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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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A Misfortune of Survivors is the third part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn. It automatically begins after completing The Departed Will Return First.


  1. Talk with Screwllum
  2. Speak to the others to find out what is going on
  3. Find a "Tingyun" that is easy to communicate with
  4. Search in the vicinity for clues related to Tingyun
  5. You must go on, and there's no time to waste
  6. Listen to what they are saying
  7. Read the report on the table
  8. Follow where the sound is coming from
  9. Talk with the lady in front of you

Gameplay Notes[]

  • When entering battle from Fugue's perspective, Ruan Mei will immediately break the Weakness of all enemies on the field.


Talk with Screwllum[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Mission Description

At the same time, two other mature adults are having a calm discussion... They understand everything that has unfolded, except a single "extremely bustling" anomaly.
Screwllum: Isn't it fascinating how variables never fail to find their way into the lives of organic lifeforms?
Himeko: Neither did I expect to see you here in Penacony, Mr. Screwllum. I had assumed the Genius Society wasn't invited to the festivities.
Screwllum: I have no interest in the Harmony's celebration, so it's only natural for me to turn down the invitation. But it looks like my decision also cost me the front-row seat to all of your exciting adventures. Conclusion: There is likewise a downside to pursuing reason.
Himeko: I'm sure if all of you geniuses showed up to the Charmony Festival, things would've been very much different.
Screwllum: Mm, I hear that the Astral Express has established a collaboration with the Garden of Recollection for your next destination?
Himeko: They did suggest a destination, but that was all. Did you hear this from Madam Herta?
Himeko: It's a world beyond the knowledge of the Nameless, after all. I wrote to her hoping that the all-encompassing Erudition could provide us with some information.
Screwllum: Could there be more to it?
Himeko: Yes, there is something else. Miss Black Swan said Amphoreus is a world influenced by three Paths, and the Erudition is one such Path.
Screwllum: Logic: The average Pathstrider wouldn't leave any trace behind in the Garden of Recollection's mirror.
Himeko: You're right, so this has to be related to the Emanators, or perhaps even the Aeons. That's why I wanted to know if the geniuses had any clue about it.
Screwllum: It's a pity we do not communicate much within the society, not to mention we've lost most of our members to the Lord of Silence. I have never heard of Amphoreus, however.
Himeko: Madam Herta said the same, but it did pique her interest, and she agreed to do a little digging. My guess is that there's a chance the Garden of Recollection is behind it. She's always had a keen interest in the Remembrance's technology, after all.
Himeko: It's also thanks to her that we got to make Miss Ruan Mei's acquaintance a while back. We even went into the Calenga Abyss to bring a Leviathan's carcass back for our new friend. Speaking of her...
Himeko: This is far too much an understatement, but none of us ever expected to see an old friend at Miss Ruan Mei's.
Screwllum: That foxian girl has indeed been through an unimaginable turn of events. I suppose that's the fate you organic lifeforms are bound by.
Himeko: Yeah, a bond that truly runs deep.
Screwllum: So, is it out of goodwill that the Astral Express volunteered to send her back home?
Himeko: Would the Nameless see a point in keeping work and favors apart?
Himeko: It's her request. She hopes to make a brief stop somewhere to reframe her mindset before returning to the Xianzhou... considering her unique position with the Alliance.
Screwllum: Looks like this is one exceptional passenger. Don't you have to accompany her then, Miss Himeko?
Himeko: My companions are with her. They know Miss Tingyun better anyway. Plus, those youngsters will definitely do a better job than me when it comes to vacations.
Himeko: They're probably... having a wonderful time now.

