Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Welt Sticker 01
"The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."
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The Amber Era (or AE) is the calendar most commonly used in the cosmos, created and promoted by the Interastral Peace Corporation.


The calendar commonly used in the cosmos, created and promoted by the Interastral Peace Corporation. The Amber Era started at the estimated birth of Qlipoth as the Aeon of Preservation, and initiates a new Era every time Qlipoth swings their hammer during construction.

As Qlipoth swings their hammer at unpredictable intervals, the duration of every Amber Era varies significantly. The length of one Amber Era has been anywhere between 76 to 240 Trailblaze Years when converted.

The Astral Express restarted its journey on 2157 Amber Era (AE).

The events of Honkai: Star Rail begin in 2157 AE.[1] After the events of Trailblaze Mission In the Sweltering Morning Sun, it becomes 2158 AE, according to the IPC Broadcast.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAmber Era (Calendar)
SpanishEra del Ámbar (calendario)
FrenchÈre de l'Ambre (calendrier)
RussianЯнтарная эра (календарь)
Thaiยุคอำพัน (ปฏิทิน)
VietnameseHổ Phách Kỷ (Niên biểu)
GermanBernsteinzeitalter (Kalender)
IndonesianEra Amber (Kalender)
PortugueseEra de Âmbar (Calendário)

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