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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Battle of Wits! Herta Space Station! is the fourth Adventure Mission in the Aetherium Wars event.


  1. Meet up with March 7th
  2. Head to the space station's railway platform
  3. Ask about Giovanni's true intentions
  4. Locate the service robots and take the Treasure Maps
  5. Find the elevator encryption key according to the Treasure Map
  6. Input elevator encryption key
  7. Locate the service robots and take the Treasure Maps
  8. Find the next access pass according to the Treasure Map
  9. Head to the room where Herta is located
  10. Head to Goethe Hotel and meet with Wilder


Meet up with March 7th[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You've completed all challenges in the Couldford Victory Zone and obtained the second qualifying mark.
The road to the championship stretches out beneath your feet like a red carpet — It's time for the third stage.
(Talk to March 7th)
March 7th: Hey, (Trailblazer)! You all set to start today's journey?
(Trotter Name): Oink~ Oink!
Icon Dialogue Arrow You bet!
March 7th: Hehe, I was hoping you'd say that~
Icon Dialogue Arrow Am I allowed to say no?
March 7th: Hmph, you look ready enough to me. Hey... are you messing with me again?
March 7th: Come on, let's head to our next destination — Herta Space Station Victory Zone!

Head to the space station's railway platform[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

The road to the championship stretches out beneath your feet like a red carpet.
The third Mastery Mark hides within Herta Space Station. What kind of challenges await within?
(Approach marker)
March 7th: We made it! From here, we can head to the space station's Victory Zone. Hmm... the atmosphere doesn't seem to have changed much — doesn't have that tournament vibe.
(Trotter Name): Oink... Oink?
March 7th: Ready to head out, (Trailblazer)?
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink, oink!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's go.
March 7th: It's time to get the next Mastery Mark!

Ask about Giovanni's true intentions[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

As it turns out, Giovanni intended to use you as a means to his ends all along, manipulating you like a puppet. The entire thing leaves you with a nasty feeling, and you need to find him at once to get some clear answers.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Herta Space Station
(Enter Victory Zone
Herta Space Station)
March 7th: Mr. Giovanni... Again? What's he up to this time?