Speak to the others to find out what is going on[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Mission Description

As the saying goes: Sow your Tingyun in spring for a healthy harvest in fall... That saying doesn't really seem to apply here, and there is more than one puzzle to be solved. How did "Tingyun" become "Tingyuns" and how did they traverse from death back to reality?
Speak to the others and find out what exactly is going on here.
Welt: So, is anyone going to tell me what's going on?
Welt: March?
March 7th: Oh, uh... About that... Why don't you ask (Trailblazer) instead! (He/She) knows how to present things logically!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Apparently, there are many Tingyuns here with us.
March 7th: Bah, you don't have to tell him that! He can see for himself!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm gonna have to break that stereotype you have of me.
March 7th: Not now, of all times!
March 7th: Forget it. I'll tell you... We walked around with Miss Tingyun for a while after separating from the rest, but then we ran into something... weird.
Welt: Did something happen in the Dreamscape?
March 7th: Actually it's more like it was someone's fault... We met a Pepeshi filming a try-not-to-laugh challenge, and he gave us some of his candy. A type of candy that's supposed to make you fall over laughing.
Wonweek: Oh, so that sort of try-not-to-laugh challenge.
March 7th: I didn't really wanna do it, but (he/she) insisted on us giving it a shot. That's how we got into this problem.
Welt: What happened?
Icon Dialogue Arrow We failed the challenge. Terribly.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I still wanted more candies.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Behold, the laughing maniac: March 7th!
March 7th: Oh, come on—stop interrupting. So, we had some candy and were so happy we rolled around on the ground for a bit before standing up... But once we did, we realized Miss Tingyun...
March 7th: Miss Tingyun ate the candy too, but she only sneezed non-stop! A-choo, a-choo! Sneeze after sneeze! And before we knew it, she multiplied into several Tingyuns right in front of us!
Welt: ...What's your take on this?
Sunday: The Dreamscape is a memoria world. It is likely the candy triggered her hypersensitive mind, causing scattered memory fragments to dissociate and become entities themselves.
Sunday: There is no cause for concern. We've experienced similar incidents from time to time in the sweet dream.
March 7th: Mr. Yang, who's this?
Welt: It's okay, you can reveal yourself now.
Sunday: I was only being careful, or we would've been stopped by the Bloodhounds more than once on our way here.
Sunday: Help me remove my disguise, Wonweek.

Sunday: It's been a while, everyone.
March 7th: Y—You...! What's going on!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yeah, what's going on!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Mr. Yang! Have you turned on us!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Am I still dreaming...?
Welt: Everyone stay calm... I'll explain.
Welt fills them in on what he's been through...
Welt: I believe that at this point, Sunday has no reason to be dishonest. But to prevent any unforeseen complications, I'll be accompanying him everywhere he goes, until he leaves Penacony.
Welt: Mr. Wonweek here is an old acquaintance of Sunday's.
Wonweek: Pleased to meet you, fair lady. And you, of course... you're the heavyweight who pummeled this control freak?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm not one to boast about past feats.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He was a worthy opponent.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Nah, it was a team effort.
March 7th: The surprises just keep pouring in... First, there was Miss Acheron, and then Miss Tingyun. Why does it seem like Mr. Yang always comes back with some extraordinary guests?
Welt: Ahem, let's leave this discussion for later. For now, we should be focusing on returning Miss Tingyun to her normal self.
March 7th: That's... not gonna be easy. You'll see what I mean, Mr. Yang. These Tingyuns aren't exactly easy to communicate with.

Find a "Tingyun" that is easy to communicate with[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

