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Hope Is the Thing With Feathers (Disk) -
"Sway to My Beat in Cosmos" -
"Ace in the Hole" -
"Symphony No. 8 'A Thousand Suns'" -
"Requiem Aeternam" -
"Oed' und leer das Meer" -
"If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking" -
"Dream First!"
All items (47)
- "A Star Is Born"
- "Ace in the Hole"
- "Against The Day"
- "Agnus Aeon"
- "An Actor Prepares"
- "Challenge to the Reader"
- "Chaîne Signifiante"
- "Citizen Hanunue"
- "City Upon a Hill"
- "Confutatis"
- "Dream First!"
- "Fair Play"
- "Fast and Furynuts"
- "Golden Land"
- "Halfway House"
- "Hi, Dolly!"
- "If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking"
- "If One Wakes at Midnight"
- "Into the Yawning Chasm"
- "Little Little Caesar"
- "Lustprinzip"
- "Morns Like These"
- "Nevermore"
- "Nobility of Time"
- "Oed' und leer das Meer"
- "Omertà"
- "On The Disintegration of Evermemoria"
- "Realitätsprinzip"
- "Requiem Aeternam"
- "Return of None"
- "Some Like It Hot"
- "Speedy Hamz"
- "Spellbound"
- "Stade du Miroir"
- "Stranger Than Paradise"
- "Sway to My Beat in Cosmos"
- "Symphony No. 8 'A Thousand Suns'"
- "The Big Sleep"
- "The City in the Sea"
- "The Midnight Special"
- "The Player on The Other Side"
- "The Sting of Death Is Sin"
- "The Strength of Sin Is the Law"
- "This Side of Paradise"
- "Walk of Fame"
- "Way of the Wolf"