(Approach Giovanni)
Giovanni: Ah, (Trailblazer) and Miss March, we cross paths again! It's wonderful to have both of you here. Your gaming skills have certainly improved quite a bit, judging by your presence.
March 7th: Thank you, Mr. Giovanni. While you're here... mind if we ask you a few questions?
Giovanni: Why, of course not! If it's a topic I'm familiar with, I'll do my best to answer.
March 7th: (Trailblazer), how about you ask him instead? About that thing we couldn't figure out earlier, remember...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow What exactly are you up to?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why are you here?
March 7th: No, no! Not that...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Had your lunch? What did you have?
March 7th: What!? What's that got to do with anything!?
March 7th: Mr. Giovanni, have you been deliberately guiding us towards a certain goal?
March 7th: You keep asking the champions of each venue to give us cryptic hints, don't you? What's that all about?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink?
Giovanni: Hahaha, so that's what you were wondering about. Let me assure you both: I harbor no malicious intentions towards either of you.
Giovanni: In my capacity as the sole sponsor of the event and a devoted player of Aetherium Wars, there's one thing I wish to ensure...
Giovanni: I hope to witness a festival that is truly flawless, allowing every participant to truly appreciate the magic of the game.
Giovanni: I hope you both find this to be an acceptable answer.
March 7th: That's...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We were out of line.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You better not be up to anything fishy!
Giovanni: As mentioned, I promise both of you that I harbor no malicious intentions — I swear upon this mask.
March 7th: ...Alright. I guess we'll just have to trust you... for now.
Giovanni: I'm glad to hear it. With that said, please forgive my departure — I hope to catch a glimpse of your remarkable skills in the championship!
(Trotter Name): Oink... Oink! Oink?
March 7th: And there he goes again... I just wonder how much of what he says is true.
Silver Wolf: That mask-guy, he's gone now, right?
March 7th: Yeah, he's gone... Wait a sec, who're you!?
(Trotter Name): Oink? Oink, oink?
March 7th: Wait... Are you that Stellaron Hunter hacker girl? What are you doing here!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Where there's a game, there's Silver Wolf.
Silver Wolf: You've got me pretty figured out. Who knows, we might just have more in common than you expect.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you come to surrender yourself to Herta?
Silver Wolf: ...Please don't bring her up. I'm sure she's pretty pleased with herself after our last encounter.
March 7th: ...So you're not here to start trouble? You're not still after (Trailblazer), right?
Silver Wolf: Seriously... do I really have to make a formal statement or something? I'm here for the game, nothing more.
Silver Wolf: Honestly, though... I wonder what that mask-guy is up to?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you afraid of Giovanni?
Silver Wolf: Of course not... but it's hard to tell what he's thinking. What if he's trying to set a trap to lure me into the IPC's hands and watch me make a fool of myself?
Icon Dialogue Arrow So you too think he could be up to something too?
Silver Wolf: Eh, who knows? He could be trying to lure me into the IPC's hands, just so he can watch me make a fool of myself.
Silver Wolf: I mean... you never know what kind of crazy stunt a Masked FoolFollower of the Elation might pull for the sake of having "fun."
March 7th: So Mr. Giovanni really is a member of the Masked Fools? No wonder...
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink! Oink?
Icon Dialogue Arrow So that's why he's wearing a mask...
Silver Wolf: Look, when you're dealing with someone wearing a mask, you gotta keep your wits about you. Common sense.
Icon Dialogue Arrow No question about it, he's definitely up to no good!
Silver Wolf: Not necessarily, but when you're dealing with someone wearing a mask, you gotta keep your wits about you. Common sense.
March 7th: Hmm... sounds like you know a lot about him?
Silver Wolf: Who hasn't heard about the Masked Tycoon of Epsilon? He's probably the flashiest Masked Fool in the universe — it'd be weird if I hadn't heard of him.
Silver Wolf: Anyway, he doesn't interest me in the slightest. I'm not gonna waste my precious time digging up info on him.
Herta: Hello? Hello, hello?
March 7th: Huh? Is this a broadcast?
Herta: You there, Stellaron twerp and little miss pink...
Herta: What's the hold up? I have some serious research I could be doing right now. Are you gonna play or not?
March 7th: Little miss pink... What's that supposed to mean!?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink! Oink!
March 7th: Seriously? And what about you? She just intentionally ignored you!? Hmph!
Silver Wolf: I made a few sneaky modifications to her surveillance terminal. Whenever I show up here as a hologram, she won't be able to see me on the camera feed. Cool, right?
March 7th: ...Pretty convenient.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Madam Herta—
Icon Dialogue Arrow We'll be right there—
Herta: Relax! I haven't told you what you've got to do yet!
Herta: If you want to challenge me, you'll need to find all of the passes hidden by the Wubbaboos on the Treasure Maps first.
Herta: Got that?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Got it!
Icon Dialogue Arrow How do we find them!?
Herta: You need to locate the service robots on the space station, and take corresponding Treasure Maps from them!
Herta: Track down all three passes on the maps — achieving this means you've completed the puzzle!
Silver Wolf: Hmph, is that it? Can't the Gaming Association come up with any real challenges?
Silver Wolf: Looks like I've got plenty of time. Guess I'll go grind some levels for a bit. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
March 7th: ...She left, just like that?
March 7th: Alright, let's get moving. We should follow Herta's instructions.
(Trotter Name): Oink — oink, oink!
March 7th: See that robot over there, the one that looks like a jellyfish? That's probably one of the service robots Madam Herta was talking about, right?
March 7th: C'mon, let's go talk to it and get the first Treasure Map.

Locate the service robots and take the Treasure Maps[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You must complete the corresponding trials first if you wish to challenge the championship contenders of the Victory Zone.
The space station's rules seem akin to hunting for treasures in a dungeon. You must obtain the treasure map before you begin your adventure.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Herta Space Station
Icon Dialogue Talk Service Robot
The Treasure Map was printed out from the slit on the back of the Little Robot.
(Obtain Encryption Key Treasure Map Encryption Key Treasure Map ×1)

Find the elevator encryption key according to the Treasure Map[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You must complete the corresponding trials first if you wish to challenge the championship contenders of the Victory Zone.
The space station's rules seem akin to hunting for treasures in a dungeon. Find the first piece of treasure and prove your worth.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Herta Space Station
Use the function button below to check Treasure Map details
(Opens Encryption Key Treasure Map)
Aetherium Wars - Encryption Key Treasure Map
The map depicts a Wubbaboo hiding inside a room.
Finding it might grant access to the elevator encryption key.

