyone to come and dance with me — just like now.
Oksana: It's a real shame that you're just a kid and can't keep up with the pace of life's dance.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Good news, I take it?
Oksana: Good news? Sure. Since coming to Penacony, my soul has rarely felt so at ease.
Oksana: Soon there'll be a big deal coming down the line — could be several deals. More than enough to buy a dozen asteroids.
Oksana: If I capitalize on this momentum, more and more of these deals are gonna come a-knockin' and things will start to snowball.
Oksana: Just look! That's my reward for being kind.
Oksana: And right now, kid, I might just need a little of your kindness.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Need a hand with something?
Oksana: You get it. I'll really make this worth your while.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Thanks, but I'm busy.
Oksana: Don't worry. You definitely won't be getting the short end of the stick in terms of payment here.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you cutting me in on some company stock?
Oksana: It's not quite that, but I'll be sure to make it worth your while.
Oksana: I just remembered an important deal in Penacony that hasn't been settled yet. I've been so busy with the foundation that I completely forgot — and I'm completely tied up with things here for the time being.
Oksana: It's a cinch: Just grab the batch of toys I stashed at the theme park, and take them over to the meeting spot at the Golden Hour. That's it.
Oksana: And this here is your hard-earned remuneration.
Oksana: I mean, even the greatest act of kindness would never last long without a little recompense, right?
(Talk to Oksana again, optional)
Oksana: Just grab the batch of toys I stashed at the theme park and take them over to the meeting spot at the Golden Hour. And always be kind, kid.

Go to the corner of the theme park and retrieve the toy.[]

(Interact with the Concealed Box)
Icon Dialogue Quest Concealed Box
Taking a peek into the immaculate bag, you see it's filled with ordinary toys. You cannot understand how they're selling so well. Perhaps this is what Oksana might call a return of "goodwill."
(Obtain Oksana's "Toys" Oksana's "Toys")

Give the toy to the buyer in the Golden Hour and complete the deal.[]

(Talk to Trader)
You confirm and re-confirm that this guy is indeed the buyer of the toys. He looks super-shady as he's standing there, as though he's planning to deal in something dodgy.
Trader: Did you bring the stuff?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why do you sound like a crook when we're just dealing toys?
Trader: Toys? ... Hey, I'm just trying to create a little atmosphere here, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The finest goods in all Penacony.
Trader: They sure are. High quality at a low price. There's none better in all the galaxy.
(Submit Oksana's "Toys" Oksana's "Toys")
Trader: I'd been holding out for ages, but the wait is finally over. After so long with no word, I was worried that Miss Oksana got cold feet. But I've just been projecting my own stingy concerns onto a gracious lady.
Trader: With these "toys," we should be good to make it through the rest of this difficult year coming up.
Trader: She must be taking a hit, letting us have the "toys" for such a low price. There really is no way to repay such magnanimous kindness.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are toys really that important to you?
Trader: My friend, if Miss Oksana entrusted you with the delivery, then she must place great faith in you. I won't keep you in the dark.
Trader: She probably didn't tell you because she doesn't want too many people knowing about her charity. But I'm not having that: good people should be praised, and good deeds should be lauded.
Trader: My home system is in a quadrant racked by war. Military coups and puppet regimes are about as common as the stars in the sky. But whoever is in power, it's always the people who suffer under oppression.
Trader: Even if they squeeze out our last drop of blood, those savages will still find a way to pick all the meat off our bones so that even the vultures end up starving to death.
Trader: And who should bring hope to us corpses-to-be? Miss Oksana. Using her influence and finances at the foundation, this galactic activist provides us with armed support almost free of charge.
Trader: These everyday toys you see here are able to be converted into special chips once they get back to the real world, then exchanged for arms to resist our oppressors.
Trader: Do you get it now? She's not selling toys to us, but our lives — and our futures.
Trader: And for that, I wouldn't hesitate one second to cut out my own heart and give it to her.
Trader: So long, dear friend. I envy the peace here, but Penacony's not where I belong. There's a whole load of people on the other side of the galaxy awaiting liberation, and that's where I need to be.
Trader: Next time you see Miss Oksana, please make sure you pass on my thanks to her. My friend, I hope you also keep your heart in the right place.

