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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Gouteng was a captured Disciple of Sanctus Medicus. Today, he claims that he has changed his ways, and is focused on serving a role as Chief Technology Officer in the Arma Correctional Group. You can buy some mysterious medicinal substances from him, found exclusively in the Shackling Prison.

Arma Correctional Chemicals Research is a Shop located in The Shackling Prison aboard The Xianzhou Luofu.

Its currency is Trick Snack Trick Snack and it is operated by Gouteng.

Unlocking this Shop requires completing Trailblaze Continuance Rogues on the Run in the Chapter Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (I).


ItemCostStockTotal CostRefresh
Arma Sanctus Medicus Tonic Arma Sanctus Medicus TonicTrick Snack×63Trick Snack×18Daily
Ten Lords' Revival Dust Ten Lords' Revival DustTrick Snack×35Trick Snack×15Daily
Total cost for all itemsTrick Snack Trick Snack ×33



There is 1 Achievement related to Arma Correctional Chemicals Research:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
A Steal of a Deal The Memories We Share Complete a transaction with any member of the Arma Correctional Group in The Shackling Prison Yes 2.4 5

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishArma Correctional Chemicals Research
Korean아르마 철창 그룹 일용 화학품 연구소
SpanishInstituto de Investigación Química para el Hogar del Grupo Correccional Arma
FrenchRecherches sur les produits chimiques correctionnels d'Arma
RussianНаучно-исследовательский институт химии Тюремной корпорации Армы
Thaiศูนย์วิจัยทางเคมีแห่งบริษัทลูกกรงเหล็ก Arma
VietnameseViện Nghiên Cứu Hóa Chất Gia Dụng Tập Đoàn Cửa Sắt Arma
GermanForschungsinstitut für Haushaltschemie der Arma-Justizvollzugsgruppe
IndonesianInstitut Penelitian Bahan Kimia Rumah Tangga Grup Serikat Lapas Arma
PortugueseInstituto de Pesquisa Química do Grupo Correcional Armah

Change History[]
