The Ascended originally intended to bring the world a legacy of kindness, but as the bestowment of Abundance fades, understanding arrives alongside liberation: They were nothing more than a mortal with flesh and blood. Their ability to traverse the skies was nothing but an illusion, and all that remained of their existence was dust and dirt.
"I curse ye, Reignbow Arbiter..."
"I curse ye, Reignbow Arbiter..."
Ascendant Debris is a 4-star Character Ascension Material. It is used to ascend characters of the Wind type.
Ascension Usage[]
3 Characters use Ascendant Debris for ascension:
No Light Cones use Ascendant Debris for ascension.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Ascendant Debris |
Chinese (Simplified) | 天人遗垢 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 天人遺垢 |
Japanese | 天人の残穢 |
Korean | 천인의 유해 |
Spanish | Vestigios elevados |
French | Restes de l'Entité transcendantale |
Russian | Прах вознёсшейся |
Thai | Ascendant Debris |
Vietnamese | Tro Tàn Thiên Nhân |
German | Aufsteigende Trümmer |
Indonesian | Ascendant Debris |
Portuguese | Detritos Ascendentes |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.2