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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A Dash of Color is an Occurrence in the Divergent Universe.

Possible Outcomes[]

First ChoiceResult
Pale gold.Obtain 200 Cosmic Fragments.
Blood red.Obtain 2 random Curio(s) of 1- to 2-star rarity.
Dark gray.Obtain 2 random Blessing(s) of 1- to 2-star rarity.


Simulated Universe: You enter the dimly lit archives as the records around you emit an atmosphere of decay. In the center of the platform, you see a painter busy mixing colors on their palette.
Simulated Universe: "I am a nameless scholar of the Candelagraphos, and you have no reason to recall who I am."
Simulated Universe: He answers your question before you even have time to ask and traces a few gentle strokes onto the canvas to outline your figure. "History must be traced via painting before they are completedly eroded away."
Simulated Universe: The artist sighs as they bite their brush, seemingly unsure of how to round off their work. "For the final touch, Nameless, what color is history to you?"
Icon Dialogue Star Pale gold. — Obtain 200 Cosmic Fragments.
(Obtain Cosmic Fragment Cosmic Fragment ×200)
Simulated Universe: "Though the IPC has played an important role for over a thousand Amber Eras, in my eyes, they are no more than a blemish on this painting." The painter loosed a mocking scoff.
Icon Dialogue Star Blood red. — Obtain 2 random Curio(s) of 1- to 2-star rarity.
(Obtain 2 random Curios of 1- to 2-star rarity)
Simulated Universe: "There is no land that is not stained with the colors of death and blood. Though the Interstellar Energy War and the Emperor's War were waged almost simultaneously, the blood on the hands of the Emperor is nowhere near as bright and radiant as that on the hands of organic beings." The painter slowly lifted their hand to add bright scarlet to their work.
Icon Dialogue Star Dark gray. — Obtain 2 random Blessing(s) of 1- to 2-star rarity.
(Obtain 2 random Blessings of 1- to 2-star rarity)
Simulated Universe: "There are always those who will try to interpret the properties of time. History Fictionologists attempt to fabricate a past for Rubert, but such struggles are meaningless in the face of time itself." The pressure of the artist's brush grows almost heavy enough to pierce the canvas.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishA Dash of Color
SpanishUna pizca de color
FrenchUne touche de couleur
RussianВсплеск цвета
VietnameseVệt Màu
GermanEin Hauch von Farbe
IndonesianSecercah Warna
PortugueseUma Pitada de Cor

Change History[]