(Approach Lukacs, optional)
Lukacs: Hold it right there. My friend, having played Aetherium Wars for all this time, do you not feel a little disgust? Aethers may only be data, but can we really deny data their own rights?
Lukacs: Ordering Aether Spirits to massacre each other for the entertainment of players, it's just too cruel... If you have not felt it yet, come and battle with me. I will show you the true suffering of the Aether Spirits!
(Begin fight against Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×3)
Lukacs: To have power like yours, you must have harmed many weak Aether Spirits. I hope that you will reflect on what I have said... I shall say no more, there are many more players that need me to enlighten them in battle.
(Obtain Threshold Disruption Chip and Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×80)

(Talk to Lukacs, optional)
Lukacs: To have power like yours, you must have harmed many weak Aether Spirits. I hope that you will reflect on what I have said... I shall say no more, there are many more players that need me to enlighten them in battle.

(Go through door)
March 7th: Hey, isn't that a Wubbaboo?
March 7th: Wait a minute, so we're actually looking for Wubbaboos, not passes?

Icon Dialogue Talk Wubbaboo
Wubbaboo: Woo-woo, woo!
Wubbaboo gives you the elevator encryption key and then leisurely walks away as if saying: "I haven't had time to hide the encryption key."
March 7th: Isn't this an encryption key for the elevator? With this, we should be able to use the elevator to reach the first floor of the storage zone.
(Obtain Elevator Encryption Key Elevator Encryption Key ×1)

Input elevator encryption key[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You must complete the corresponding trials first if you wish to challenge the championship contenders of the Victory Zone.
The space station's rules seem akin to hunting for treasures in a dungeon. It seems that the "dragon" tasked with guarding the treasure isn't all that professional... Regardless, you are another set closer to facing your final foe — the "Demon Lord."
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Herta Space Station
Icon Dialogue Gear Controller
(Submit Elevator Encryption Key Elevator Encryption Key ×1)
Icon Dialogue Gear Storage Zone First Floor

Locate the service robots and take the Treasure Maps[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You must complete the corresponding trials first if you wish to challenge the championship contenders of the Victory Zone.
The space station's rules seem akin to hunting for treasures in a dungeon. Now, you must find the other treasure map.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Herta Space Station
March 7th: Look, another service robot!

Icon Dialogue Talk Service Robot
The Treasure Map was printed out from the slit on the back of the Little Robot.
(Obtain Treasure Map No Treasure Map No. 1 ×1)

Find the next access pass according to the Treasure Map[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You must complete the corresponding trials first if you wish to challenge the championship contenders of the Victory Zone.
The Wubbaboos don't seem to be terribly enthused about guarding the treasure. And what kind of "dragon" is this? That's clearly just Qingque.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Herta Space Station
Use the function button below to check Treasure Map details
(Opens Treasure Map No. 1)
Aetherium Wars - Treasure Map No. 1
The map depicts a Wubbaboo hiding in... a toilet? Finding it might grant access to the Championship Contender Pass, but the correct toilet needs to be found first.

(Approach Science-Obsessed Player, optional)
Science-Obsessed Player: The power of science is amazing! We don't need any electronic terminals, we just need to hold our Aether Coins to start a battle!
(Begin fight against Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Science-Obsessed Player: I can't believe I lost. The game mechanisms can't be true to real science...
(Obtain Functional Overdraft Chip and Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×80)

(Talk to Science-Obsessed Player, optional)
Science-Obsessed Player: I can't believe I lost. The game mechanisms can't be true to real science...

(Approach Serious Player, optional)
Serious Player: You're out of luck! I have the strongest Aether Spirits around. I'll show you the power of my Voidrangers!
(Begin fight against Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2)
Serious Player: Blast! Looking at the prototype settings, Voidrangers are Antimatter Legion warriors, how can they not defeat other Aether Spirits? The game devs are a mess!
(Obtain High Load-Low Speed Chip and Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×80)

(Talk to Serious Player, optional)
Serious Player: Blast! Looking at the prototype settings, Voidrangers are Antimatter Legion warriors, how can they not defeat other Aether Spirits? The game devs are a mess!

