Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

It is said that the smelting techniques of the Architects allowed them to make chainsaws sturdy enough to split giant boulders. Such techniques have been long lost to history.

"Boss Svarog says its blade is so thin that it can cut into the gap between molecules... What are molecules?"

Broken Teeth of Iron Wolf is a 4-star Character Ascension Material. It is used to ascend characters of the Physical type.

Ascension Usage[]


4 Characters use Broken Teeth of Iron Wolf for ascension:

PhysicalClara Clara
PhysicalLuka Luka
PhysicalNatasha Natasha
PhysicalSushang Sushang

No Light Cones use Broken Teeth of Iron Wolf for ascension.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBroken Teeth of Iron Wolf
Korean강철 늑대의 깨진 이빨
SpanishDientes rotos del huargo férreo
FrenchDents brisées du loup de fer
RussianСломанные зубы железного волка
ThaiBroken Teeth of Iron Wolf
VietnameseRăng Cưa Sói Sắt
GermanGebrochene Zähne des Eisernen Wolfs
IndonesianBroken Teeth of Iron Wolf
PortugueseDentes Quebrados do Lobo de Ferro

Change History[]

