Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The enormous alien holy tree in the sacred Vonwacq forest meticulously records the changes of the ecosystem over countless life cycles, continuously nurturing the ideal "Devil" using the genes of various life forms as seeds.

"Cut this hard fruit open, scoop out the seed from its flesh, and plant it in sacred soil. You'll harvest dozens of leaders in the following year. Just wait for them to decide a winner via a battle royale!"

Alien Tree Seed is a 2-star Trace Material and Light Cone Ascension Material.

Sold By[]

Embers Exchange×2 per Undying Embers×1220MonthlyUnlocks at Trailblaze Level 20

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Alien Tree Seed for ascension.

2 Light Cones use Alien Tree Seed for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

2 Characters use Alien Tree Seed for their Traces:

FireGallagher Gallagher
FireLingsha Lingsha

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAlien Tree Seed
Korean이계 나무의 씨앗
SpanishSemilla del árbol extraño
FrenchGraine de l'arbre extraterrestre
RussianСемя диковинного древа
ThaiAlien Tree Seed
VietnameseHạt Giống Kỳ Lạ
GermanSamen des fremden Baumes
IndonesianAlien Tree Seed
PortugueseSemente da Árvore Alienígena

Change History[]