So much for a "try not to laugh" challenge... Turns out people can really get stomach cramp from laughing.
Try and find a "Miss Tingyun" that is easy to communicate with, so you can solve this anomaly.
(Approach Tingyun (?))
Tingyun (?): Miss March 7th! Have you taken the time to consider my suggestion?
March 7th: Your suggestion? Wait, which Miss Tingyun are you again...?
Visionary Tingyun: It's me! I'm the one who wants every Tingyun to come together to form the Tingyun Merchant Guild!
Visionary Tingyun: How often do you get the chance to work with yourself? Just imagine how in sync we'll be with one another... We're bound to thrive and prosper!
Visionary Tingyun: I know we can't leave the Dreamscape to trade with the outside worlds, so that's where you come in, Miss March 7th! Your wits surpass many others, making you the perfect person to handle liaison negotiations on our behalf!
March 7th: Ahaha, I guess I can consider it... I hope everything goes smoothly for your guild!
March 7th: There. Now do you see what I mean, Mr. Yang?
Welt: There does appear to be an element of her talking to herself.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I want to clone copies of myself, too.
March 7th: Forget about it, how are you gonna clone your bat?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hah, Miss Tingyun's got a sense of humor these days.
March 7th: Hey! You'd better not be referring to the part about my wits surpassing many others!
Sunday: Mr. Yang mentioned the Express' next voyage is to send a passenger back home. Could this lady be from the Xianzhou Alliance?
Welt: Yes, more specifically the Xianzhou Luofu.
Sunday: The Luofu? Didn't the Antimatter Legion launch an ambush on the Luofu some time ago? Was she one of the few survivors?
Welt: Quite the contrary. She might've been the person closest to the eye of the storm.
Sunday: Looks like there's a lot more to this story.
Welt: A story for another time. As host of the Dreamscape, do you have any suggestions for fixing this problem?
Sunday: I don't have much to go on now. Perhaps we should talk to the other Miss Tingyuns here.
(Talk to Visionary Tingyun again, optional)
Visionary Tingyun: Oh, you're here again! So, what's your decision?
March 7th: Uhh... I'm still deliberating. I—I'm so highly sought after that it's only right I give it careful consideration.
Visionary Tingyun: Aha—! I knew it, I always have an eye for talented people. No problem, take your time.

(Idle chat)
The business model is quite interesting...
Perhaps a merchant guild representative can be found upon returning to the Xianzhou?

(Approach Flower Enthusiast Tingyun)
Flower Enthusiast Tingyun: That sounds nice. People never forget a personally prepared home-cooked meal.
Flower Enthusiast Tingyun: But then again, gifts should be lasting. What about a delightful new bouquet of flowers on the table each day? Wouldn't they do a better job at brightening up someone's day?
Silver-tongued Tingyun: Hmm, that sounds like a good idea.
Foodie Tingyun: If we really want to do this right though, it's the thought behind the gift that truly matters. The more thought goes into the gift, the better the recipient feels it.
Silver-tongued Tingyun: Oh, she makes a valid point, too.
March 7th: You sure have a way of not offending anyone...
Welt: These three Tingyun's don't look like they'll be reaching a conclusion anytime soon. We won't be able to get a word in.
Wonweek: So, what do you think, Sunny?
Sunday: ...
Sunday: Let's try a different name, my dear friend.
Wonweek: Don't we sound chummier that way? I took a leaf out of this foxian girl's book.
Sunday: The problem with Miss Tingyun is just as I suspected before. That prank shattered her into notes that are each a part of her.
Sunday: In other words, it means the Tingyuns we see here are all different aspects of her psyche.
March 7th: Okaaay, you just made it sound a whole lot more complicated...
Sunday: At any rate, this is a known occurrence across the Dreamscape. Tuning could be the way to fix it.
Sunday: The only problem is that these Miss Tingyuns are too caught up in their own world. Is there one we can properly speak with?
March 7th: One that we can speak with...? Oh, I think there is one!
March 7th: But... It may take me a while to identify her.
(Talk to Tingyun again, optional)
March 7th: Tsk, looks like they still haven't decided on anything yet...
Wonweek: Well, if you ask me... Take the people pleaser out of the picture, and they'll arrive at a conclusion in no time at all.
March 7th: You're hoping for them to get into a fight, aren't you?
(Talk to Sleepwalking Tingyun)
Sleepwalking Tingyun: Nngh... Tsk... Phew... I'm... walking on the street...? What a weird dream...
March 7th: This Miss Tingyun looks like she's sleepwalking. Nope, not her.