(Approach Drowsy Player, optional)
Drowsy Player: Aetherium Wars is so much fun, I've already been playing for three days straight... Battle me! If I win, I'll get some sleep...
(Begin fight against Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Drowsy Player: Yaaawn... Looks like I can't sleep yet. Battle me again! If I win, I'll get some sleep...
(Obtain Performance Allocation Chip and Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×80)

(Talk to Drowsy Player, optional)
Drowsy Player: Yaaawn... Looks like I can't sleep yet. Battle me again! If I win, I'll get some sleep...

(Upon sitting on the wrong toilet)
You sit on what you thought was the right toilet, patiently waiting for the Wubbaboo to appear with the pass...
...You've been sitting for a long time and nothing has happened. Looks like you're in the wrong place.

(Upon sitting on the right toilet)
You sit on what you thought was the right toilet, patiently waiting for the Wubbaboo to appear with the pass...
Suddenly, you feel a powerful force from below you and your vision goes black.
When you once again open your eyes, you realize you've arrived in an unfamiliar place, with the Wubbaboo before you.

March 7th: Another Wubbaboo! It's definitely holding onto another pass!

Icon Dialogue Talk Wubbaboo
Wubbaboo: Woo! Woo-woo...
Wubbaboo gives you the championship contender pass and leaves with a sad expression, as if saying: "It's hard working for Madam Herta..."
March 7th: That Wubbaboo we just saw... It seemed a little upset. I wonder what Madam Herta did to the poor thing?
March 7th: Aha, the next Treasure Map just came in by text — let's get a move on. We need to hunt down the next pass!
(Obtain Treasure Map No Treasure Map No. 2 ×1 and Championship Contender Pass 1 Championship Contender Pass 1 ×1)

Use the function button below to check Treasure Map details
(Opens Treasure Map No. 2)
Aetherium Wars - Treasure Map No. 2
The map depicts a Wubbaboo surrounded by paper cranes. Finding it might grant access to the Championship Contender Pass, try to collect all the paper cranes.

(After finding the missing paper crane)
March 7th: Another Wubbaboo! ...It's crying?

Icon Dialogue Talk Wubbaboo
Wubbaboo: Woo... Woo...
Wubbaboo hands you the championship contender pass with tears in their eyes and floats away, as if saying, "I don't want to do this anymore... I don't want to do this anymore..."
March 7th: That Wubbaboo looked so upset. What happened to it...
March 7th: I'm sending you the next treasure map, let's go find the next pass.
(Obtain Treasure Map No Treasure Map No. 3 ×1 and Championship Contender Pass 2 Championship Contender Pass 2 ×1)

Use the function button below to check Treasure Map details
(Opens Treasure Map No. 3)
Aetherium Wars - Treasure Map No. 3
The map depicts a Wubbaboo hiding in a Curio Cabinet.
Finding it might grant access to the Championship Contender Pass. The Curios depicted on the treasure map are Crackup Conch, Joy Filtration Set, Unbearable Weight, and Total Eclipse of the Heart, in that order. Try to arrange these Curios according to the map.

(Approach Science-Obsessed Player)
Science-Obsessed Player: The power of science is amazing! We don't need any electronic terminals, we just need to hold our Aether Coins to start a battle!
(Begin fight against Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Science-Obsessed Player: I can't believe I lost. The game mechanisms can't be true to real science...
(Obtain Functional Overdraft Chip and Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×80)

(Talk to Science-Obsessed Player, optional)
Science-Obsessed Player: I can't believe I lost. The game mechanisms can't be true to real science...

(After putting the Curios in the right order)
March 7th: Another Wubbaboo! Let's have a chat with it.

