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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The Boulder Town's Fight Club is currently hosting a Martial Exhibition. The champion fighter stands to gain not only money and honor, but also the comprehensive and long-lost secret tome of Belobogian mixed martial arts...

Boulder Town Martial Exhibition is an Event in Version 1.5.

Event Details[]


  • 2023/12/06 12:00:00 – 2023/12/25 03:59:00 (server time)



  • In the Boulder Town Martial Exhibition, Trailblazers can challenge different tournaments to win the corresponding tournament rewards.
  • After the event begins, a new match will be unlocked on a daily basis, with a total of 7 matches.
  • After choosing to participate in the matches, the Trailblazer will face off against different opponents. Defeating those opponents grants the option to choose different buffs.
  • Once the draw begins, the team lineup will be locked. Each time a battle starts, characters' HP and Energy will be reset.
  • Completing limited-time challenges during the event period will also allow you to obtain additional limited-time rewards.


Tutorial Boulder Town Martial Exhibition
While competing in the Boulder Town Martial Exhibition, players can now freely choose the buffs they receive each round, instead of having fixed ones.

Limited-Time Rewards[]

Form of Firmness[]

Objective Rewards
Clear the exhibition match within 8 cycles
Stellar Jade 40
Traveler's Guide 3
Lifeless Blade 3
Clear the exhibition match within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 30
Refined Aether 3
Lost Crystal 3
Clear the exhibition match within 6 cycles
Relic Remains 20
Credit 30,000

Form of Solidity[]

Objective Rewards
Clear the exhibition match within 8 cycles
Stellar Jade 40
Traveler's Guide 3
Oath of Steel 3
Clear the exhibition match within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 30
Refined Aether 3
Lost Crystal 3
Clear the exhibition match within 6 cycles
Relic Remains 20
Credit 30,000

Form of Heat[]

Objective Rewards
Clear the exhibition match within 8 cycles
Stellar Jade 40
Traveler's Guide 3
Arrow of the Demon Slayer 3
Clear the exhibition match within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 30
Refined Aether 3
Lost Crystal 3
Clear the exhibition match within 6 cycles
Relic Remains 20
Credit 30,000

Form of Flow[]

Objective Rewards
Clear the exhibition match within 8 cycles
Stellar Jade 40
Traveler's Guide 3
Sprout of Life 3
Clear the exhibition match within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 30
Refined Aether 3
Lost Crystal 3
Clear the exhibition match within 6 cycles
Relic Remains 20
Credit 30,000

Form of Gust[]

Objective Rewards
Clear the exhibition match within 8 cycles
Stellar Jade 40
Traveler's Guide 3
Key of Knowledge 3
Clear the exhibition match within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 30
Refined Aether 3
Lost Crystal 3
Clear the exhibition match within 6 cycles
Relic Remains 20
Credit 30,000

Form of Heart[]

Objective Rewards
Clear the exhibition match within 8 cycles
Stellar Jade 40
Traveler's Guide 3
Ancestral Hymn 3
Clear the exhibition match within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 30
Refined Aether 3
Lost Crystal 3
Clear the exhibition match within 6 cycles
Relic Remains 20
Credit 30,000

Form of Thunder[]

Objective Rewards
Clear the exhibition match within 8 cycles
Stellar Jade 40
Traveler's Guide 3
Obsidian of Desolation 3
Clear the exhibition match within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 30
Refined Aether 3
Lost Crystal 3
Clear the exhibition match within 6 cycles
Relic Remains 20
Credit 30,000

Event Rewards[]

Objective Rewards
Complete all the exhibition matches within 9 cycles
Tracks of Destiny 1

Regular Rewards[]

Objective Rewards
Complete all matches in the Boulder Town Martial Exhibition
Stellar Jade 50
Traveler's Guide 4
Credit 40,000
Complete 6 exhibition matches within 7 cycles
Stellar Jade 50
Traveler's Guide 4
Credit 40,000
Complete 5 exhibition matches within 6 cycles
Traveler's Guide 2
Credit 30,000
Complete 4 exhibition matches within 5 cycles
Traveler's Guide 2
Credit 10,000

Nameless Honor Missions[]

This event added additional "This Period" Nameless Honor missions to the 2023-11-15 Nameless Honor. The Nameless EXP obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 8,000 The Nameless EXP.

MissionsThe Nameless EXP The Nameless EXP
Complete all matches in the Boulder Town Martial Exhibition1400

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBoulder Town Martial Exhibition
Korean볼더 타운 격투 기술 시범 경기
SpanishTorneo de Exhibición de Destrezas de Villarroca
FrenchTournoi d'exhibition de combat de la Ville de Boulder
RussianТурнир выдающихся талантов Камнеграда
Thaiการแสดงทักษะต่อสู้แห่งเมือง Boulder
VietnameseGiải Biểu Diễn Đấu Kỹ Boulder
GermanTalentturnier von Felsenstadt
IndonesianPertandingan Bela Diri Boulder Town
PortugueseExibição Marcial da Vila do Rochedo

Change History[]
