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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Atop Rainleaf Hangs Oneness is Acheron's Talent.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Acheron's Bonus Ability, Red Oni, grants her 5 points of Slash Dream and inflicts 5 stacks of Crimson Knot to a random enemy when battle starts.
    • Red Oni can convert every Slashed Point that exceeds the limit of 9 points into 1 stack of Quadrivalent Ascendance, stacking up to 3 times. After using her Ultimate, Slashed Dream Cries in Red, Quadrivalent Ascendance stack(s) will be converted into the same number of Slashed Dream Point(s) and inflict the same number of Crimson Knot stack(s).
  • For debuffs that are inflicted on an enemy target by characters when battle starts, if the respective character initiates battle with their overworld attack, Acheron can gain 1 point of Slashed Dream and inflict 1 stack of Crimson Knot.
  • When a debuff is inflicted on an enemy target during an Action (including Follow-Up Action), she gains 1 point of Slashed Dream and inflicts 1 stack of Crimson Knot.
    • This includes the Burn DoT inflicted by Light Cone Trend of the Universal Market during an enemy's action, the Ashen Roast debuff inflicted by Jiaoqiu's Ultimate Pyrograph Arcanum during an enemy's action, debuffs inflicted on an enemy when they are summoned by an enemy's ability, etc.
    • If Black Swan uses her Technique From Façade to Vérité, Acheron will gain 1 point of Slashed Dream when battle starts, and 1 point of Slashed Dream during the Follow-Up Action of From Façade to Vérité.
  • Acheron's Skill, Octobolt Flash, grants her 1 point of Slashed Dream and inflicts 1 stack of Crimson Knot on the main target enemy.
  • When Crimson Knot stack(s) are transferred and there is no other enemy with Crimson Knot, they will have a higher priority to be transferred to an Elite Enemy or Boss Enemy; if there are both Elite and Boss enemies in this case, Crimson Knot will be transferred to one of them randomly.
  • The All-Type RES Reduction debuff inflicted when Acheron uses her Ultimate can trigger the 4-Piece effect of Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters: "After the wearer inflicts a debuff on enemy targets, the aforementioned effects increase by 100%, lasting for 1 turn(s)."


Attr. 110%11%12%13%14%15%16.25%17.5%18.75%20%21%22%

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAtop Rainleaf Hangs Oneness
Korean비에 젖은 단풍, 끝없는 하늘
SpanishHojas otoñales, vacío colosal
FrenchPluie de feuillages rouges
RussianКапли дождя на багровых лепестках
ThaiAtop Rainleaf Hangs Oneness
VietnameseMưa Lá Đỏ, Vạn Vật Hóa Hư Không
GermanTropfen auf den roten Blättern, Leere
IndonesianAtop Rainleaf Hangs Oneness
PortugueseAs Folhas de Outono Carregam Singularidades

Change History[]