Report back to Oksana about the transaction.[]

(Approach Oksana)
Mysterious Stranger: Is this the latest model on the market? This force field is paper-thin.
Oksana: It's the largest model out that can fit inside alleys and tunnels, friend — and force fields always need a generator.
Oksana: We can always try something bigger: like installing a clunky tail behind each generator to serve as target practice for the opposition. How about that?
Oksana: Of course, you can also approach the IPC or the Intelligentsia Guild — if they're willing to sell.
Mysterious Stranger: Don't be like that. Anyone with eyes can tell how good the quality of your "toys" has been for years now. It's just in those quadrants, none of them are honest anymore. Our finances just can't take the hit anymore.
Oksana: I know exactly how much you're able to afford, so quit the haggling. It's a fixed price.
Oksana: If you don't want them, fine — there's probably someone out there who needs these "toys" even more than you do. I can always sell to them instead.
Mysterious Stranger: I want the stuff. The down payment will be with you tomorrow... You don't have to be so cut-throat about it.
Oksana: That's a clever choice.
Mysterious Stranger: The Intelligentsia Guild really should dissect your brain for research, and find out how it's make up stops you from being destroyed by nightmares.
The mysterious person departs without bothering to look back, leaving Oksana where they stood.
(Talk to Oksana)
Oksana: That was quick. Those dithering schmucks at the foundation could really learn a thing or two from you, kid.
Oksana: How'd the deal go? Everything smooth?
Icon Dialogue Arrow About you being this galactic activist...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ... Why did you hide everything from me?
Oksana: It wasn't on purpose, as you know what kind of person I am. I just didn't want you to look at me with tinted glasses, even if they were tinted with positivity.
Oksana: Kid, the funding that the foundation invests isn't just coming from me. Champions of peace and life across the galaxy all deserve our gratitude for their kindness.
Oksana: And I'm not some great galactic activist — I'm just a guide who provides a platform for everyone to use.
Oksana: There are so many worlds out there in the universe under the yoke of tyranny and oppression where even mere survival has become a luxury. To their oppressors, the residents aren't even people, but simply fuel for their tyrants' money-printers.
Oksana: Anybody would sympathize with them when confronted with such tragedy, and that forms the basis for why our foundation was established.
Oksana: So I support them purely out of personal compassion. In my view, helping them fight against oppression isn't any kind of charity but rather my duty and responsibility as an individual of wealth.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Out of kindness, right?
Oksana: Sure. So long as we have kind intentions, we can do things that not even the Aeons could dream of doing.
Icon Dialogue Arrow So who was that just then?
Oksana: Just a regular of mine with a filthy temper. They make custom weapons to put down — uh, I mean to fight against the Antimatter Legion.
Oksana: You did great this time. Just think about it — thanks to your help, millions of oppressed people will be able to overthrow their tyrannical regime.
Oksana: You can be proud of that, kid.
Despite Oksana speaking words of righteousness... her suspicious conversation with the mysterious person and other forced interactions leaves you feeling paranoid.
(Trailblazer): (That mysterious person shouldn't have wandered off too far... maybe you can ask her a few questions?)
(Talk to Oksana again, optional)
Oksana: You did great this time. Just think about it — thanks to your help, millions of oppressed people will be able to overthrow their tyrannical regime.
Oksana: You can be proud of that, kid.

Catch up with the mystery lady and ask her what she knows.[]

