Cast Off Worldly Woes is an Achievement in the category The Memories We Share.
To obtain this achievement, the player must show Southern Emperor's ending to Northern Beggar by choosing the option "Let's talk about that friend you're looking for" and "(Take out The Ashblazing Grand Duke)" in his dialogue.
View map: Skysplitter Floor 2
- The Chinese name of this achievement, 抛开世事断愁怨, is quoted from the lyrics of 铁血丹心, the first opening theme of the 1983 TV adaptation series of the Wuxia novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes (Chinese: 射雕英雄传).
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Cast Off Worldly Woes |
Chinese (Simplified) | 抛开世事断愁怨 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 拋開世事斷愁怨 |
Japanese | 世間を捨て憂いと恨みを断つ |
Korean | 세상사 내버리고 근심과 원망 잘라내리 |
Spanish | Deja atrás el rencor mundano |
French | Se délester du poids du monde |
Russian | Отбросьте мирские печали и обиды |
Thai | ละทิ้งซึ่งวังวนความแค้น |
Vietnamese | Vứt Bỏ Thế Sự, Cắt Đứt Muộn Phiền |
German | Lasse die Sorgen der Welt hinter dir |
Indonesian | Meninggalkan Urusan Dunia dan Kesedihan |
Portuguese | Deixe de Lado as Mágoas Mundanas |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.5