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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A pair of boxing gloves kept in excellent condition. Some slight wear doesn't hinder their effectiveness.

Champion's Heavy Gloves is a Relic piece in the set Champion of Streetwise Boxing.

Sold By[]

Underground ShopShield (Item)×1001Unlocks at Trailblaze Level 20


When Lindsay first entered the boxing ring, her fighting style was utterly unbalanced, for she only knew how to attack but never how to defend. All her years of street fighting were inadequate to prepare her for the fight in the ring. The match arranged by Ekaterina put Lindsay into her place.

A series of successive defeats in local fights shattered Lindsay's arrogance and deeply humbled her, forcing her to reflect on the balanced offensive and defensive rhythm that Ekaterina was teaching her. As if kissed by the goddess of combat, this once-stubborn street fighter gradually came to understand the significance and joy of balancing offense with defense. The next thing she knew, her hand wraps were torn and her gloves soaked with sweat and blood.

"Never let yourself fall into your opponent's traps. Remember your own rhythm."

Now Lindsay finally came to appreciate Ekat's words and her loving gaze. The usually stern Ekat had long loved Lindsay like she would her own child.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishChampion's Heavy Gloves
Korean격투왕의 대포 글러브
SpanishGuantes pesados de la campeona
FrenchGants de championne
RussianТяжёлые перчатки чемпиона
ThaiChampion's Heavy Gloves
VietnameseGăng Tay Pháo Của Quyền Vương
GermanSchwere Handschuhe des Champions
IndonesianChampion's Heavy Gloves
PortugueseLuvas Pesadas da Campeã

Change History[]

