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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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The Bounty Hunters is a faction mentioned numerous times in history.


While unlikely to be a unified group, bounty hunters are used throughout the universe and have served important roles in history. They are said to share numerous traditions, such as using hands on experience to teach new hunters,[1] and crafting personal emblems for themselves.[2]

The Interastral Peace Corporation offers plenty of chances for Bounty Hunters to travel the universe.[3]


Swarm Disaster[]

Before the Swarm Disaster, a female bounty hunter who uses "insect-dust witchcraft"[4] and her crew of Bounty Hunters began making trips to the planet Lepismat.[5] The diverse ecology of Lepismat attracts more Bounty Hunters,[6] however, eventually the line between insect and Bounty Hunter blurs, and Hunters begin to kill each other.[4] As things got more and more out of hand, the female Bounty Hunter confessed her use of "insect-dust witchcraft" to her lover and urged him to kill her, which he did.[4][6]

As more Bounty Hunters farmed Lepismat, they came into conflict with the Elydichnan army led by a Self-Annihilator infused with Elation and looking for his "lost self."[7] During the fighting between the two groups, the Coleoptera species was driven to near extinction, with Tayzzyronth ascending to an Aeon out of rage and sadness for THEIR kind.[8] With the Swarm Disaster, the term "Bounty Hunter" is brought to near extinction, with many Bounty Hunters believing The Swarm to be hunting them. During this time, a group of Bounty hunters tried their best to coordinate and regroup and eventually open a bar.[9] The male Bounty Hunter who killed his lover would eventually accidently land on a random location and mourn.[10]

After the Swarm Disaster, numerous Bounty Hunters who partook in the massacre on Lepismat reported washing their hands of multicolored blood every since.[11] This extents even to a Bounty Hunter's Sin Thirster, whose unable to clean it's hands even after 9087 times.[4]


Known Bounty Hunters[]

Faction Mentions[]





Simulated Universe Secrets

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBounty Hunters


  1. 1.0 1.1 Simulated Universe, Curio: Shatterbone Blade
  2. Relic, Musketeer of Wild Wheat: Musketeer's Wild Wheat Felt Hat
  3. Relic, Musketeer of Wild Wheat: Musketeer's Rivets Riding Boots
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Bounty Hunter: Crimson Cleansing Chronicle (Part III)
  5. Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Bounty Hunter: Crimson Cleansing Chronicle (Part I)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Bounty Hunter: Crimson Cleansing Chronicle (Part IV)
  7. Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Lepismat System: Massacre Saga (Part III)
  8. Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Sand King: Tayzzyronth (Part VII)
  9. Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Bounty Hunter: Crimson Cleansing Chronicle (Part II)
  10. Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Bounty Hunter: Crimson Cleansing Chronicle (Part V)
  11. Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Bounty Hunter: Crimson Cleansing Chronicle (Part VI)

