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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Blaze Out of Space is an Aether Spirit in the Aetherium Wars event.


Icon Bellowing Inferno
Bellowing InfernoBasic ATKSingle Target
Deals 60% of Blaze Out of Space's ATK as DMG to a target enemy, with a 100% base chance to Burn the target for 2 turn(s).
While Burned, the target will take 25% of Blaze Out of Space's ATK as DoT at the start of each turn.
Icon Rain of Purifying Flames
Rain of Purifying FlamesSkillBounce
Deals 50% of the unit's ATK as DMG to a random enemy, with a 100% base chance to Burn the target for 2 turn(s). This effect can be repeatedly triggered 5 times.
While Burned, the target will take DoT equal to 25% of Blaze Out of Space's ATK at the start of each turn.
Icon Bomb en Masse
Bomb en MasseUltimateAoE
Energy Cost: 3
Deals 220% of Blaze Out of Space's ATK as DMG to all enemies.
Icon Torching Flames
Torching FlamesTalentTalent
For every enemy afflicted with Burn, increases DMG dealt while attacking by 18%.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBlaze Out of Space
Korean외우주의 화염
SpanishFuego del Espacio Exterior
FrenchBrasier tombé du ciel
RussianОгонь из космоса
ThaiBlaze Out of Space
VietnameseLửa Vũ Trụ
GermanLodern aus dem All
IndonesianBlaze Out of Space
PortugueseChama do Espaço Sideral

Change History[]

