Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"The Intelligentsia Guild put up a bounty of two million credits for technical plans that can flawlessly disassemble Xianzhou mechanical puppets."
"If you know Screwllum, then these two millions are basically yours to take..."

Artifex's Module is a 2-star Trace Material and Character Ascension Material.

Dropped By[]

4 enemies drop Artifex's Module:

Sold By[]

Embers Exchange×3 per Undying Embers×440Weekly
Jeweler's PagodaStrale×210
The Arma Correctional GroupTrick Snack×115Daily

Ascension Usage[]

9 Characters use Artifex's Module for ascension:

WindFeixiao Feixiao
QuantumFu Xuan Fu Xuan
FireGuinaifen Guinaifen
PhysicalHanya Hanya
ImaginaryLuocha Luocha
LightningMoze Moze
PhysicalSushang Sushang
ImaginaryYukong Yukong
PhysicalYunli Yunli

12 Light Cones use Artifex's Module for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

9 Characters use Artifex's Module for their Traces:

WindFeixiao Feixiao
QuantumFu Xuan Fu Xuan
FireGuinaifen Guinaifen
PhysicalHanya Hanya
ImaginaryLuocha Luocha
LightningMoze Moze
PhysicalSushang Sushang
ImaginaryYukong Yukong
PhysicalYunli Yunli

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishArtifex's Module
Korean공조 기계 부품
SpanishComponente artificial mecánico
FrenchModule de l'artifex
RussianИскусственный механический компонент
ThaiArtifex's Module
VietnameseLinh Kiện Cơ Khí Nhân Tạo
GermanMechanisches Bauteil
IndonesianArtifex's Module
PortugueseMódulo de Artífice

Change History[]

Version 1.0

  • Artifex's Module was released.

Version 0.70

  • Module Machina was renamed to Artifex's Module.

Version 0.60

  • Module Machina was added.