(Idle chat)
Didn't even truly realize that one was here...
If you have been refined since birth, perhaps you could...
(Talk to Invincible Fan Wielder Tingyun)
Invincible Fan Wielder Tingyun: ...?
March 7th: Yikes, she's scary! No, I won't be able to talk to her...

(Idle chat)
Did I really make this stall?
Who can I sell this too [sic]?
Take this apart piece by piece...
Why do you have such a fondness for this, benefactor...?
I still don't understand...
Aside from the fact that the general might like it...
Placing this on the Xianzhou won't net any sales...
But somewhere else...
They say this item can peer into dreams...
Not sure if I have the right person or not?

(Talk to Money-grubber Tingyun)
Money-grubber Tingyun: Ooh? Heh heh heh...
She seems completely oblivious to everything else, and is just standing there, continuously operating the Cash-Spewer, occasionally letting out an excited laugh.
March 7th: Why do I feel like it's not gonna be a wise move to interrupt her...?
(Talk to Kiddy Tingyun)
Kiddy Tingyun: You... can't fly? Why?
Kiddy Tingyun: I can, I can fly! A long, long time ago, a big girl flew with me really high into the sky!
Kiddy Tingyun: I'll take you next time. Pinky promise?
March 7th: Uh... Should we get someone to watch over her?
Wonweek: Nah, I think she's perfectly fine on her own. The childlike innocence that adults have is a lot more resilient that you can imagine!
March 7th: Even if that's true, it doesn't apply to her!

Search in the vicinity for clues related to Tingyun[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

So much for a "try not to laugh" challenge... Turns out people can really split themselves from laughing.
To solve this anomaly at hand, go chat with these Tingyuns nearby. Maybe one of them will be easy to talk to?
(After talking to all the other Tingyuns or stumbling upon Tingyun (?))
Tingyun (?): Oh, were you all looking for me?
(Talk to Tingyun (?))
Tingyun (?): Oh, were you all looking for me?
March 7th: Found her! If I remember correctly, this Miss Tingyun's trait is...
Somewhat Normal Tingyun: It's nothing special really.
Icon Dialogue Arrow There she is.
Icon Dialogue Arrow So this is also a side of Miss Tingyun.
March 7th: She ought to meet your "one we can properly speak with" requirement, right?
Sunday: Worth a try.
Sunday: My lady, if I may, I wish to perform a tuning on you.
March 7th: Before you start, you should know we're keeping our eyes on you. If you even think about taking Miss Tingyun hostage—
Icon Dialogue Arrow Brace yourself for gravitational disintegration.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Know that there are four pairs of eyes between the three of us.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Remember, we're the most formidable people in all of Penacony.
Sunday: It is not my intention to provoke you. Perhaps as assurance, we can have my friend here perform the task in my stead. Wonweek has a higher mastery of the Harmony than I do.
Wonweek: That is true.
Sunday: If you still have concerns, you are also free to restrain me while he performs the tuning.
March 7th: Um, there's no need for that. You're acting so sincere. I'm actually surprised.
Welt: Are you alright with this, Miss Tingyun?
Somewhat Normal Tingyun: I go as the wind blows, so you may decide for me.
Sunday: Then kindly forgive our intrusion. Please do your best, Wonweek.

(The power of Harmony distorts the screen)
Tingyun: Ah...
Wonweek: ...
???: Hee-hee...
(The Harmony's distortions disappear)
Wonweek: What the...
Wonweek: Did any of you hear a voice just now?
Sunday: A voice?
Wonweek: Never mind...
March 7th: Ah, look! It's working!

(Cutscene plays)
Tingyun: Never did I expect that every encounter with you would always be in moments of distress.
Tingyun: Did I conduct myself improperly?

