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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A Vidyadhara Youth's Notes is a readable found aboard The Xianzhou Luofu.



Teacher says, if people don't remember where they come from, then they'll be similarly confused about which direction they should go.

School's out, so I've come to the Scalegorge Waterscape to find out about the history of us Vidyadharas.

In our textbooks, we come out of a primordial ocean just like this one — but far vaster than the tiny reaches of these Lunarescent Depths. There is an ocean as far as the eye can see — covering up the entire planetary surface.

Our ancestors lived a carefree life together in the Roiling Deep there with countless other living things.

Back then, we could still use the power gifted to us by our dragon ancestor, Long. As the prime species among those sea creatures in the Roiling Deep, everything was within our control. If a fish species was too bony, we'd remove the bones from inside their body. If a sea beast was too small, we'd fatten it up and make it proliferate. If a seaweed was too bitter, we'd sweeten it until it was delicious.

Teacher says that back then, we could use our powers derived from Long to change the form of any creature, as easily as children playing with modeling clay. Our ancestors could modify fish into a thick mountain of meat, gouging meat from this hill whenever they wanted a bite to eat. Back then, crabs could have thousands of legs, each leg filled with delicious crab meat.

I wish that we could go back to those days, but teacher says that we'll never be able to go back.

One day, when we could no longer control the powers of our dragon ancestor, all of the creatures in the entire ocean became our enemies. The fish were toxic, the sea beasts hostile, and even the seaweed could prey upon us. Later on, even the microscopic creatures in the Roiling Deep became dangerous. They multiplied until the oceans were no longer fit for our survival.

Even later on, we became a member of the Xianzhou Alliance. Life is good aboard the Xianzhou, but the freedom of the ocean is something we will never recover.

But teacher also says that people should live with the future in mind, and we shouldn't suffocate ourselves with nostalgia. So I believe that even though we'll never be able to go back to our ocean home, so long as I can qualify into adulthood, then I will definitely build a more beautiful future than the past.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishA Vidyadhara Youth's Notes
Korean비디아다라 소년의 노트
SpanishNotas de un joven vidyadhara
FrenchNotes d'un jeune vidyadharien
RussianЗаписки юного видьядхара
Thaiบันทึกของ Vidyadhara วัยหนุ่ม
VietnameseBút Ký Của Một Thiếu Niên Vidyadhara Nào Đó
GermanNotizen eines jungen Vidyadhara
IndonesianCatatan Seorang Pemuda Vidyadhara
PortugueseAnotações de Um Jovem Vidyadhara

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