The Church of Purity Palace is a faction mentioned in the story for the Relic set Knight of Purity Palace.
The Church of Purity Palace is a religious order, with distinct chains of command and a mission to protect rings of an unknown importance.[1] At some point, the church was given the power from the stellar seas which allowed them to punish devils, but also spread a madness that ate away at human rationality. This madness drove its own knights and Arch Knight to attack their Maiden, Maiden Vanira, before being struck down by Safina to protect her and to prevent it from spreading.
After its destruction, devout followers blamed the Safina and an Maiden Vanira for its destruction.
Much is unknown about the belief structure of the church, however it can be said that they believe in good versus evil, salvation, miracles, and are dedicated to eradicate devils. They are monotheistic,[2] with scriptures and doctrines.
They had an obsession with devils, wanting to both eradicate them and craved their power to the point that they kidnapped a newborn devil and indoctrinated her to become a knight. At some point, they were gifted power from the stellar seas which they used against them, and caused them to be consumed with a madness to expel all devil spawn for the salvation of the church.
Known Members[]
- Maiden Vanira
- Safina — Solemn Knight
Faction Mentions[]
Knight's Forgiving Casque
Knight's Iron Boots of Order
Knight's Silent Oath Ring
Knight's Solemn Breastplate
- The story of Knight of Purity Palace Relic Set suggests that the Church of Purity Palace might be affiliated with the Path of Order.[3]
- Luocha's second Eidolon, Bestowal From the Pure (Chinese: 净庭赐礼 "Bestowal From the Purity Palace"), suggests that he might be a former member of the Church of Purity Palace.
- According to his Character Story, his home world had the "church" and was plagued by the "devils" and the "insanity."[4]
- During the Cosmodyssey event, selecting Luocha as the first character in the Fashion Squad Assignment resulted in him preparing an outfit in the style of the Purity Palace.
- As Luocha's powers originate from Yaoshi the Abundance,[5] the power of the Aeons gifted to the Church of Purity Palace might also originate from the Abundance, which "spread an insanity that ate away at human rationality."[1]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Church of Purity Palace |
Chinese (Simplified) | 净庭教会 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 淨庭教會 |
Japanese | 純庭教会 |
Korean | 정토 교회 |
Spanish | Iglesia de Corte Inmaculada |
French | L'Église du palais de la pureté |
Russian | Церкви дворца чистоты |
Thai | โบสถ์วังวิสุทธิ์ |
Vietnamese | Giáo hội Tịnh Đình |
German | Kirche des Palasts der Reinheit |
Indonesian | Church of Purity Palace |
Portuguese | Igreja do Palácio da Pureza |
Change History[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Relic, Knight of Purity Palace: Knight's Silent Oath Ring
- ↑ Relic, Knight of Purity Palace: Knight's Solemn Breastplate
"[...] recited reverent prayers to god," - ↑ Relic, Knight of Purity Palace: Knight's Iron Boots of Order
Standard boots distributed to the Knights of the Church of Purity Palace, with a simple word carved on their heels: Order. - ↑ Data Bank, Characters, Luocha: Character Story: Part II
- ↑ Companion Mission, Vita Infinita: Clouds Leave No Trace