(Talk to Mysterious Stranger)
Mysterious Stranger: Are you the one who was coming to see Oksana before? What, don't tell me her conscience got the better of her, and she'd like to cut us a half-price deal now?
Mysterious Stranger: Ha! Knowing her, there's more chance of the IPC converting to Aha than there is of that ever happening.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Isn't she a galactic activist though?
Mysterious Stranger: Activist? Oh, my! Hahaha... well that's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life.
Mysterious Stranger: Let me guess what she told you: "Oh, since my childhood friend died in the name of charity, I've taken up her mantle and dedicated myself to relieving the torments of war. And that's why we decided to establish this foundation of ours."
Mysterious Stranger: Take a guess how many times she's given this spiel before? And how much investment she's swindled out of people?
Icon Dialogue Arrow But, what about the foundation...
Mysterious Stranger: You wanna know the real reason why the foundation was established? Money laundering! They take that money and invest it into weapons manufacturers, then use the foundation to pull the wool over people's eyes. It's a shrewd hustle.
Mysterious Stranger: A bigshot philanthropist throughout the galaxy? Don't make me sick. Every time there's another ding-dong on that bank account, a new shipment of arms sets sail.
Mysterious Stranger: Wanna know which part of the story I like best? Whenever any conflict reaches a ceasefire, the foundation's "humanitarian relief supplies" will be dispatched to the planet alongside a small army of photographers.
Mysterious Stranger: And they'll say: "Please, put down arms and let everybody negotiate peacefully". I'm telling you, the best job for her isn't being an arms trader but rather a stand-up comedian. Just a bunch of clowns.
Mysterious Stranger: What was that line she just pulled? "Keep on being kind, kid."
Mysterious Stranger: But there's no use telling you all this. I have to hurry back to deal with that president of ours. Once I finish putting down the uprising, my forces will be executing that two-faced maggot too.
Icon Dialogue Arrow She was hedging her bets.
Icon Dialogue Arrow She was selling to the other side, too.
(Trailblazer): She was selling weapons to both of you to try and provoke a war so she could milk both sides. Are you happy for her to get away with it?
Mysterious Stranger: Listen, buddy, to be honest with you, I've met a lot of crooks in my time, so I kind of like you. But let me remind you that this universe isn't as innocent as you think it is.
Mysterious Stranger: Of course, I know who cut those crooks a discount on those weapons. And we'll have to keep buying weapons from that lady for as long as they resist us. Why would she ever give up a cash cow like that?
Mysterious Stranger: Those ignorant thugs should be thanking her for all this!
Mysterious Stranger: Arms dealers are like hyenas hedging their bets — they make money the more casualties there are. But we don't care! All we care about is having better weapons and better gear than those scoundrels, and whether or not we can beat them.
Mysterious Stranger: You come from a peaceful homeworld, and might not put this knowledge into practice for the rest of your life. But who knows?
Mysterious Stranger: The kid who buys a toy doesn't care if the hands that sell it to him are covered in blood. Until one day in the future when they themselves are reduced to a red smear.
Mysterious Stranger: Five Amber Eras ago, our quadrant used to be peaceful, too. But look at it now: it stinks worse than the stomach of a void song whale. That's war for you — you just never know when it'll fall on your head.
Mysterious Stranger: Then the swarms of arms dealers and mercenaries will come, flocking to the scent. The smell of profit is so sweet that with one whiff, you'll never be able to wean yourself off it.
Mysterious Stranger: So long, buddy. I hope we never have to meet again on the battlefield at the end of the cosmos.

Go back and confront Oksana.[]

(Talk to Oksana)
Oksana: Kid, what are you doing back here? Is it good news? It must be karma repaying your kindness.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You lied to me.
Oksana: What happened? Something bad? There there, let me take care of your worries.
Oksana: That's just life. There'll always be something annoying happening, but we have to keep soldiering on. If even we can't endure setbacks, what hope do those living in actual war zones have?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I know that you're an arms dealer.
Oksana: Tsk... I should have sewn that general's lips shut before I let him go. That's why I hate having to deal with these guys who only have anti-matter mines for brains. Politicians are far smarter.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I know everything.
Oksana: Yikes. Don't tell me there's another rebel group who's sent me a thank you letter?
Oksana: To tell you the truth, we try to keep things as low profile as we can at the foundation. But every time there'll be some kind-hearted people who risk their necks out there on the battlefield taking photos of our aid.
Icon Dialogue Arrow They're not hired by you?
Oksana: Didn't I already say? Ours was a chance rendezvous, so why should we be at loggerheads?
Oksana: I pay the money, and you do the job. That's the underlying logic behind how the world works. They got the weapons they wanted. I got my money. And you got your payment, too. What's wrong with having it good for a change?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Games within games.
Oksana: Don't tell me you believe that slander against the foundation? That's just the way it is, these days — everyone loves to hold up the tall poppy before cutting it down.
Oksana: It's fine if you want to insult me. But I will never stand for people criticizing everyone else's hard work.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is inciting war part of your charity?
Oksana: Tsk... Looks like you've figured everything out.
Oksana: If you ask me, kids shouldn't work themselves up about grown-up things... or they won't be able to sleep at night.
Oksana: And besides, I was never the instigator. They came to me with their request, and I just helped them light the fuse. All I'm doing is following basic business etiquette by giving customers the products they need.
Oksana: Kid, there's no such thing as right and wrong in the world outside the Dreamscape. Having money, and staying alive so you can spend money — that's the only truth there is.
Oksana: If you were in my shoes, what exactly would you do? That's the cold hard cash we're talking about. If I pulled it all out of the bank, the stacks would cover up a mountain — no, make that a whole mountain range.
Oksana: As long as the rebels have enough steam to resist, then the junta's weapon orders represent a bottomless pit — funneling money stolen from directly to us.
Oksana: Therefore, the rebels cannot win — but they can't lose, either. It's just like that old fable about the frog carrying the scorpion across the river... Ah, no — it's "casting a long line to catch a bigger fish."
Oksana: Don't give me that snide look. I'll have you know that without my supplies, they wouldn't even get the chance to resist. The state's machine of oppression would just eradicate them before nightfall, roots and all.
Oksana: And what's more, I'm always asking the foundation to put this money back into aid to help war refugees. If you round everything up, am I not actually helping the people get their own money back?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Didn't you say you want to eliminate war?
Oksana: The only lesson I learned from war is that nothing ever changes. Kid, if you can't stop it, then you might as well try and put it to work for you. Wherever there's warfare, there are profits to be made.
Oksana: I don't know what The Family dosed me with, spurning such a great line of business like this and recruiting people into charity cause instead.
Oksana: This sum should make up for me deceiving you. From now on, we don't know each other. You've never seen me and I've never seen you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You can keep your filthy blood money.
Oksana: Care to reconsider? Even here in Penacony you can find countless people struggling day and night to try and make this kind of money.
Oksana: Ditch your naive ideas about justice always prevailing. One is an abstract number light years away, and the other is profits right under your nose — the right answer couldn't be any clearer. If it helps, I can give you even more.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I can't take it any more!
(Trailblazer): Listen up, warmonger! I'll give you a taste of some Trailblazer medicine!
You may be anticipating a heated battle but unfortunately, Miss Oksana offers you neither heat nor battle.
The famous entrepreneur was still struggling to recover when the Hounds have made it onto the scene.
Woolsey: Absolutely ruthless. Ever thought about joining up with us Bloodhounds? We can negotiate on your salary.
Woolsey: I'm not even kidding: If it weren't for you catching this crook so soon, who knows how many planets in the cosmos would have been obliterated?
Woolsey: Here's your bonus. And on behalf of all those children who are still alive because of you: Thank you.
Woolsey: Are you gonna come quietly, "bigshot philanthropist"?
Oksana: One day, you will come to regret your naivety.
Oksana stares at you in rage. Looks like she's finally getting a taste of her own karma.

