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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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Antonia is an NPC on Jarilo-VI, located in Boulder Town across from the Underground Shop, upon completion of the Trailblaze Mission Ones Fallen Into the Abyss in the Chapter In the Withering Wintry Night.

After completion of the Trailblaze Continuance Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream, she is subsequently also found in the Pillars of Creation in the Overworld.


She supervises the miners working in the Underworld.


View map: Boulder Town

Missions and Events[]

Trailblaze Missions

Adventure Missions

Character Mentions[]


Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"Things are restless in the mines these days."
(Version 2)
"I ought to go down there and take a look."


Boulder Town[]

(First interaction)
Antonia: Can't you see I'm busy? Spit it out and stop bothering me...
Antonia: ...Ah, it's you again! The last time we met, I left in a hurry. I never got a chance to thank you.
Antonia: I'd like to introduce myself again. I'm Antonia, the developer responsible for the Great Mine and the supervisor for the mining teams. As you saw in the mine, a lot of people in the underground count on me to make a living.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don't you need to supervise the miners?
Antonia: The team leaders are responsible for supervision.
Antonia: My job is to coordinate personnel and arrange work schedules. My presence down in the mines will only hinder the miners' work. Why make everyone uncomfortable?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Supervisors make a lot of money, right?
Antonia: You are quite direct... Ahem, let's put it this way, everyone in the Underworld is practically living on scraps... so compared to most of them, I have a decent life.
Antonia: The only thing that's worth anything in Underground is Geomarrow, which I happen to have a ton of on hand.
Antonia: By the way, I heard that you were working for Wildfire. A kind reminder for you, Oleg's crew takes care of their own, but their pockets aren't deep.
Antonia: Feel free to come to me when you have financial problems.
(Continue onto dialogue options below)

(Subsequent interactions)
Antonia: Hello again, outsider. What brings you here, business or something personal?
Icon Dialogue Question I'm looking for some EXTRA DOUGH. You know what I mean?
Antonia: (Trailblazer), you mean...
Antonia: Heh. You must be pretty desperate if you are coming to me for work.
Antonia: I'm not judging. The mining team can never be too big. Anyway, you have tools to work with?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I have two iron hands!
Antonia: The way you say that... you're being serious?
Icon Dialogue Arrow How about this baseball bat?
Antonia: Hmm. I've seen this thing of yours in action. It definitely is solid, but shouldn't you hold on to it to fight?
Icon Dialogue Arrow No.
Antonia: Heh. Aren't you just an honest soul? If you're gonna beg, you better bring a bowl.
Antonia: Normally, I don't lend mining tools without a cash deposit or something to serve as collateral... This isn't me being stingy here. It's just the environment. There are way too many people out there who go back on their word and try to nickle [sic] and dime me.
Antonia: That said. I do trust you. Hmm. I just so happen to have a mostly new, second-hand pickax. Take it.
Antonia: You still remember that massive Geomarrow in the Great Mine? I suggest you head out that way first and try your luck. Oh, right. If you dig up anything interesting, don't forget to bring it to me for an appraisal.
Antonia: Good luck, (Trailblazer) the rookie miner.
(Obtain 80% New Thermal Mining Pickaxe 80% New Thermal Mining Pickaxe ×1)

