Clockie and His Companions is an Achievement in the category The Memories We Share.
To unlock this achievement, the player must help Dreamjoy Memoir's animators produce all of the extra stories.
The animators are:
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Clockie and His Companions |
Chinese (Simplified) | 钟表小子和他的伙伴们 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 鐘錶小子和他的夥伴們 |
Japanese | クロックボーイと愉快な仲間たち |
Korean | 시계 소년과 친구들 |
Spanish | Relojito y sus amigos |
French | Chronou et ses amis |
Russian | Часик и его друзья |
Thai | เจ้าหนูนาฬิกาและผองเพื่อน |
Vietnamese | Cậu Bé Đồng Hồ Và Những Người Bạn |
German | Clockie und seine Freunde |
Indonesian | Clockie dan Teman-Temannya |
Portuguese | Relogin e seus Companheiros |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.2