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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Drummer Bonham's ankle boots, the dark leather surface glued with rivets reflecting the stage lights.

Band's Ankle Boots With Rivets is a Relic piece in the set Band of Sizzling Thunder.


Sizzling Thunder may have changed people's attitude toward finality, but they could not change their destiny.

Desolation and despair were all that lay on the surface of the doomed planet. In the era of scarce resources, the band made all their albums out of discarded X-ray films.

Before the long night of Emerald-III, the temperature on the planet's surface had plunged. The once unbearable air cooled down quite a bit as people walked out of their underground shelter and set out for the place where the band was putting on a show. At the final concert of their "Thunderclap" tour, the restless air filled with the warning signs of electromagnetic storms, and lightning was conducted through the metal scaffolding to the stage. Sparks leaped under Bonham's boots. The entire band merged with thunder and lightning. After the encore, a huge ball of lightning engulfed the stage and announced the end of Sizzling Thunder's show.

After the night of their twilight show, Sizzling Thunder came to a permanent end, just like in their lyrics.

"Thunderclaps drown out our voice, lightning runs through our veins. We'll perish with our music and our star." From "Song of Sizzling Thunder," a single from Sizzling Thunder's final album, Bonham's masterpiece.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBand's Ankle Boots With Rivets
Korean밴드의 리벳 숏부츠
SpanishBotas con remaches de la banda
FrenchBottes cloutées du groupe
RussianБерцы бэнда с заклёпками
ThaiBand's Ankle Boots With Rivets
VietnameseBốt Gắn Đinh Của Ban Nhạc
GermanNietenbesetzte Boots der Band
IndonesianBand's Ankle Boots With Rivets
PortugueseBota de Cano Curto com Rebites da Banda

Change History[]

