Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

An arrow narrower than a finger's width. It can be loaded into an electromagnetic crossbow or a thermal seeking bow as ammunition. Its power is enough to penetrate the tough shells of abominations with just one strike.

"The celestial banished arrives from afar, great distances journeyed 'twixt oceans of stars. Like rain falls a cloudburst of arrows below, in a helmet reflected the bright lunar glow."

Arrow of the Demon Slayer is a 3-star Light Cone Ascension Material and Trace Material.

Sold By[]

Embers ExchangeUndying Embers×1830MonthlyUnlocks at Trailblaze Level 30

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Arrow of the Demon Slayer for ascension.

14 Light Cones use Arrow of the Demon Slayer for ascension:

The HuntArrows Arrows

Trace Usage[]

6 Characters use Arrow of the Demon Slayer for their Traces:

WindDan Heng Dan Heng
ImaginaryDr Dr. Ratio
QuantumSeele Seele
PhysicalSushang Sushang
FireTopaz & Numby Topaz
IceYanqing Yanqing

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishArrow of the Demon Slayer
Korean악마 사냥용 화살
SpanishFlecha del matademonios
FrenchFlèche du tueur de démons
RussianСтрела убийцы демонов
ThaiArrow of the Demon Slayer
VietnameseMũi Tên Diệt Quỷ
GermanPfeil des Dämonentöters
IndonesianArrow of the Demon Slayer
PortugueseFlecha de Caça-Demônio

Change History[]

