"At this moment, a cup of nectar blends with a goblet of poison, intoxicating this era together and poisoning the future with the past."
A Glass of the Besotted Era is a 4-star Character Ascension Material. It is used to ascend characters of the Wind type.
Ascension Usage[]
1 Character uses A Glass of the Besotted Era for ascension:
No Light Cones use A Glass of the Besotted Era for ascension.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | A Glass of the Besotted Era |
Chinese (Simplified) | 一杯酩酊的时代 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 一杯酩酊的時代 |
Japanese | 酩酊する時代の一杯 |
Korean | 만취의 시대 한잔 |
Spanish | Copa de la era embriagada |
French | Verre des années folles |
Russian | Бокал пьяных времён |
Thai | A Glass of the Besotted Era |
Vietnamese | Một Ly Thời Đại Say Mèm |
German | Ein Glas einer berauschten Ära |
Indonesian | A Glass of the Besotted Era |
Portuguese | Um Copo da Era da Inebriação |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.5