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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki


The Interastral Tournament Festival is officially underway! Aetherium Wars Players from across the universe of will gather together to compete in the Aether Spirit battles to vie for the title of champion...

List of Sub-Missions[]

Main Missions[]

  1. Let's Go! Aetherium Wars!
  2. Embark! Corridor of Fading Echoes!
  3. Onward! Cloudford!
  4. Battle of Wits! Herta Space Station!
  5. Clash! Great Mine!
  6. Final Showdown! Intergalactic Celebration!

Hyperlink Matches[]


Let's Go! Aetherium Wars!

Mission Let's Go! Aetherium Wars!Icon Adventure Mission Small BlackLet's Go! Aetherium Wars!

Following the resolution of the Jarilo debt crisis, a game called Aetherium Wars has become a sensation in the Belobog game market.
Upon Wilder's recommendation, you and March 7th experienced your first Aether Spirit duel, determined to achieve the championship.

Embark! Corridor of Fading Echoes!

Mission Embark! Corridor of Fading Echoes! StelleIcon Adventure Mission Small BlackEmbark! Corridor of Fading Echoes!

To qualify for the championship, you must complete all the Victory Zone trials.
You have cleared the Victory Zone in the Corridor of Fading Echoes and obtained the Mastery Marks from Serval and Pela.

Onward! Cloudford!

Mission Onward! Cloudford!Icon Adventure Mission Small BlackOnward! Cloudford!

To qualify for the championship, you must complete all the Victory Zone trials.
You have cleared the Victory Zone in Cloudford and obtained the Mastery Mark from Master Gongshu.

Battle of Wits! Herta Space Station!

Mission Battle of Wits! Herta Space Station! StelleIcon Adventure Mission Small BlackBattle of Wits! Herta Space Station!

To qualify for the championship, you must complete all the Victory Zone trials.
You have cleared the Victory Zone in Herta Space Station and obtained the Mastery Mark from Herta.

Clash! Great Mine!

Mission Clash! Great Mine! StelleIcon Adventure Mission Small BlackClash! Great Mine!

To qualify for the championship, you must complete all the Victory Zone trials.
You have cleared the Victory Zone in the Great Mine and obtained the Mastery Mark from Giovanni.

Final Showdown! Intergalactic Celebration!

Mission Final Showdown! Intergalactic Celebration! StelleIcon Adventure Mission Small BlackFinal Showdown! Intergalactic Celebration!

The audience's enthusiasm reaches its peak — the sky resounds and the ground trembles. You step onto the stage, starting your ultimate battle for the championship.
After defeating all other opponents, you face off against the "mysterious player" at Everwinter Hill.
In the end, you emerge as the champion, conquering the game once and for all.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishInterastral Tournament Festival
Korean스타피스 결승 축제
SpanishFestival del Torneo Interastral
FrenchFestival du tournoi interastral
RussianМежзвёздный фестиваль-турнир
VietnameseLễ Hội Giải Đấu Liên Vũ Trụ
GermanInterastrales Turnierfestival
IndonesianFestival Turnamen Interastral
PortugueseFestival do Torneio Interastral

Change History[]