(If the 80% New Thermal Mining Pickaxe 80% New Thermal Mining Pickaxe was broken, after investigating the ore vein in the Great Mine once)
Icon Dialogue Question Umm... So about making some extra dough...
Antonia: Oh. That. Yeah, I remember. What about it, (Trailblazer)? Everything going well with your mining gig?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Something kind of unexpected happened...
Antonia: ...Unexpected?
Antonia: Oh... I think I understand. Let me guess, you broke the pickax, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I broke the pickax you lent me.
Antonia: ...Huh? You've barely been at it for half a day-
Antonia: Ahem. Anyway. I suppose I'm partly to blame. I did give professional equipment to an absolute noobie.
Antonia: Let me guess... Someone isn't going to take no for an answer and wants me to lend them equipment again. Is that right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You are right on the money.
Icon Dialogue Arrow They say the third time's the charm.
Antonia: ...I get it. I'll trust you one more time. I have one more pickax lying around. Take it.
Antonia: But, ahem, I will be taking a deposit... I hope you can understand.
Antonia: How about just 500 credits?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I won't disappoint you.
(Submit Credit Credit ×500)
Antonia: Alright, alright. Just take it. Remember to take good care of the equipment.
You take the pickaxe from Antonia's hands. If the last piece of equipment was eighty-percent new... This one was just about sixty-percent new.
...The drop consists of her disappointment in you.
(Obtain 60% New Thermal Mining Pickaxe 60% New Thermal Mining Pickaxe ×1)
Icon Dialogue Exit Let me think about it...
Antonia: Looks like you're really hard up for cash. Give it some thought. I'll be here waiting for you.

(After obtaining the Perfect Geomarrow Crystal Perfect Geomarrow Crystal)
Icon Dialogue Question I found this.
Antonia: Eh? Dug up anything good? Let me see.
Antonia: Oh, this is...
Antonia: Judging by the appearance, the purity of this Geomarrow crystal has to be at least 85%... Chucking it in the boiler and burning it down to slag would be too wasteful.
Antonia: If you ask me, (Trailblazer), this thing you found just needs a little refinement before being put directly onto the Everwinter Monument up in the Overworld — Nobody would be able to tell the difference!
Antonia: By the way, aren't you low on funds at the moment? How about you sell me this crystal, huh? I'll give you a fair price. Go ask around, and you won't find a more generous supervisor around here than me!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Deal.
Antonia: Delightful! I love doing business with people like you. Come on then. You take the money, and I take the goods.
(Submit Perfect Geomarrow Crystal Perfect Geomarrow Crystal ×1)
Antonia: That's nice, real nice... Take this, (Trailblazer). It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
(Obtain Shield (Item) Shield ×20 and Credit Credit ×8000)
(Dialogue ends)
Icon Dialogue Arrow How much you got?
Antonia: Let's see... How about 8000 credits?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Deal.
Antonia: Delightful! I love doing business with people like you. Come on then. You take the money, and I take the goods.
(Submit Perfect Geomarrow Crystal Perfect Geomarrow Crystal ×1)
Antonia: That's nice, real nice... Take this, (Trailblazer). It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
(Obtain Shield (Item) Shield ×20 and Credit Credit ×8000)
(Dialogue ends)
Icon Dialogue Arrow 10,000.
Antonia: Whoa! Easy for you to raise the price.
Antonia: Let me think... Hmmm...
Antonia: Okay, 10,000 it is. Deal. Come on then. You take the money, and I take the goods.
(Submit Perfect Geomarrow Crystal Perfect Geomarrow Crystal ×1)
Antonia: That's nice, real nice... Take this, (Trailblazer). It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
(Obtain Shield (Item) Shield ×20 and Credit Credit ×10000)
Icon Dialogue Exit Let me think about it some more...
Antonia: ...I get that. Feel free to think about it, but not for too long. I don't like to drag things out in business.
Icon Dialogue Talk I still have some more questions...
Icon Dialogue Talk I heard that the mine hasn't been peaceful lately.
Antonia: Yes. As you saw last time in the mine, it's been a bit chaotic... but it will end. The vagrants will stop messing around sooner or later.
Antonia: After all, they've got mouths to feed. If they really got rid of all the professional mining teams, those hooligans won't be able to make a living.
Antonia: They are well aware of this, which is why they have never crossed the line. A small reward goes a long way with them. I just didn't expect the news to get all the way to Svarog this time...
Icon Dialogue Talk I heard you recruited some of the vagrants into the mining team.
Antonia: Well, how should I put it...? Life isn't easy. If Boulder Town also gets eroded by the Fragmentum, we will have to find another livelihood. Who wouldn't want some help at a time like that?
Antonia: But the old miners have their own ideas. They think the vagrants have made a mess of the mining team... and the vagrants aren't happy with their payment and feel that they've lost freedom... in the end, neither side is happy.
Antonia: But I know what I am doing. This minor setback will not change my mind. Don't worry about it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you have any recommendations for activities in the underground?
Antonia: The Fight Club is quite popular. But personally, I wouldn't pay a shield for that kind of cheap show. It's vulgar and low-class.
Antonia: There is a restaurant, the one owned by Gertie. The food there is quite good... so long as Gertie doesn't come up with some weird recipes on a whim...
Antonia: Also, I heard there will be a rap concert where the vagrants are? I don't know how to appreciate that kind of thing, so I've never been there. Go check it out if you are interested. Just be careful there.
Icon Dialogue Exit That's all the questions I have.
Icon Dialogue Exit That's about it. I will leave you to your work.
Antonia: Okay. I'm looking forward to working with you sometime. I have to figure out scheduling, so I'll talk to you later.