March 7th: Miss Tingyun, you're finally back!
March 7th: You may be small, but you're pretty amazing!
March 7th: Huh? What's wrong?
Wonweek: Oof...
Wonweek: It's nothing. Just a trivial matter...
Sunday: What do you sense?
Wonweek: I should have let you handle it yourself. This girl is not as ordinary as she appears...
Wonweek: I nearly died... just now...
Darkness descends before the eyes, reminiscent of the chaos before the birth of the universe. Amidst this chaos, a voice emerged, resonating like that of the creator...
(Unlock Achievement Please Don't Call Her Big Sister)

You must go on, and there's no time to waste[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

What is this place? ...Whose body is this? Should you power on ahead in uncertainty, or turn back to find out where you came from?
UI Location Icon Gritty Lab Installation(?)
"Don't be afraid."
???: What... is this place?
"No matter what you see, you only need to remember one thing."
"You're not alone."
???: Who... are you?
???: And... who am I?
???: Is that... where I came from?
???: And where does this path lead?
(Attempt to walk towards the Voidrangers, optional)
???: This path is so dark, yet it's strange, the farther I walk... the more at peace I feel...
(Attempt to reach the end of the corridor)
(Immediately get teleported back to the starting position)
???: ...?
???: Could it be that... this isn't the first time?
(Approach the white silhouette)
???: That... looks so familiar.
???: Does she want to lead me somewhere...?

Listen to what they are saying[]

(Approach the unfamiliar researcher)
Unfamiliar Mechanic: The life support pod is ready. There were only minor issues.
Unfamiliar Researcher: That's great. Otherwise, that person from the Xianzhou might not be able to hold on much longer.
Unfamiliar Mechanic: You're still trying? There's no precedent for saving someone who was destroyed by a Lord Ravager. Will it even work?
Unfamiliar Researcher: I'm not a genius, so I don't understand the logic behind it, but if she says it's possible, then it must be.
???: Excuse me, could you tell me where I am?
???: ...
???: ...Can they not hear me?

Read the report on the table[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

It seems they do not notice you... Or could it be that you are a ghost? If so, who killed you?
Look around for clues about you.
UI Location Icon Gritty Lab Installation(?)
(Investigate the marked location)
???: This girl is...

(Quick read)
Observation Log: Day 6
Though extremely rare, the observed subject has started to provide short answers for some simple questions, even though her cognition is still in a chaotic state.
From what has been observed so far, she is not incapable of composing long and complex sentences. However... An unbearably intense pain would immediately attack her with high frequency, enough to interrupt her thoughts or even render her temporarily unconscious.
The relevant information should be delivered to Madam Ruan Mei, for her to decide whether the observed subject's senses should be temporarily numbed before conducting a questioning.
Correction: We have temporarily blocked the subject's various senses and are trying as much as we can to alleviate their pain. No further questioning will be made until the body's repair has made some progress.

Until then, this is a record of the questions that the observed subject has already answered:

No. 1 What is your name?
The subject replied within three seconds: "Tingyun."

No. 2 What did you encounter?
The observed subject spent a substantial period of time in rumination before suffering from intense pain and losing their consciousness.
After being questioned four times, it can be confirmed that the observed subject knows about the related details, but struggles to elucidate that knowledge during the limited periods of coherence.

???: "Tingyun"... What a familiar name. Do I know her?

Follow where the sound is coming from[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

The person in these records... could this be you? Tingyun... That name doesn't sound familiar. Ah... You can hear her voice in the distance again. Could this be some kind of friendly call?
UI Location Icon Gritty Lab Installation(?)
"Don't question it. Keep moving forward."
???: It's you again. Who's talking to me?
(Approach the marked location)
???: These are...
"These are wounds left by the Destruction. They have taken root within your body and cannot be removed."
???: The Destruction? I don't understand...
???: Please, who are you? And why won't you show yourself?
"I can't go to you. All I can do is wait for you to finish walking this path."
???: You want me to go through here? Do I have to... fight it?
"There's no need for that. It's too dangerous, and you can't do it anyway."
"Don't fight it, embrace it. Try to coexist with it. Think of it as feeling your own scars."
???: My scars?
???: ...Wait!?

