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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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Carl is an NPC on Penacony, located in the Clock Studios Theme Park Screening Area Entrance.


(To be added.)


Missions and Events[]

Adventure Missions

Character Mentions[]


Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"Our long friendship has come to an end."
(Version 2)
"That old scoundrel..."


(First interaction)
Carl: I'm green with envy...
The Pepeshi before you is looking up at the Hanu sign in mid-air with a sorrowful face. He has a unique aura that makes him stand out in the cacophonous crowd.
After contemplating for a while, it suddenly occurs to you that this aura is "loneliness."
Icon Dialogue Arrow What are you envious of?
Carl: ...Nothing much. I'm just a little envious of the... friendship that Clockie and Hanu share.
Carl: Although I've never watched much of Clockie's animation, I'm still moved by the pure friendship between them.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you a fan of Hanu?
Carl: Haha, not really. I actually barely watched the animations. But still, I find the pure friendship between Clockie and him very enviable.
Carl: I, too, have an... important friend, but our friendship is going through... a rough patch. In fact, I'm quite upset because of this.
Carl: To prove myself to him, I ventured to Penacony and became a Dreamscape Motivator. Unfortunately... I still have yet to come up with any solutions that can help us mend fences to this day. Perhaps... our friendship is already over.
Carl: Oh, forgive me for rambling on. I hope your mood isn't affected. Have a great time!
(Continue on to dialogue options below)

(If Carl's Emotion is set to Calm)
The Pepeshi before you is still looking up at the Hanu sign in mid-air with a sorrowful face.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you up for a chat?
Carl: ...With me? If that's what you want, be my guest.
Icon Dialogue Talk Would you like to talk about your friend?
Carl: Well... I'm sorry for disappointing you, but I'm not ready to talk about him at the moment.
Carl: How about we talk about something else if you don't mind?
Icon Dialogue Talk Haven't we met before?
Carl: Oh, I remember you. You were the youngster who asked for Anna's help back then, right?
Carl: I heard that the matter was successfully resolved in the end. You must have played a big role in it.
Carl: How energetic...
Icon Dialogue Exit That's it for today.
Carl: Well, I hope you have a wonderful time.
Icon Dialogue Hand Can I touch the fluff ball on your head?
Carl: What...? If you're joking, I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood for that right now. If you're serious about it, I'd suggest that you drop the idea immediately, or I'll report you to the Bloodhounds!
Carl: Now, please stay away from me.
Icon Dialogue Exit I've got to go. Bye.
Carl: See you around. Feel free to come to me if you ever need the help of a Dreamscape Motivator.

(If Carl's Emotion is set to Angry)
Carl: How dare he accuse me of betraying him!? Haha, what about his own doings?
Icon Dialogue Hand Can I touch the fluff ball on your head?
Icon Dialogue Exit I've got to go. Bye.

(If Carl's Emotion is set to Happy)
The Pepeshi breaks into a faint grin that makes him appear more youthful and vibrant.
When he sets his gaze on a spot in the empty air, there is a hint of nostalgic delight in his eyes.
Icon Dialogue Hand Can I touch the fluff ball on your head?
Icon Dialogue Exit I've got to go. Bye.

(If Carl's Emotion is set to Sad)
Carl: Ha... Haha... Yeah... When am I going to stop fooling myself?
Icon Dialogue Hand Can I touch the fluff ball on your head?
Icon Dialogue Exit I've got to go. Bye.


Icon Dialogue Clockwork Activate Clockwork
Icon Clockwork Calm Calm
Carl: The friendships portrayed in animations are always so pure and beautiful. Hanu is always a good companion of Clokie's. They don't fight, betray each other, or... forget it.
Carl: Anyway, it's probably time for the karma between me and that guy... to come to an end.
Icon Clockwork Angry Angry
Carl: As a scholar of the Intelligentsia Guild, he actually thought of monopolizing knowledge. What a massive joke that would be if others heard about it!
Carl: Indeed, his research in the field of dreams and psychology was unparalleled, but that didn't give him the right to be a tyrant! Or to decide whether some thoughts and speech should exist!
Carl: Looked at what he did — he turned ordinary academic conferences into ceremonies for him to pick his disciples by setting up contrived rituals and throwing in convoluted jargon... People were no longer free to speak their minds and converse with each other, as all voices opposing him were labeled as heretical.
Carl: He even... oh, by Nous... attempted to make me an executioner and his accomplice!
Carl: And I was deemed a traitor for wanting to pursue knowledge and form my doctrine in my own way... How ridiculous!
Carl: Just why... did he turn out this way?
(Obtain A Letter of Diffidation A Letter of Diffidation)
Icon Clockwork Happy Happy
Carl: Did you know that, the first time we met, our dinner lasted all through the night till breakfast the following day? We had so much to talk about.
Carl: I can still remember the breakfast menu that morning, as clearly as I can remember every conversation I've had with him.
Carl: I looked up to him so much at that time. He was more like a father and a mentor to me. Now that he is gone, I can say these things a lot more easily... Yes, I once idolized and relied on him.
Carl: Once upon a time, my greatest aspiration was to create an academic platform only for him, where he could shine and impress everyone with his wisdom...
Carl: He was irreplaceable... It would be great if I could forever immerse myself in those beautiful memories.
Icon Clockwork Sad Sad
Carl: That old friend of mine... He used to be my role model and mentor, but... he ended up becoming the biggest obstacle to my progress. I feel... regretful about that.
Carl: We've argued many, many times. When he condemned me at first, I tried to defend myself. As time went on, neither of us gave in. We just kept hurling insults at each other in the end.
Carl: He began penning book after book to refute everything he deemed heretical, while I traveled to Penacony all by myself to become a Dreamscape Motivator...
Carl: Having said that, the nature of my work is actually similar to the one of a Dreamweaver. As practical applications of my theories, I've designed some gadgets for The Family... like the Dreampeek Call on the streets.
Carl: We were both obsessed with our fields, trying hard to prove that we were the right one. However, this fight had long lost its meaning...
Carl: At the end of the day... we didn't even argue with each other anymore. What was left between us was sheer silence.
Carl: I know I'm a coward, yet there's no way I can ever accept the fact that... he passed away before me. There's no chance for us to ever patch things up...
Carl: ...Perhaps, I should seek help from The Family...
(Obtain An Unsent Letter An Unsent Letter)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

Introduced in Version 2.0 • Released in Version 2.1