(Included in subsequent interactions, upon completion of Trailblaze Mission No Time for Me, My Friend)
Icon Dialogue Talk How have things been?
Antonia: Well, rumor has it that the Overworld and Underworld are opening up to each other again, so I've been busy with that.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Busy doing what?
Antonia: It's just a business thing. I'm still ironing out the details with some Overworld entrepreneurs — even if we're still only at the letter-writing stage.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What do you think about the lifting of the blockade?
Antonia: You asking me? I reckon the good outweighs the bad.
Antonia: During the days of the blockade, I could only rely on my mining for work — and despite leaving me with enough money and my miners' wages, this Underworld and its economy are stagnant. There's no trickling down of funds or goods...
Antonia: But now the blockade's lifted — well, things are completely different. I can invest my assets into anything I want, and I'll wait for that compound interest to start snowballing — that's how you make money, see.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who do you invest in?
Antonia: Let me think... There's a private manufacturer that makes Geomarrow gear, and another military one that produces robots.
Antonia: Oh yeah, that's right — I also got in touch with a real estate agent called Lavonne. Her project looks promising... if what she's saying is actually true.
Antonia: In short... I'll have to wait and see.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Any other changes around here besides those?
Antonia: Are you an investigative reporter, or is this commercial espionage!? All these detailed questions... But I know I can trust you — after all, you're the generous soul one who saved our mine.
Antonia: If you ask me, the other biggest change has got to be — that I've finally got somewhere to spend my money. I've always dreamed of going to the Golden Theater up in the Overworld...

Pillars of Creation[]

Antonia: Hello again, outsider. What brings you here, business or something personal?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you responsible for the Pillars of Creation construction project, too?
Antonia: Oh? You flatter me. Such an important project is naturally overseen by the Supreme Guardian.
Antonia: As for me, I make sure that the workers are all fed and clothed, that is my greatest contribution.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you think the Engine of Creation can be fixed?
Antonia: Of course, it has to be.
Antonia: Everyone has already worked so hard for this, do you think there is anything that they cannot do?
Icon Dialogue Arrow What are your thoughts on the Engine of Creation?
Antonia: It is large, grand, and requires greater foresight than any underground construction project. It is a vessel of our hope.
Antonia: I've heard about what happened before, that you and the Supreme Guardian fought for this opportunity together. Naturally, we want to seize it.
Antonia: In order to keep the construction underway, I donated a portion of my savings to the construction team. It's the best investment I've ever made.
Antonia: We worked hard to make it back up to the surface, I don't want it to all be for nothing.
Icon Dialogue Exit That's about it. I will leave you to your work.
Antonia: Okay. I'm looking forward to working with you sometime. I have to figure out scheduling, so I'll talk to you later.

Other Languages[]

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