Icon Dialogue Talk Wubbaboo
Wubbaboo: Woo, woo-woo! woo [sic]!
Wubbaboo hands you the championship contender pass excitedly and floats away, as if saying, "I'm free! I'm free!"
March 7th: That Wubbaboo back there seemed quite happy... it must mean we're doing something right.
March 7th: We've collected all three passes now — that should mean we've solved all the puzzles in the Victory Zone.
Herta: Hello? Hello, hello?
Herta: You've got all three passes.
Herta: I'm sending you the coordinates.
Herta: Hurry up already. Stop wasting my time!
(Obtain Championship Contender Pass 3 Championship Contender Pass 3 ×1)

Head to the room where Herta is located[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

After experiencing that uneventful adventure, you finally earned the right to challenge the "Demon Lord." But Herta doesn't seem to care much about the matches at all. Are you the only ones treating this game seriously?
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Herta Space Station
Icon Dialogue Gear
(Submit Championship Contender Pass 1 Championship Contender Pass 1 ×1, Championship Contender Pass 2 Championship Contender Pass 2 ×1, Championship Contender Pass 3 Championship Contender Pass 3 ×1)

(Approach Herta)
Herta: Well, well, well, little miss pink and the twerp. Having fun tackling the ridiculous puzzles the Gaming Association cooked up?
March 7th: ...Who're you calling little miss pink!?
Herta: You, of course, it's not like Asta's here.
Herta: Alright, alright, hurry it up. We're here for that — what's it called again — duel, right?
Herta: Or I can just give you the Mastery Mark, up to you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We'd better follow the proper rules of the tournament.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'll take it off your hands for you.
March 7th: Wait, seriously? Can we do that?
Herta: Sure, no problem... Ugh, wait, I need to take this call.
Herta: ...Mm-hmm... Mm-hmm... Alright...
Herta: That was the Gaming Association — turns out they're making me stick to the rules.
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink... Oink, oink!
Herta: Ugh, so annoying. The IPC's too concerned with its own reputation...
Herta: Fine, let's get this over with. Bring it on, I'm in a hurry.
(Begin Showdown against Herta)
Herta: Why not call it quits and save us all some time?
March 7th: Seems the devs forgot to include a surrender option...
(Fight against Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Voidranger: Trampler (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Trampler (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Herta: Okay, okay, enough already. I don't have time for this. You win.
March 7th: We're not done with you yet!
(After the fight)
Herta: Oops, well, looks like I lost. Here, the Mastery Mark is yours.
March 7th: ...
(Trotter Name): Oink...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...
Herta: What? Isn't this what you wanted?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Feels kinda underwhelming...
March 7th: Yeah... feels like we're missing something...
Herta: Missing something? Did you expect me to remove the twerp's Stellaron, too?
Herta: You can't always have your cake and eat it, too, you know.
Herta: Alright, let's wrap things up and get going. Next you'll be asking for a tea party...
Herta: *sigh* Fine, since you're here, I'll throw in a Q&A. One question per person, and make it snappy!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why did you become a championship contender?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you have any intel on Giovanni?
Herta: Nope. Apart from this boring festival, I have no dealings with the man.
March 7th: I was wondering, Madam Herta, why did you become a championship contender?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can we have a tea party?
March 7th: Ugh, do trailblazers not understand sarcasm?
March 7th: I was wondering, Madam Herta, why did you become a championship contender?
Herta: To bolster the IPC's reputation — it's a win-win for me.
Herta: Alright, that's enough small talk. I've got things to do, seriously...
(Trotter Name): Oink! Grunt! Oink, oink!
Herta: One question per person, remember? The little one doesn't count.
March 7th: Seems like (Trotter Name) can sense some kind of danger... One last question, please?
Herta: ...Go on then.
March 7th: This Warp Trotter — I mean — Aether Spirit... they've been acting a little strange. Do you have any idea what the reason could be?
Herta: ...
Herta: No.
March 7th: ...Not even the Genius Society can figure it out. Why did (Trotter Name) end up this way?
Herta: Oh, hang on.
March 7th: Did you remember something!?
Herta: Nope, but you just reminded me, Giovanni wanted me to pass on a message to you both:
Herta: "The elite player has already bested last year's champion, and claimed this year's title. Hence, this year's event will crown two champions."
Herta: That's all he had to say. Now, you'd better get a move on.
March 7th: Uh... Why would he say that?
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink? Oink!
Herta: Maybe he's just trying to get you two to move faster, or he just wants to provoke you... Given his nature, this "elite player" might even be him.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That sounds plausible.
March 7th: I mean, it does sound like something a Masked Fool might do...
Icon Dialogue Arrow I doubt it.
March 7th: Really? The Stellaron Hunter girl did say he was a Masked Fool... and it seems like a stunt they'd pull...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Classic Masked Fool move...
March 7th: Ugh... It feels like Mr. Giovanni has been stringing us along the whole time!
Herta: Then you'd better ask him about it. It's got nothing to do with me.
March 7th: Okay... Thanks Madam Herta.
March 7th: (Trailblazer), since we've got the Mastery Mark, let's head back to the Express and get some well-earned rest.
March 7th: Uh... Is that your phone?
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink, oink!
NPC Wilder Icon
NPC Wilder Icon
You there, (Trailblazer)?
Are you still playing Aetherium Wars?
What's up?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What do you have for me this time?
A new update patch?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Is this a notification about a new update patch?
NPC Wilder Icon
No, no, here's the thing.
Have you heard of Topaz's Support Squad? And an Aether Spirit with personality? A Warp Trotter?
I've met them already.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Topaz's Support Squad? I've actually met some of their members.
I already have the Trotter.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Yeah, I just got my hands on that Warp Trotter.
NPC Wilder Icon
That makes it much easier for me!
Could you please come to the Goethe Hotel in Jarilo-VI?
I need to discuss something important with you.
I'm on my way.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm on my way.
I'll be there later.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'll be there later.
NPC Wilder Icon
Thank you so much!
March 7th: Huh? Wilder? Didn't he mention something about Topaz's Support Squad and the Aether Spirit?
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I think so.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Maybe he has some new intel.
March 7th: Well, we'd better go find him then. Back to Belobog it is...
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×540 and Herta Space Station Mastery Mark Herta Space Station Mastery Mark ×1)
(Challenge completed)

