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Dance, Destined Weaveress -
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Earthbind, Etherbreak -
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The Sorrowing Body -
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Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss -
Rise, Exalted Renown
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- Arrowslinger
- Banner: Stormcaller
- Behind the Kindness
- Beneficent Lotus
- Boltsunder
- Cloudfencer Art: Starshine
- Cloudlancer Art: North Wind
- Corkage Fee
- Dazzling Blades
- Deficit...
- Diagnostic Kick
- Did You Get It
- Direct Punch
- Dislodged
- E—Excuse Me, Please!
- Farewell Hit
- Fist of Conviction
- Fleeting Fragrance
- Flower Pick
- Frigid Cold Arrow
- Frost Shot
- Frost Thorn
- Galespin Summersault
- Gleaming Admonition
- Glistening Light
- Gravity Suppression
- Heart Afire
- Hehe! Don't Get Burned!
- Hurlthorn
- I Want to Help
- Ice Crampon Technique
- Ice-Breaking Light (Single Target)
- Lash of Riches
- Leave It to Me!
- Lightning Rush
- Lucent Moonglow
- Mara-Sunder Awl
- Midnight Tumult
- Mind is Might
- Monodrama
- My Sword Zaps Demons
- Ninjutsu: Rise Above Tumbles
- Novaburst
- Oracle Brush
- Order: Flare Propulsion
- Percipience, Silent Dawn
- Radiant Streak
- Roaring Thunderclap
- Sawblade Tuning
- Shard Sword
- Skullcrush Spurs
- Spectrum Beam
- Standing Ovation
- Straight Bet
- Swing Dance Etiquette
- System Warning
- Thorned Nectar
- Thorns of the Abyss
- Threading Fragrance
- Thwack
- Trilateral Wiltcross
- Votive Incense
- What Are You Looking At?
- Windrider Bullet
- Wingflip White Noise
- Brows Be Smitten, Heart Be Bitten
- Cherry on Top!
- Fanning the Hammer
- Forest of Swords
- Fyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic Decimation
- Ice-Breaking Light (Blast)
- Nectar Blitz
- Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade
- Sky-Shatter Fist
- Transcendence
- Divine Spear
- Fiery Caress
- Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss
- Fulgurant Leap
- A Scoop of Moon
- Acquisition Surety
- Allow Changes?
- Benison of Paper and Rites
- Big Brain Energy
- Bladeborne Quake
- Blazing Welcome
- Caressing Moonlight
- Cloudfencer Art: Mountainfall
- Cloudlancer Art: Torrent
- Combat Redeployment
- Cornerstone Deluxe
- Darting Ironthorn
- Daunting Smite
- Decadence, False Twilight
- Difficulty Paying?
- Dracore Libre
- Dreamdiver
- Edge of the Void
- Emboldening Salvo
- Ever-Burning Amber
- Fleetwinged Raid
- Frostbite
- Halftime to Make It Rain
- Hear Me Out
- Hellscape
- Hey! Remember Hook? (Single Target)
- I Choose You!
- Iniquity Obliteration
- Intellectual Midwifery
- Justice, Hereby Blooms
- Known by Stars, Shown by Hearts
- Lacerating Fist
- Lightning Flash
- Love, Heal, and Choose
- Master, It's Tea Time!
- Meteor Storm
- Molten Detonation
- Ninja Strike: Rooted Resolute
- Octobolt Flash
- One-Time Offer
- Order: Aerial Bombardment
- Pinion's Aria
- Prayer of Abyss Flower
- Ricochet Love
- Rifting Zenith
- RIP Home Run
- Rise, Exalted Renown
- R—Room Service
- Salted Camping Cans
- Samsara, Locked
- Scorch Onslaught
- Shackle Breaker
- Sheathed Blade
- Singing Among Clouds
- Sizzlin' Tango
- Smoke and Splendor
- Soothing Melody
- Special Brew
- String Sings Slow Swirls
- Svarog Watches Over You
- Talisman: Protection
- The Power of Cuteness
- Transcendent Flash
- Virtue Beckons Bliss
- Waraxe
- Fyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar Overload
- Hey! Remember Hook? (Blast)
- Moon On Glacial River
- A Quartet? Woo-hoo!
- All-Out Footlight Parade
- Amidst the Raining Bliss
- Amidst the Rejoicing Clouds
- Astral Blessing
- Azure's Aqua Ablutes All
- Bliss of Otherworld's Embrace
- Boom! Here Comes the Fire!
- Butterfly Flurry
- Champagne Etiquette
- Coup de Grâce
- Dance, Destined Weaveress
- Dash In, Gash Out
- Death Sentence
- Death Wish
- Divine Castigation
- Diving Kestrel
- Dripping Mistscape
- Dust Devil's Sunset Rodeo
- Earthbind, Etherbreak
- Enduring Bulwark
- Ethereal Dream
- Felicitous Thunderleap
- Florephemeral Dreamflux
- For In This Garden Supreme Beauty Bestows
- Frenzied Punishment
- Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion
- Gift of Rebirth
- Glacial Cascade
- G—Gonna Be Late!
- Heavenly Flare
- Here Comes the Mechanical Fever
- It's Magic, I Added Some Magic
- Lightbringer
- March 7th, the Apex Heroine
- Nindō Supreme: Aishiteru
- Ode to Caress and Cicatrix
- Petals to Stream, Repose in Dream
- Promise, Not Command
- Pyrograph Arcanum
- Roulette Shark
- Slashed Dream Cries in Red
- Snowfield First Aid
- Solar Splendor Shines Upon All
- Stardust Ace
- Surprise Present
- Syllogistic Paradox
- Synthetic Black Hole
- Tail: Spiritual Domination
- Ten-Lords' Decree, All Shall Obey
- Terrasplit