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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Classified: Major Incidents in Dreamscape is a readable found on Penacony.



Incident 1: History Fictionologists launched a surprise attack on the museum in the Moment of Sol. During the attack, records related to the Clock Studios Gallery were modified, and the famous first-edition Clockie sculpture is suspected to have merged with an unidentified meme. New exhibits appeared in the History of Dreamweaving and Origami Gallery, with an extensive collection of tools and techniques related to dreamweaving project suddenly appearing, along with published documents supporting them. In addition, changes were made in The Family Gallery, where certain figures from several major lineages were added and removed, accompanied by commentary on significant events and the history of these figures. Other galleries also suffered damage of unknown extent.

Currently, the Nightingale Family, in collaboration with the Garden of Recollection staff in Penacony, have started adjustment and revalidation of the museum's exhibitions. They have completed the restoration work within 10 system hours and reopened the museum.

Incident 2: The Masked Fools caused a SoulGlad flood in the Golden Hour. The beverage refinery became overloaded due to unknown adjustments made by the Masked Fools, resulting in a flood that started at the SoulGlad Factory. Within one system hour, the flood quickly spread to the Golden Central Station, resulting in the drowning of tens of thousands of guests and their forced departure from the Dreamscape. Additionally, the large-scale Dreamscape slumber caused by the evaporation of SoulGlad has created significant challenges in addressing the issue.

Following the incident, the Bloodhound Family swiftly broke through the SoulGlad flood and reached the factory as soon as they could. They successfully activated the emergency shutdown on the gates, preventing the further spread of the flood. Simultaneously, the Iris Family organized a free disaster-relief performance for the affected individuals, earning widespread praise and helping to alleviate the negative public opinion caused by the flood.

Incident 3: The Gilded Hour faced a financial crisis due to disruptions caused by the IPC's strategic investment. The IPC initiated a large-scale price war in luxury goods and high-end services, directly resulting in inflation within the Gilded Hour and generating bank runs amongst our employees. The financial crisis led to several cases of Pepeshi falling from heights. Furthermore, due to information leaks, the trust of some local residents in Penacony's finance sector has plummeted.

To prevent potential catastrophic economic consequences, the Alfalfa Family has adjusted its currency and financial policies in accordance with Article 6 of the Emergency Management Plan. They have actively engaged in communication with the IPC to resolve conflicts and seek cooperation. Substantial progress has been made so far, and public investment and loans have resumed steady growth.

Incident 4: The Annihilation Gang planned to secretly besiege the Moment of Dusk as the Charmony Festival is approaching. Investigations revealed this specific branch of the gang was originally working under Duke Inferno. They infiltrated the Dreamscape and collaborated with local gangs and other unlawful entities, including the Masked Fools, with the aim of kidnapping prominent guests attending the auction during the Charmony Festival. They hoped to use this opportunity when the Charmony Festival attracted moguls from across the universe, and leverage the ransoms to generate funds for their future endeavors.

Their actions drew too much attention, and they were caught red-handed by the Bloodhounds while recruiting new members in a restaurant. Subsequently, the captured individuals revealed the identities of the remaining members. Currently, all the culprits have been apprehended.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishClassified: Major Incidents in Dreamscape
Korean기밀: 꿈세계 대형 사건 기록
SpanishClasificado: Incidentes mayores en el paisaje onírico
FrenchConfidentiel : Rapport sur les incidents du Pays des rêves
RussianСовершенно секретно: Чрезвычайные происшествия в Мире грёз
Thaiความลับ: บันทึกเหตุการณ์ผิดปกติครั้งใหญ่ในแดนฝัน
VietnameseCơ Mật: Ghi Chép Về Bất Thường Trong Cõi Mộng
GermanKlassifiziert: Größere Vorfälle in der Traumlandschaft
IndonesianRahasia: Catatan Insiden Besar Dunia Mimpi
PortugueseConfidencial: Principais Incidentes no Mundonírico

Change History[]