Head to Goethe Hotel and meet with Wilder[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Wilder somehow knows about (Trotter Name)'s existence! More than that, he also wants to go over some important matters. Might this game truly have some unknowable mysteries?
(Upon entering the Hotel)
March 7th: Look, Wilder's over there!
(Approach Wilder)
Wilder: (Trailblazer), Miss March! Thank you both for coming.
March 7th: No problem, we were in the area anyway. What did you want to discuss with us?
Wilder: Director Topaz sent me to handle the "Topaz's Support Squad situation" and the problems caused by the Aether Spirit.
Wilder: I've been told that the Aether Spirit is with you... so, I thought it'd be good to have a chat with you about them.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's right, (Trotter Name) is with us.
Wilder: (Trotter Name)? Oh, is that the name you picked for them?
Wilder: It appears you've grown quite attached to them... but I'd really appreciate it if you'd hear me out. Director Topaz has a request.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Care to elaborate?
Wilder: No problem, that's exactly why I'm here.
Icon Dialogue Arrow If you want to take (Trotter Name), you'll have to speak with my bat first!
Wilder: No, no! You've got the wrong idea. Please, just let me explain...
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink, oink!
March 7th: Ah! (Trotter Name)! How did you get out again?
Wilder: ...Ah, as I suspected, this is the Aether Spirit that Director Topaz spoke of.
Wilder:It's like this... This Aether Spirit was a museum piece held on Herta Space Station, which was later snatched by Topaz's Support Squad. To be precise, they actually belong to Asta, the station's lead researcher.
Wilder: Initially, Director Topaz refrained from commenting on the support squad situation, but their actions undoubtedly created a predicament for the director. As a result, she ordered the squad to disband, but also ordered them to return the stolen Aether Spirit to its owner first.
Wilder: And that's pretty much the whole story. I'm sure you've noticed too — this Aether Spirit is unlike the others... They have their own unique personality — a mind of their own, you could say — which makes them very distinctive.
Wilder: It's precisely due to this fact that they escaped before they could be returned to the space station. Interestingly, they somehow managed to grab an Aether Coin during the escape.
Wilder: The coin wound up in Belobog and was found by a young boy from the Underworld. This clue was then subsequently uncovered by the members of the support squad...
Wilder: ...and this is where fate brought you and the Aether spirit together.
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why do they have their own personality?
March 7th: Mm, I was wondering the same thing.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Asta is a collector?
March 7th: ...Is that really the main takeaway from all this?
March 7th: So... why do (Trotter Name) have their own personality?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink!
Wilder: Actually, the personality... was a mistake made by the Aetherium Wars project team.
Wilder: While it's true that all Aether Spirit data is uploaded by players, the project team fine-tunes this data to ensure that each Aether Spirit follows player commands.
Wilder: However, this Warp Trotter somehow managed to bypass this process, meaning they were directly uploaded to the game server with all their personality traits still intact.
Wilder: Perhaps that's what drew Miss Asta to them, and why she decided to add them to her Aether Coin collection...
March 7th: Whew... Give me a second to wrap my head around all of this...
March 7th: Let me get this straight, you're saying (Trotter Name) are just like all other Aether Spirits — a replica of a real-life creature, and the reason for its unique personality is because of an oversight by the game's project team?
