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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"It gives you longevity and abundance, dispelling misfortune and illness."

Ambergris of Abundance is a Tier-3 Synthesis Material.

Dropped By[]

3 enemies drop Ambergris of Abundance:


There are 7 items that can be crafted using Ambergris of Abundance:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Dromas Steak Dromas SteakSynthesisAmbergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×1
Basic Ingredients Basic Ingredients ×2
Distinctive Tattered Feather Distinctive Tattered Feather ×5
Enhancement Paste: Lightning Enhancement Paste: LightningSynthesisMetal Metal ×5
Eye of Lightning Eye of Lightning ×2
Ambergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×2
Flaming Chili Sauce Flaming Chili SauceSynthesisAmbergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×1
Feather of Flame Feather of Flame ×3
Basic Ingredients Basic Ingredients ×4
Healing Spray Healing SpraySynthesisSolid Water Solid Water ×5
Ambergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×3
Longevity Pill of Cruelty Longevity Pill of CrueltySynthesisSeed Seed ×5
Ambergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×2
Hard Chip of Nihility Hard Chip of Nihility ×2
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×2
Interdimensional Leaf Interdimensional Leaf ×1
Prayer Machine Prayer MachineSynthesisAmbergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×2
Jade Abacus Unit Jade Abacus Unit ×2
Discarded Ingenium Parts Discarded Ingenium Parts ×5
Tasty Field Nutrient Bar Tasty Field Nutrient BarSynthesisBasic Ingredients Basic Ingredients ×5
Protein Rice Protein Rice ×3
Ambergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAmbergris of Abundance
Korean풍요의 향기
SpanishÁmbar gris de la Abundancia
FrenchAmbre gris de l'Abondance
RussianАмбра Изобилия
ThaiAmbergris of Abundance
VietnameseDịch Hương Màu Mỡ
GermanAmbra des Überflusses
IndonesianAmbergris of Abundance
PortugueseÂmbar-gris da Abundância

Change History[]

