All-Out Footlight Parade is Trailblazer (Harmony)'s Ultimate.
Gameplay Notes[]
- The Super Break DMG triggered by the Backup Dancer effect is dealt after other Super Break DMG from different character sources, such as Firefly's "Module β: Autoreactive Armor".
- The Backup Dancer effect converts the total Toughness Reduction in a character's action into 1 instance of Super Break DMG. For example, when Rappa uses her Enhanced Basic ATK, the Super Break DMG triggered by the Backup Dancer effect takes the total Toughness Reduction of "Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade" and "Ninja Tech: Endurance Gauge" into account.
- Trailblazer: Harmony's first Bonus Ability, Dance With the One, increases the Super Break DMG triggered by the Backup Dancer effect by 20%/30%/40%/50%/60% when the number of enemy targets on the field is 5 or more/4/3/2/1 respectively.
Unique Status Effects[]
- Buffs
Icon | Name | Description |
Backup Dancer | Increases Break Effect by 15%—33%. After attacking enemy targets that are Weakness Broken, converts the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of Super Break DMG. |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Attr. 1 | 15% | 16.5% | 18% | 19.5% | 21% | 22.5% | 24.375% | 26.25% | 28.125% | 30% | 31.5% | 33% |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | All-Out Footlight Parade |
Chinese (Simplified) | 喧嚣的舞灯巡游 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 喧囂的舞燈巡遊 |
Japanese | 賑やかなパレード |
Korean | 떠들썩한 풋라이트 퍼레이드 |
Spanish | Desfile clamoroso de luces |
French | Performance sur scène |
Russian | Шумный парад фонарей |
Thai | All-Out Footlight Parade |
Vietnamese | Diễu Hành Đèn Sân Khấu Huyên Náo |
German | Lärmende Laternenparade |
Indonesian | All-Out Footlight Parade |
Portuguese | Desfile Clamoroso das Luzes |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.2