A Metaphor of Caves is an Achievement in the category Fathom the Unfathomable.
To unlock this achievement, complete 15 new Hexanexus challenges that are spawned after completing Hasta la vista, Hexanexus!, thus totaling up to 30 completions.
Gameplay Notes[]
- As of Version 1.0, there is a bug that makes you unable to do the new 15 challenges if you solve the puzzle before talking to the NPC.
- The name of this achievement is possibly a reference to Plato's Cave, an allegory to compare "the effect of education and the lack of it on our nature".[verification needed]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | A Metaphor of Caves |
Chinese (Simplified) | 洞穴之喻 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 洞穴之喻 |
Japanese | 洞窟の比喩 |
Korean | 동굴의 비유 |
Spanish | La metáfora de la caverna |
French | L'allégorie de la caverne |
Russian | Миф о пещере |
Thai | อุปมาของอุโมงค์ |
Vietnamese | Lời Ví Von Hang Động |
German | Allegorie der Höhle |
Indonesian | Metafora Gua |
Portuguese | Uma Metáfora das Cavernas |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0