(Enter battle)
Wave 1:
Wave 2:
Wave 3:
(At the start of battle)
???: Is this called... coexisting?
"Don't worry. As I said before, you're not alone."

Talk with the lady in front of you[]

(After winning the battle)
???: How can it be... Why are there still so many of them?
???: The ones from before weren't defeated either?
"As I said before, you can't defeat them. No one can."
"You can fall into the darkness and die alongside these scars of the Destruction."
"Or bring them with you when you return to the world here. These are your two choices."
???: Return to the world? What are you saying...?
???: Aah... No wonder those two ignored me.
???: Am I just a wandering spirit now?
"Close, but not quite."
???: So, I'm trapped between life and death, existing in a limbo?
"You can think of it that way."
???: ...Based on what you said, even if I should wake up, these wounds that caused my death will remain on my body and never heal?
???: I don't understand. You appear to be trying to save me, benefactor, but why are you telling me all this?
"It's a habit of mine. I believe everyone should have the right to choose whether they wish to return to this world or not."
???: Be that as it may, I don't remember anything. There's nothing to help me make a choice.
"That doesn't matter. I believe the desire to live was born from nothing to begin with."
???: ...
"You may also prove yourself to be the exception. I would also be pleased with that result."
???: ...How troublesome, but I suppose that's part of living.
"Survival or Destruction is no longer a choice for you. They both now grow along the same path."
"And only by walking this path—"
"Will you break through the darkness and arrive at my side."
Trailblaze Mission A Misfortune of Survivors
Tingyun: ...
Ruan Mei: Feeling more awake?
Ruan Mei: Congratulations. You attained your very first victory in this tug of war. It's a good start.
Tingyun: I... This is...
Ruan Mei: Let me explain.
Ruan Mei: You were attacked by a Lord Ravager. By all rights, you should not have survived.
Ruan Mei: But someone didn't agree with that assessment, and it just so happens I was able to fulfill his request.
Tingyun: What about the other merchants?
Ruan Mei: I don't know.
Tingyun: ...
Tingyun: Why me...?
Ruan Mei: Because you were the most unfortunate. You fell into the hands of that Lord RavagerPhantylia who destroyed your body and spirit.
Ruan Mei: Yet you were also the most fortunate. Her desire to claim everything about you for herself meant she needed time, so you were spared instant annihilation.
Ruan Mei: There is only a fine line between resurrection and escaping death, yet they couldn't be more different. If you had truly died, I would have been powerless to do anything for you.
Tingyun: ...
Tingyun: My body... feels strange...
Ruan Mei: I'm sorry. I can't let you regain your ability to feel just yet. You'd be in excruciating pain.
Ruan Mei: Your body was contaminated by the Destruction and suffered severe damage. As I said before, these wounds will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Ruan Mei: To prevent its resurgence, I made some minor modifications to your body — or more specifically, your tail.
Ruan Mei: You'll have to learn to adapt to it. Unfortunately, the inescapable price of survival is often more adversity.
Tingyun: ...Regardless, I'm grateful to you for saving my life.
Ruan Mei: There's no need for that. This was merely a transaction.
Ruan Mei: With this, the debt between the traveling merchant and me is clear.
Tingyun: Who?
Ruan Mei: Don't worry about it. You should sleep for a little longer. By the time you wake up, you won't remember any of these details.
Ruan Mei: I'll arrange for someone to send you home... which reminds me, you seem to have some dependable friends with close ties to you.
Ruan Mei: You should go with them. It can only help with your recovery to hear more about your past.
At this point, past events revealed by the tuning recede to the darkness once more...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishA Misfortune of Survivors
Korean불행이라 불리는 생존자
SpanishLa mala suerte de quienes sobreviven
FrenchLe prix de la survie
RussianНесчастные выжившие
VietnameseBất Hạnh Của Người Sống Sót
GermanDas Unglück der Überlebenden
IndonesianKemalangan Penyintas
PortugueseUm Infortúnio dos Sobreviventes

Change History[]

