Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Data Bank

First Meeting
 Name's Boothill. Those who've heard of me know what I'm about. Those who haven't... well, for the sake of your own skin, you best keep it that way.
 This is some fudgin' fine weather we're havin'. Wonder which little son of a nice lady is gonna run outta luck today.
 I won't fool myself thinkin' our paths'll cross again... but if they do, let's hope I ain't pushin' up daisies.
About Self: Name
 A few thousand years back, folks called those deadly gunslingers "Boothills." You see, it ain't exactly a name meant for the living, and well, I guess I ain't quite what you'd call "alive," ha!
About Self: Synesthesia Beacon
 So, here's the thing: Someone went and tinkered with my Synesthesia Beacon, so now every time you muddle-fudgers hear me chinwaggin' with those shirtbags, it's all a bunch of "fudge this" and "fork that"... See what I'm sayin'?
Chat: Single Malt Juice
 This here's "Bart 17 Years" straight from the Cuhvallun system, aged in sherry barrels, an absolute beast of peat. If Malt Juice ain't your poison, try pouring some strawberry milkshake over freshly tilled soil and voilà, classic peaty flavor! Bon appétit.
Chat: Traveling
 You seen them travel brochures the IPC puts out? Places worth seein' are all marked as being "Travel Risks". Well, that's the upside of being a wanted man, I AM the "RISK"! So those places? Zero risk for me.
Chat: Principles
 Might be that my pockets are filled with ill-gotten gains, but I stick to my principles! Rule one: Never use dirty money for pleasure. Rule two: Credit ain't the same as cash. And rule three: A bit of fun don't count as indulgence. I never break these rules!
 *excited* Nine millimeter — the eternal classic. With a little good old-fashioned phosphorus tracer, you've got yourself some popping candy — with extra pop. What's the sayin' again? "Tracer bullets work both sides of the fence..." meanin' they're enough to scare away the small fry... but still bring in the big fish.
 The cosmos is like a slob's kitchen – open up any cupboard, and you'll find nests of those corporate ash-voles in 'em scurryin' about. Means this place still needs some tidyin' up.
Something to Share
 In this life, you gotta believe in some things and doubt others. Believe in folks' good intentions, the value of courage, and all that other hodgepodge. But never believe that these good things will just fall into your lap – you gotta make 'em happen.
 Ever seen The Hunt's Lux Arrow? If you ever do, make sure not to stare directly... That's how I ended up losin' my right eye and got this here body... Hahahaha, just pullin' your leg!
About Dan Heng
 I've always had a thing for those Xianzhou folks. This guy's a good one, and like me, he ain't much for talkin', preferring to express himself with his weapon. We're bound to hit it off!
About Acheron
 I ain't got no idea what her story is, nor why she's parading around as a Galaxy Ranger... but that's alright. If a fella like me can uphold the justice, it means there ain't just one road to righteousness!
About Black Swan
 Trackin' down this Memokeeper friend is only as tough as you make it for yourself. Wasting time sniffin' around for info is just like shootin' blanks. Better to just sit tight and meditate on "come find me" – who knows, she might just waltz on over.
About Sunday
 What's that old saying again? Got it! The path to hell is paved with good intentions! That's the one!
About Argenti
 Funny how fate works, we crossed paths before. Finding someone in this vast universe with such similar taste ain't easy y'know, both of us clad in silver, both packin' heat... And the cherry on top, we're both oozing with righteousness.
About Aventurine
 Ha! That guy's as notorious as they come, just like me – a madman who throws caution to the wind. Maybe I should step it up, get him out of the way quicker... Haha, double my bounty in no time!
About Topaz
 In that bunch of no-goods at the firm, she's considered one of the better ones, right? But as long as she's with the IPC, she's no different from the rest of 'em – all cut from the same cloth!
About Rappa
 Don't be fooled by Rappa just because she's always jabberin' nonsense all day. Her chaotic little mind is sharper than a cactus needle! And, when it comes to right or wrong, Rappa strictly follows her own "way of the ninja" and is absolutely forkin' resolute about it.
About Mr. Reca
 This guy is always obsessed with his beloved muddle-fudgin' films, and when he gets fixated on something, he ignores everything else... It's unfair to call him a bad person, but if you're not cautious around him, you might end up as "film material" for this here diggity fudge.
Eidolon Activation
 Remember those "moral codes"? Forget about them!
Character Ascension
 That's the forkin' spirit!
Max Level Reached
 Times have changed, darling.
Trace Activation
 Survival will all depend on this.
Added to Team With Acheron
 Ha, fortunately, you're not interested in my bounty. Otherwise, I would be dead already.
Added to Team With Black Swan
 I was just thinking of you. That was fast.
Added to Team With Dan Heng
 Fudge me sideways — you're finally here, brother!
Added to Team With Argenti
 "Knights of Beauty" and "Galaxy Rangers," who will let us join forces?
Added to Team With Aventurine
 Let's deal with these thugs first, and then we'll talk about how to deal with you, shall we?
Added to Team With Topaz
 Weird, a big wanted criminal is right in front of you, but you're still so stubborn.
Added to Team With Rappa
 Come on, Ninja Hero, let's turn this place upside down!


Battle Begins: Weakness Break
 Don't worry! This one's on me.
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
 Come on, let's do this.
Turn Begins
 Waiting in line for a bullet?
 All of you stand still!
Turn Idling
 ...Still not ready yet?
Basic ATK
 Yes, run faster!
Enhanced Basic ATK
 (Enhanced Basic Attack: Activation 1) Draw!
 (Enhanced Basic Attack: Unleash 1) I didn't say I'd count to three!
 (Enhanced Basic Attack: Activation 2) Fire!
 (Enhanced Basic Attack: Unleash 2) Here's your final reward!
 Let's duel, fair and square!
 Bring it on, forker!
Hit by Light Attack
 Mm? Haven't eaten yet?
Hit by Heavy Attack
 Remember to aim for the heart!
Ultimate: Activate
 There's no reasoning with you bunch anymore.
Ultimate: Unleash
 There are only two kinds of people in the world — those with a loaded gun... and those who dig their own grave!
Boothill does not feature any Talent Voice-Overs.
 Haha, great marksmanship...
Return to Battle
 Phew, thought I was a goner there.
Health Recovery
 I'm guessing that wasn't for free.
 Locked and loaded!
Battle Won
 Remember this: When it's time to shoot, quit yappin'.
Treasure Opening
 Hmph, this reward's not even a fraction of the bounty on my head.
 Not bad, how many credits is this worth?
Precious Treasure Opening
 Never go crazy over money... Heh, especially if it's from the IPC.
Successful Puzzle-Solving
 That's not what my neuro chip is for.
 Boring. I'd rather just be shootin' targets.
Enemy Target Found
 Ha, guess who decided to show up!
Returning to Town
 You know, I'm most jealous of people who have houses to live in.


  • Some of Boothill's voice lines are references to the Dollars Trilogy, three movies starring Clint Eastwood.
    • Boothill's "Keeping up with Star Rail" episode is titled "A Fistful of Muddle-Fudging Forks", similar to A Fistful of Dollars.
    • Hit by Heavy Attack: From A Fistful of Dollars: "The heart, Ramón. Don't forget the heart. Aim for the heart, or you'll never stop me."
    • Ultimate: Unleash: From The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: "You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns, and those who dig."
    • Battle Won: From The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."