March 7th: ...
Wilder: In any case, Director Topaz asked me to make sure Topaz's Support Squad returns this Aether Spirit to Herta Space Station.
Wilder: ...That's why I specifically invited the two of you here — to make this request.
Wilder: I'm just hoping you two are willing to hand over the Aether Coin and Aether Spirit. Once we have them, we'll make sure they get to Miss Asta safe and sound.
Wilder: I promise, after the last slip-up, there won't be any more mishaps, you can be sure of that.
March 7th: I...
March 7th: I'm really torn... but I suppose returning (Trotter Name) back to Asta is the right thing to do...
March 7th: I just can't help but... feel a little attached — even if they are only an Aether Spirit.
March 7th: What do you think, (Trailblazer)? What should we do?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Grunt! Oink, oink!
March 7th: Hmm... Asta and (Trotter Name)...
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink! Oink!
Wilder: ...Looks like this Aether Spirit has grown quite fond of you both...
Wilder: ...
Wilder: How about this... You both press on. Take (Trotter Name) along with you and go claim the championship!
Wilder: As for Director Topaz and Miss Asta, I'll explain the situation to them.
March 7th: Are you sure that's alright?
Wilder: Leave it to me. But remember, this is only a temporary solution — you'll have to make a decision eventually.
Wilder: I'm hoping this will give you enough time to have a think.
Wilder: Thank you so much, Mr. Wilder! We'll cherish every moment.
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink! Oink!
March 7th: I was so close to bursting into tears! That would've been embarrassing...
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's okay, I know the feel.
March 7th: ...Thank you, (Trailblazer).
Icon Dialogue Arrow I would LOVE to see that happen.
March 7th: ...Don't you have anything nice to say!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow There's still time to cry.
March 7th: Mm... Too late, the moment's gone!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink!
March 7th: Let's call it a day, shall we? And since we're in Belobog, it means another night at the Goethe Hotel!
March 7th: Tomorrow we'll set out for the final stop — the Great Mine Victory Zone. The championship is so close, I can almost feel it!
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink, oink!
March 7th: I can't shake the feeling that we missed something today. Maybe I'm just overthinking...

Optional dialogue in Victory Zone: Herta Space Station[]

(Approach Aetherium Wars Analyst)
Aetherium Wars Analyst: I have already analyzed all of the data in this game and created the strategy with the highest win percentage. Your defeat is inevitable!
(Begin fight against Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Eliminator (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Aetherium Wars Analyst: It seems analyzing data isn't enough, I also need real battle experience...
(Obtain Attack Interception Chip and Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×80)

(Talk to Aetherium Wars Analyst, optional)
Aetherium Wars Analyst: It seems analyzing data isn't enough, I also need real battle experience...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBattle of Wits! Herta Space Station!
Korean두뇌 풀가동! 우주정거장 「헤르타」
Spanish¡Demostración de estrategia en la Estación Espacial Herta!
FrenchÉchauffourée à la Station spatiale Herta !
RussianБитва стратегий! Космическая станция «Герта»!
Thaiศึกกลยุทธ์สถานีอวกาศ "Herta"
VietnameseĐấu Trí! Trạm Không Gian Herta
GermanStrategisches Duell, Herta-Raumstation!
IndonesianPertarungan Kecerdikan, Stasiun Luar Angkasa "Herta"!
PortugueseBatalha de Inteligência! Estação Espacial Herta!

Change History[]
