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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The Astral Ecology School is a school of the Intelligentsia Guild, they study in the history of the cosmos, as well as, the study of ecology.[1]


This school views the cosmos as a large ecological observation subject. They are obsessed with studying the void song whale, radiant jellyfish, and other organisms of the cosmos. The school earned its recognition for the discovery of the Celestial Comet Wall. The IPC was exhilarated to hear the confirmation that this was an ancient creation of Qlipoth, Aeon of Preservation. They paid the school an incredibly large sum of money, once again proving the old saying of "work smart, not hard" to be correct.


The Astral Ecology School got it's recognition for the discovery of the Celestial Comet Wall, something the Interastral Peace Corporation paid the school large sums of money for.[1] However, archeological discoveries challenged the Interastral Peace Corporation's claim that "the Dusk Wars ended with the birth of the Amber Lord.", and that there existed Aeons before Qlipoth. The Astral Ecology School attempted to research further into the matter, but the Interastral Peace Corperation threated to withdraw funding.[2]

In 2147 AE, the Head Professor of the Astral Ecology School, Glaux abandoned his post to join The Watchmaker in Penacony.[3] He provided dreamscape weapons to fighters during the War of Independence[4] and later became the head of the Nightingale Family.[3]

On a Interastral Peace Corporation broadcast, the Astral Ecology School declared the end of 2157 AE and the start of 2158 AE.[5]

Known Members[]

Former Members[]

  • Glaux — Former Head Professor[6]
  • Dr. Howl — Left and dedicated his life to pursue Anne Duray[7]

Faction Mentions[]





  • The Void Whale Song is a favorite of Astral Ecology School.[8]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAstral Ecology School
Korean은하 생태 학파
SpanishAcademia de Ecología Astral
FrenchÉcole d'écologie astrale
RussianШкола звёздной экологии
VietnameseHọc phái Sinh Thái Trời Sao
GermanSchule für Astralökologie
IndonesianSekolah Astral Ecology
PortugueseEscola de Ecologia Astral

Change History[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Readable: Herta's Manuscripts
  2. Simulated Universe: The Preservation: Dev Log2
  3. 3.0 3.1 NPC: Dr. Blues
  4. Readable: Hanu's Adventure
  5. Parlor Car: IPC Broadcast #1
  6. NPC Dialogue: Dr. Blues
  7. Interactable: Memory Bubble: A Sneaky Love
  8. Readable: Investigation of Ancient Pattern Rubbings from the Luofu

