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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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A fanatical research group composed of scholars who revere Dr. Primitive. This obsessive faction of humans and apes follows the steps of their idol and strives to spread atavistic experiments throughout the cosmos.

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The AtaviSearch Forest is an intergalactic organization founded by Dr. Primitive.


"Research is supposed to elevate life, but life will never express gratitude with cries of sorrow."
— Anonymous Co-Author, Guild Bylaws, 17th Edition

"If intelligent creatures are advancing on the right path, why do cosmic civilizations come to a standstill?" A group of scholars poses this question to the unchanging stars. In response to this question, the Society's geniuses turn a deaf ear, and the ordinary in the Guild are clueless. Apart from Dr. Primitive, the one who gives them enlightenment, no one can grace them with an answer.

These fervent scholars very quickly find themselves on the opposing side of civilization, voluntarily becoming the staunchest advocates for atavistic experiments. They insist that Erudition had long strayed from the straight and narrow and that regression is the only salvation — Only after severing the withered branches of ignorance can new saplings of knowledge rise from the ruins. They are convinced that any means are necessary in the pursuit of knowledge, recklessly disregarding the fact that these brutal methods have already overstepped the boundaries of science, wholeheartedly throwing themselves into heresies. In the long course of their experimentation, the line between the researcher and the researched also gradually blurs.

There is a tale being told in the universe: Dr. Primitive is an eccentric, never seeking to consort with humanity. But the disturbances wrought in the world by these followers of his were no less significant than their idol. It wasn't until the Rangers shot through a lab's metal door, only to be engulfed by a sea of bananas pouring out, that people finally realized that the organization known as the Source Research Institute had ceased to exist, replaced by a horrific forest that is regressing into the primeval.


The AtaviSearch Forest consists of researchers who follow Dr. Primitive. They are classified under various levels: BananAdvisors, Denisovans, Apes, of which they are classified into two categories: Combat and Research Apes.

Subordinate Factions[]

Known Members[]

Name Codename Status Comments
Dr. Primitive N/A Unknown
"Profnana" Research Ape M3 Alive Mastermind behind Slumbernana Association
"Umbra Headmistress" Denisovan 22 / Ape 22 Deceased Researcher of Laboratory 17; killed by Master Kucha
Monella Denisovan 52 Alive Member of Slumbernana Association
"Master Kucha" Denisovan 75 Deceased Researcher of Laboratory 17; creator and master of Rappa
March 7th Denisovan 244 Alive Member of Slumbernana Association
Montana Denisovan 426 Alive Member of Slumbernana Association

Faction Mentions[]




  • The name refrences Atavism, which is a term in social sciences that describes the tendency of reversion. It can also refer to the biological term of the same name that describes the reappearence of a trait that was lost to evolution.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAtaviSearch Forest
SpanishBosque Buscatávico
FrenchForêt ancestrale
RussianАтавистический лес
VietnameseRừng Sâu Căn Nguyên
IndonesianAtaviSearch Forest
PortugueseFloresta BuscaAtavi

Change History[]


  1. Relic, The Wondrous BananAmusement Park: BananAmusement Park's Memetic Cables
  2. Trailblaze Continuance, Banana Outrage: Battles Without Ninja and Humanity: The Men Who Tread on the Monkey's Tail