Congrats on fixing Oksana's Emo Dial, tick-tock!

(Obtain Achievement Lord of War)
(Obtain "Philanthropist" "Philanthropist" and Credit Credit ×61,000)
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's what I meant.
Oksana: That's right. What's it to us whether those people live or die? Making money is the be-all and end-all.
Oksana: Sensible kids like you are my favorite.

(Trailblazer): (You take the hush money from Oksana, but no matter which way you think about it, you can't quite stomach it.)
(Trailblazer): (If by chance she were to leave here, who knows how many planets would be engulfed in the flames of war.)
(Trailblazer): Before war breaks out, perhaps you can ask Woolsey for help.
(Trailblazer): If you leave now, then...

(Obtain Credit Credit ×20,000)

(Optional) Report the business to Woolsey from the Bloodhound Family.[]

(Talk to Woolsey)
Woolsey: Hello. Need any help?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd like to make a report.
(Trailblazer): An arms dealer named Oksana is about to set off an intergalactic war.
Woolsey: What? How did that warmonger find her emotions again? This is an emergency. Take us to her now.

(Optional) Leave the theme park and wash your hands off it.[]

Follow the Bloodhounds and capture Oksana.[]

Woolsey: She's pretty fast, but if it were on any other planet, she really might just get away.
Woolsey: Don't worry, buddy. She can't escape from the nose of a Bloodhound.
Woolsey: Thanks to your intel, we were able to cordon off the entirety of The Reverie. Unless she can somehow put together an FTL drive in her room out of thin air, not even the Antimatter Legion would be able to come and rescue her.
Woolsey: Here's your reward. You have saved countless planets from the ravages of war. On behalf of those affected children: Thank you.

Congrats on fixing Oksana's Emo Dial, tick-tock!

(Obtain Achievement Better Late Than Never)
(Obtain "Philanthropist" "Philanthropist" and Credit Credit ×31,000)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishClockwork: Oksana
Korean시계 트릭: 옥사나
SpanishTrucorreloj: Oksana
FrenchPouvoir de la Pendule : Oksana
RussianЗаводной механизм: Оксана
Thaiกลนาฬิกา: Oksana
VietnameseThủ Thuật Đồng Hồ: Oksana
GermanUhrwerk: Oksana
IndonesianClockwork: Oksana
PortugueseTruquelógio: Oksana

Change History[]
